Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Hi, I’ve recently started doing lunch for my son but we have been at home most of the time so I’ve done the spaghetti bolognaise pouches and others. However, I’m struggling on ideas for him for lunches if we are out when his due. He doesn’t have any teeth yet so not sure if he will manage with sandwiches, but he is ...
Hi, I’m a FTM and my baby is 6 months (7 months in weeks, sorry I never know what to go by😂). We started with dinner but never went down well so now moved to do breakfast and lunch. He loves breakfast but lunches can be hard just like dinner was. He will take a few spoonfuls fine but then spits it out but if it’s…
Hey! LONG POST ALERT! Been a while since I posted in here! Just wondered does everyone have a baby gate up now? Where have you got it? Someone’s given me one but I’m unsure whether to put it at top of the stairs or bottom 😆 I know it sounds daft, but in the living room I’ve got a door so can close it so he…
Our son has become extremely fussy with food. We have struggled since weaning, he struggled with lumps and then we had a phase where he was trying and eating most. Around a year ago he became a lot more fussy the last 6/7 months this has become worse. No butter on anything, no milk on cereal, no sauces on anything, ...
My 3 year old will not eat! I have tried for almost 2 years now to get my daughter to eat better! We have tried new food, old food, try to get a safe food but nothing is safe! There’s no food that she prefers over others, she will only eat a chocolate toasting waffle (untoasted) for breakfast but will only have a bi...
Does anyone else still spoon feed their toddler when they ask? I do it because i know she can do it on her own, she's just being a lazybones and it makes dinner time easier😅
Can anyone give me other ideas on what to put in my daughter lunch box please for school My daughter has a chocolate spread sandwich along with a mixture of the items below I went shopping today and got the pineapple and strawberry bites she also has a small pot of fruit which will have grapes and blueberries I wa...
Anybody else have a picky eater? My son eats oatmeal or pancakes w eggs for breakfast but will eat only mac & cheese for lunch AND dinner .. I’ve tried other things & he’s so picky . I know they say at this age it doesn’t matter as long as they eat he’s (2 1/2). He likes mcdonald’s happy meal but that’s very occasio...
My baby just turned 8 months and she has 3 meals a day. I try and cook homemade food for her but she just hates it. She is pouch fed and I'm starting to feel really bad about it when I see so many babies eating home cooked or BLW. I've tried BLW and she just gags and is sick everywhere because she eats puree food. S...
Can anyone suggest any lunch ideas for my little one, she’s still on pureed food because I’m paranoid but has finger food snacks etc rice cakes/ melty sticks but I’m stuck on what to do for lunches🤍
Hi all, How is weaning going for everyone? How much/what are you offering your baby? My LO has been ill so weaning hasn’t been structured and don’t know if am doing it right?! Are you offering puree or BLW? If BLW is your baby interested? I feel currently my baby just wants me to feed him puree, not really show...
Hey guys we’ve had a super busy day and I don’t have time to make anything exciting for dinner! We have an Ella’s kitchen spag Bol pouch we had for emergencies and I wanted to use it to make something more filling and nutritious for my son. Any suggestions? I’ve got some tortilla wraps, rice, pasta, and plenty of ve...
So im trying to branch out with the weaning process and get baby to eat food i eat. Im making a spag bol tonight but using a dolmio sauce but it has orange sugar and salt sign on it. Is that okay to use? Or do i need to get into the habit of maiing my own sauces n stuff?
I know many have asked previously but please could some of you share your healthy snacks your toddler eats. My little girl is eating me out of house and home and I’m running out of ideas on what to give her for a snack. She eats most foods and always likes trying new things. She will usually have things like, yogu...
Ok yall. My baby never gets full I feel like. I wanna start cereal/rice at 3 months. Opinions?
I waited to start solid foods till 6 months. Now he is 7 months but gagging on every thing 😢 I tried blw and purées but nothing worked. When he gagged I’m getting really anxious. I know gagging and choking is not the same thing but really getting nervous 😔Till know we tried; avocados, banana, strawberry, yogurt,…
my baby turns 6 months next week and we are also flying out the same week, do I need to take any kind of solids or snacks for her? not sure what to take as she’s been having purées so far
I absolutely have hated weaning and dread dinner time I’m not the the best cook so I’ve struggled now I think I’ve created a fussy eater and worrying he isn’t getting enough goodness! He literally likes the 3 same meals 😔 pizza wrap, chicken nuggets and microwaved mac n cheese. I tried him with spaghetti bolognaise…
Is anyone else's babies not self feeding? My son is showing no interest in doing it himself and I'm worried when he starts nursery at 10 months, they are going to judge me for it
When do you plan to introduce a taste of chocolate? My mum has been suggesting I'm cruel (jokingly so) if I don't let LO have a taste over Easter but when I've had a quick search on this app it almost seems taboo to even think about giving a child chocolate until they're at least 2 years old? Obviously theres no nu...