Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I am being induced in 2 weeks at 37 weeks pregnant. My previous baby was spontaneous labour and I’ve no idea what to expect this time round. If you were induced, what was your experience?
So I had my first prenatal appointment today & they said since in my first pregnancy I had shoulder dystocia & the chance of developing preeclampsia again, there might be a chance for me to have a C-section. When I heard this I wanted to cry bc I’m so scared of c sections especially after the stories I hear about th...
Hello! I'm wondering if you're able to share your experiences of having a C section at Queens hospital. What should I expect on the day, during the procedure and after? What was the care like? Any tips? Thank you!
Hey just to give anyone the heads up if you have a c section so you don’t have to feel the pain I did 😂 I went to get my dressing removed on day 5 after a c section and I was told to keep my dressing bone dry when leaving the hospital I was also told at the pre op appointment to not shave down stairs at all. Long…
Hi all! I get induced on Monday at 38 weeks because baby has gone from 13th to 6th percentile! For those who have had inductions before, is there anything extra I should take to the hospital with me given it could be a lengthy process 😊
What is it like to have a C-section and I don’t mean afterwards I mean the actual C-section and having baby handed to you all of the stuff! I have had two babies vaginally so this will be my first C-section and I am absolutely terrified.
I have really bad anxiety about bad hospitals and need help finding a good one that will put my mind to ease that I’m in safe hands 🫶
Hi guys! First time mum to be 🤰🏼 I’m looking for advise really on c-sections. I would like to know the positives and negatives if anyone is happy to share x
Does anyone have any recommendations, to help relieve pelvic girdle pain. I googled but there’s soo many out there and it really hurts.
I’m having really bad shortness of breath as my c section approaches. I’m so scared, I think I’m going to have giant panics when the day comes. I’m so scared something bad will happen 🥺 what should I do/think? Is this normal?
Been feeling more pressure and nippy down there when moving around mostly when walking. Is this par for the course for the next few weeks or a sign that labour could be on its way in the next few days? I’m 37wks
Has anyone had experience of a maternity debrief at Colchester hospital? How did you organise it and was it a phone call or in person? Thanks!
Any tips for minimizing the appearance of a c section overhang? I’m almost 8 months pp and had an emergency c section- due to baby girl’s positioning my scar is lower on one side then the other and the overhang is way worse on the lower side. 🙃 Feeling lopsided and not loving the poofiness above my scar. Any…
Currently 36 weeks with a toddler and wow this has been a ride! 😴
Anyone had a long induction and then emergency c section and then got pregnant again? How did you decide on either planned c section or vbac? Were you worried vbac would end in another emergency c section? I'm assuming planned c section recovery would be better than failed induction and emergency c section recovery?...
I’ve been booked in for induction next week (getting the balloon) and I’m feeling a bit anxious. Could anyone who has had it tell me if it is painful or just uncomfortable? Is there anything you wish you knew before getting it done?
Guys I need some advice/help! I am currently 27+5 weeks pregnant with Di/di twins, last week I lost a little bit of my mucus plug wasn’t to worried I lost some of it when I was pregnant with my first daughter! But yesterday my bump dropped massively like even my partner was like oh Christ you’ve dropped😂 and now…
Wondered if anyone had experienced leaking a gush of fluid (no smell/blood) around 5 weeks? I called the EPU and they said they can’t be sure, so to contact my gp (which really surprised me tbh). I had a mc last year at 12 weeks and remember it started similarly so I’m really panicked now. Just wondered if anyone ha...
Heyy ladies!! I’ve noticed one of my breasts has leaked a little clear fluid. Has anyone else experienced this yet?
Hi guys I am 33+5 today, when I went for a wee I had to wipe 3 times and this was on the tissue (this was the 3rd wipe) could it be my mucus plug or just discharge! If it is my plug what do I do?? I’m a first time mum 🥺