Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
I felt like my body was doing pretty decent and I haven’t been to miserable. But literally the last 2 days everything has like hit at once and I am beyond miserable now. My feet are swollen and hurt to walk on, hips hurt, tons of pressure, arms and hands have bad tingling, belly cramps, bad back pain, like I am fall...
Has anyone’s baby had one? If they’ve had one - are they often prone for more? Thank you.
I am thinking about having a natural birth for my second pregnancy instead of a planned c-section ( i was given the ok for whichever i choose) . It will be a new experience and i have an unreasonable fear of the unknown, i like to know every single detail about what will happen, one of the things i worry about is ge...
Last name is Barnes
Due my second boy in April. First is Theo (Theodore) but mainly called Theo. I liked Noah, partner doesn’t. I also like Arlo. Any suggestions please ?!
Meet baby Theo He decided that he’d had enough and came 07 Feb his due date being 07 March Preeclampsia got the better of us so he’s a whole month early but thriving and a healthy 6lbs 13oz xx 36 weeks on the dot, didn’t even get my birth plan appointment and had an emergency c section which was definitely not fun...
1st baby needing help on what to pack 😅
It’s currently 2:46am and I’ve not slept a wink and have to get up at 5am 😫. Is anyone else struggling with insomnia? Currently 31+5 and my sleep is so hit and miss, tonight is apparently a miss. I’ve tried all my hypnobirthing tracks and technique but nothing! So just a post to say if anyone else is wide awake…
Babies couldn’t wait and decided to come 36+6 emergency c section!
Feel like I got robbed out of having a little baby 😂 my guy is on the 94th percentile, over 9kg (20lbs) and measuring that of a 10 + month baby @ 5 months old LMAO.. he was measuring that of a 8-9 month old @ 4 months old. He’s cute and chubby but like WHAT 🫠 he’s in size 1 clothing.. I don’t get to have a lil…
Hi! I wanted to share this helped me a little bit today. I’ve been having all day nausea more than my first pregnancy and my mom gave me liquid IV which I finally tried today and it settled my stomach. I don’t know if I was dehydrated - I probably was. Sharing in case it helps anyone. I also drank a GatorLyte. I’ll ...
I’m 15 weeks and had an argument with my husband, I got emotional and had a mild panic attack. I took a shower to calm down and after the show I threw up (I’ve never thrown up this far in this pregnancy so this was the first time). Now I have intense cramps on my lower left side all the way through to my back and do...
Does this look like it could be the start of labour? Been having contractions for about the last hour, some of them pretty painful
I rang over 2 hours ago and they said they’d ring me back and I’ve heard nothing? My boy is 15 months so not sure if he’s priority or not. How long are they usually?? Fed up of waiting now.
I’m 5 weeks and 4 days. I went pee this afternoon and wiped and there was light pink blood. Since then nothing. I have a little cramping but nothing out of the ordinary. Is this a miscarriage? Of course I’ll be calling the dr tomorrow
13 week scan
My baby was born two weeks over her due date weighing 9.7lbs. She didn’t lose any weight after birth then got weighed at 4 weeks and is now a massive 12lbs. Midwife has told me this is ok however this is the same person who told me my baby was a regular size throughout my pregnancy but turned out to be a 95th percen...
I seen someone do this so now I’m doing it :)
Hi all, 28 weeks pregnant and just wondering when should I pack the hospital bag? X
Due date was 3rd March but our beautiful Jessica was born on 19th February (38+2) weighing 7lbs3oz ❤️