Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Care for episiotomy?

The pain is awful. I also had my vaginal septum removed, so it's even more stitches. I've been using the dermoplast, don't like the cold pads, using the witch hazel pads, ibuprofen, and cream. The episiotomy is hole to hole. Any advice for the pain or going to the bathroom?


Postpartum Hair Loss

I am 4 month PP, started shedding at 3 month, it’s getting out of control, hair everywhere in the house, the worst is after washing my hair. I was expecting this coming but it’s a lot worse than I thought. I think I have lost 50% of my volume so far, how much longer it will last? Anybody experiencing it too? Advice?


Postpartum hair loss

I’m 3 months postpartum and have started shedding. Any tips and tricks for this or is this something I just have to ride out? What was your experience?


Share your best postpartum hair loss products/treatments/remedies below please 🙏

My hair is so dry and falling out by the chunks!


Endo laparoscopopy

I am due to have a laparoscopy in the next few months as my pain has got a lot worse, on my last MRI they said it looks like the cysts have grown. I am nervous as it’s my first surgery, has anyone had this done and what was recovery like? Did it help the pain, did it also help with TTC? Any advice would be great.


motherhood is making me miserable

I literally never thought I could say something like this and mean it. not just some passing thought. but truly. i’ve had two babies back to back with only a 6 month break, and no pregnant again. my oldest is almost two with possible autism spectrum disorder, and major tantrums with aggression, sleeplessness, defian...


Baby balding

Hi, I understand some babies loose hair at the back of their head after they are born due to it friction where they lay down but I’ve noticed my baby losing it round the hairline as you can see top photo is before bottom photo is today. But I’ve never heard of it round the front before it’s like she’s receding. Hav...


How many people still find their partner attractive after having children?

I just don’t feel the urge anymore I have a little one 6 month pp and wonder if this is normal?


Hair loss

Is anyone else finding their hair EVERYWHERE? Worried I’m not going to have any left on my head! When does it stop falling out?!


Fed up

I'm genuinely fed of everyday looking the exact same. The same conversations with my partner, the same conversations with my 8 month old, the same chores, the same mess, the same everything. I don't know how to get out of this flump. It's killing me and I'm getting more and more days where I don't want to mum. Don't...



I think overstimulated that I cannot hear my infant cry, nor I can’t stand my toddler to be crying at the moment like I just wanna run away and cry myself. I’m sick and I feel like I haven’t even had time to take any medicine and my partner doesn’t even help me.


Tender stomach

Has one else experienced lower stomach pain post c section? I had baby a month ago and am back to normal the Scar doesn't hurt n is all healed up but any pressure on lower stomach is so sensitive and tender I literally feel bruised. I can't remember experiencing this issue after first c section by this point I was t...


Relationship since having a child

I had my lovely little boy 4 months ago and he’s mine and my partners first child together. Since he’s been born, our relationship has just become terrible. It started off with my partner just completely stopping affection and any sort of emotional intimacy. He said it was because he was just so obsessed with our bo...


Need to vent

I know there are several posts like this but I really need to get something off my chest…. I have people who don’t realize how weak and tired this pregnancy has made me and they expect me to be at the same level I was before pregnancy… I’m like guys I can barely get through a 6 hour shift at my job without feeling...


Vent vent vent

So much has happened over the course of my baby’s life. And he’s only 17 months I need to vent and find a little bit of comfort.


Pregnancy & postpartum has completely changed how I view my husband - not in a good way. Need advice. Long read.

I’ll start from the beginning. During pregnancy, I was extremely ill with HG for the first 4-5 months. I was bed ridden for a lot of the time and felt like a zombie. During this time it was really hard for my partner to understand how ill I actually was and what I was experiencing. He often made comments about how I...


Would it be selfish get a loan to have a better post-partum experience?

My family and I just moved back to our hometown and we've had to start over in every way, we are slowly adjusting and we are expecting a baby soon, it's my second one and probably the last one, im running out of my personal savings and will rely on my so for support, ive been contemplating the idea of taking out a l...



I’m 37+6 weeks, my mum passed away suddenly yesterday morning (10/01) there was no warning or any signs she was unwell. I’m due to give birth to my little girl in the next couple of weeks and I’ve never felt more frightened not having her by my side through labour and just life in general. This was her first grandch...


no one takes my PPA seriously

I’ve told my OB and my son’s pediatrician and my own psychiatrist about it. They don’t take it seriously. I was on anxiety medication (Klonopin) for ten years before I was pregnant, stopped bc I was pregnant and went without it. No withdrawals or anything. And im still not on it. Nothing else works for anxiety. They...



I know this may not be the place to rant to or whatever but mom guilt is eating me alive tonight. Me and my husband got into a bad physical arguement today in front of our 1 year old. Everything was fine after. I just feel like the worst terrible mother ever and maybe I was meant to be a mother somebody plz help…


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