Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Hi, I had the pessary put in yesterday morning and it has done virtually nothing. I’ve now got to wait 12 hours for a second pessary - has this been successful for anyone? Feeling really deflated especially when I’m so overdue!
It’s so lovely seeing all your babies coming into the world and I can’t wait to meet mine but I’m struggling to figure out what contractions will feel like. First baby and all. Anyone who’s gone through the experience recently or has given birth before can you please try your best to explain what it feels like and ...
Hi everyone, I have a short cervix, which is being monitored and hopefully will hold out for the duration of my pregnancy. I’m curious—how many weeks and days did you give birth? The reason I ask is that I need to have worked for a full year to qualify for maternity pay, but my due date is just two days short of ...
What can cause having a small baby?
Obviously meaning someone you have a child with but you're not with them
To anyone whose march baby arrived early, how did labour start? I woke up this morning at 3:30am with the most intense back pain I’ve ever had, legs like jelly and pain radiating down my hips to my knees, belly tightening and easing and pain relief and a hot bath has done nothing. So unsure if this is the start or n...
No sign of baby and likely be sent home if there is no sign of infection. I lost so much amniotic fluid when my waters initially broke. They said I may go up-to 37 weeks if I don’t go into Labour earlier, has anyone else had this issue?
Has anyone been admitted into the RD&E before babies arrival (potentially looking at 37 weeks for me) what was the ward like, was it mum only? Do they let you go out for walks around the hospital? Are you allowed out of the hospital at all briefly if you stay local? Grateful for advice!
When was everyone allowed to drive post c section? Did you have to wait the full 6 weeks? If not did you have to get signed off to confirm fit? (UK based please)
Okay yall, tonight might be the night. I’m scared lol To those who have give birth already, did yall lose mucus plug a few days before delivery
I’m overdue and i feel so disconnected to my baby. My body is failing to do what it’s supposed to and now i’m terrified it’s going to end up in an emergency C section which is my biggest fear. My baby is measuring 97% percentile. I’m spending my days just crying and depressed. Dreading baby being here because of h...
How long did everyone wait before getting pregnant after c section? We are right at a year and I feel I’m ready to try again but not sure if I need to give my body more time to heal.
It seems like most people go into labor at night, I’m just curious what percentages
Hello mamas! I currently live in Philadelphia and I had my baby a little over a month ago. I was told in the hospital that it would probably take a month to get his birth certificate. His social arrived but I’m starting to get worried 😅
Currently 32 weeks and desperate for a vbac but they want to induce at 37/8 weeks and I don’t think I’ll go into labour before then💔
Did anyone get pregnant around 6 months after C section with their second baby and did you have a VBAC or know anyone to did? Looking for some hope here as I really went through it and hope I can deliver vaginally… anonymous as I don’t wanna be judged… even doctor said “that was fast” 🫣
I had a C-section on the 25th and still haven’t gone for poo since! Has anyone else had the same? They didn’t prescribe me laxatives so will try and get some from the pharmacy tomorrow? 🤷🏼♀️
Can anyone share their stories about being induced for their first pregnancy at 39 weeks and their experience. New studies have come out saying the placenta starts aging at 39 weeks so it’s the optimal time to get induced for better health in mother and child
The title says it all... Does it actually work? Has it worked for any of y'all? I am due 3/3 and my husband and I have been having sex what seems like every day for the past two weeks. I am over it and it isn't even that enjoyable or fun anymore. I'll get contractions after I finish and they just stop. I am starti...
I’m 5 weeks post c-section on Sunday, how are we all shaving around the scar 😂 I’m so scared that I’m going to catch it!