Community Posts, Tips & Support on Fertility Treatments

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.


Anybody have success on the first round of IUI? Please comment your experience if so!


Subcutaneous Vs. Intramuscular Shots

So far in my IVF journey, I’ve only had to do subcutaneous injections. I’m scared to do the intramuscular shots, but it is on the horizon now that I’m getting into a transfer cycle. For those that have done both, honestly, how much worse is the intramuscular shots versus subcutaneous as far as pain and such. Pleas...


Honest Opinions Ladies

We’ve been trying for a baby the last 3 years and I’ve lost 7 babies! We’re planning to have a wedding this year! I have lost both of my tubes so now we have to go through ivf! We want our baby but also want a wedding! I am so torn between which one should come first! I definitely have a few more years before I turn...


Line eyes?

Got my IUD out a few weeks ago as we were ready to try for #2. Doc told me it could take up to 3 months for my body to regulate again so it may not happen immediately. Am I hallucinating or do you see what I see?


IVF - Travelling Abroad

Probably a long shot but anybody here have experience with NewLife IVF clinic in Greece? Looking at travelling abroad for IVF as it is literally half the price than here in Canada (and that’s including flights and accommodation!)


Bourn Hall Cambridge?

Hey everyone, Has anyone had any experience with this clinic for IVF? I’m contemplating using them next year, I’ll be 35 and my diagnosis is unexplained infertility. I’ve been through their website with a fine tooth comb but was hoping to hear of some real life experiences!



Anyone’s husband/partner get a vasectomy?? How long after having kids did they get it and what was their recovery period? Asking because I’m currently pregnant with my second due in January and my husband has agreed to get a vasectomy since we both decided we don’t want any more kids. But we’re wondering how long t...


Babies after ivf

My little girl was IVF and we would love a second but just can’t afford to pay for ivf again (we only got one round) Anyone had success after ivf ?


Spotting after a IUI insemination?

Has this happened to anyone ?


Medicated FET

If you had a medicated FET and they gave you a tentative date for transfer, did it end up being that day for you or did it change at all? I’m curious if it’s pretty much set in stone or if it could be later depending on ovulation.


Coil experiences

Looking for advice on people’s experience with having the coil? The good, the bad and the in between please. I am currently on the depo injection but I can’t cope anymore with how it makes me feel


Worried about falling pregnant but not planned…

So I am planning on changing contraception, I missed my appointment because I was poorly with the sickness bug and forgot to cancel it, so they have rearranged my for the 23rd of December, however my depo injection runs out today. I am wondering how long after it runs out is it still actually in your system? We aren...


Did anyone take a long break from IVF?

I’m not ready to give up completely, but I don’t want this to my life anymore. I recently had my 3rd FET fail. I’ve been on the IVF train for 2.5 years. In the past 12 months I’ve had 3 egg retrievals, 3 failed embryo transfers, 3 hospitalisations for IVF complications including severe OHSS, a pierced bladder and a...


Day 3 to Day 5 failure

Hi everyone, We’ve just had our first cycle of ivf with create in Manchester. We retrieved 15 eggs, 12 were mature, 11 were fertilised. On Day 3, we had 7 top quality embryos (8-10 cells), 2 average and 2 below average. Obviously we were over the moon and so positive. On Day 5 they rang to say none had reached blas...



Wanted to share our story as we can't shout it from the roof tops yet! We'd been trying for over 2 years and IVF was recommended to us as the last resort. We had hoops to jump through to get Military funding- not the easiest thing to get, but we got it. So then it was time for us to wait for my next cycle to start s...


To tell employer or not?

I am about to start my first cycle of IVF in the next month or so and am really struggling with whether I tell my employer or not. My manager (who is very senior in the business) is good manager and I am sure it would be received well. My hesitation comes from not wanting everyone to know my business, to put it c...



Hi everyone Just posting as I feel so alone. Really struggling today. Low AMH but been trying conceive naturally before starting IVF (if they allow us to proceed). I’ve woken up with really bad period pains and just feel very emotional and on the verge of tears. It hasn’t helped that a friend has got pregnant withi...


Age 39+ and positive IVF outcomes?

Hey all! My embryologist told me the other day that if you are age 38 and under your embryos are all likely to be normal, but age over 38 they are likely to be abnormal, and thats worried me! Please could you let me know any positive stories to ease my mind? Caz xx


Any other IVF mom-to-be’s or Moms out there?

How far along are you? When did you get any symptoms and what were they?



Girls that have a implant ,,, so I had my implant in for 9 months now but worried if I end up you know what il end up pregnant again as I’ve seen some story’s about it failing lol 😂 I’ve not had a cycle for about 3 months now is this normal first time having the Implant after having my 3rd baby


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