Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I know babies differ in how much they eat but for those with hungry babies how much are they eating? Can you send pics for reference so I can see please lol! My boy is 10mo and I know probably waking in the night because he’s cutting 5 teeth and just learnt to crawl so developmental (normally a good sleeper). But h...
Made these for the first time for my 14 month old. Had to cut them up into small pieces because she doesn't know what to do with the big pieces lol it's interesting because she loves when I make her turkey meatballs. And she'll hold a meatball and munch on it until it's gone. But not these.
My baby is about to be 5 months old, she’s been eating baby oatmeal and rice with breast milk once a day to learn how to eat and such, and we’re about ready for purées!! What colors did your pediatrician tell you to start with?? With my first he said orange but for my second he’s says my yellow??
Hi mums, my toddler just finished his first week at nursery, and I’m feeling a bit unsure about how things are going. I haven’t received much info on how he’s settling in, and I thought there would be more updates, especially in the first week. I’m also unclear about how they’re handling his meals—I mentioned he nee...
We are about to drop my little girls morning milk and replace it with an earlier breakfast any ideas on breakfasts that fill them up as she will be dropping a milk? She has porridge with fruit in everyday but I feel like if we just increase the portion she will get bored halfway and not finish it
I don’t know what to do my 8 month old just cries when I put food in front of her she’s not a big milk drinker she does eat some foods not much but loves yoghurt I’m at my whits end 🙃
Is there a guide to how much food or how many meals your little one needs to have each day based on age? I’ve got the Ella’s kitchen book so plan to follow the tiny tastes guide for the first two weeks which is trying a new veg a day but after that and 7m+ I’m not sure how many meals a day my baby will need alongsid...
My 21 month old twins don’t quite know how to feed themselves yet. Most of it ends up on the floor🥹 do t j owing in doing anything wrong! I feed them most of the time to avoid all the mess!
I know you shouldn’t let baby digest food at this age but all the other moms have been telling me it’s a good time to let baby try some food. I also read that this is a good time to try foods that most people have allergens to because there’s a boost in their immune system 4-6m ? Baby is also showing signs that she’...
Did you eat salmon sushi during pregnancy and are you ok and your baby healthy? I am pregnant and there is some people that says it is ok if you trust the place, other that says is a no-no
I’ve seen a lot of people posting about starting solid foods for their little ones. My pediatrician recommended the solid starts app and it is AMAZING! You can search like chicken and it will show you how to serve it for a 6 month old, 9 month old, and 12+ months and also tell you if it is something they shouldn’t h...
Hello, My litte one is almost 5 months so we will start weaning soon. Could anyone recommend me an app? I would like to know which food to prepare first, how to make handmade purees for him, etc. Tia xx
After a slow start to weaning my baby has started munching on some finger food (different veggies, toast etc) but he won't let me spoon feed him at all, won't pick up the spoon to feed himself and also won't stick his hand in a bowl then his mouth either. I know he'll get there with this so that's fine but I'm run...
I have been invited to a meal out and im nervous taking my 10 week old. It will be in the evening so I'm not sure how his temperament will be. Is this to soon? How have you dealt with taking a very young baby to a busy restaurant?
I got these teething wafers and sticks but those are snacks. I’m trynna figure it out for actual fulfilling meals.
Hi mamas! My baby is 5 months, we’ve been given the all clear at 4 months but I personally didn’t think she was ready. Now at 5 months she appears ready, reaching for our food and watches us eat and she sits up very well. While I do intend on doing BLW, I want to start her off with cereal and then graduate to BLW a...
just wondering if i steam/puree (for eg a sweet potato) how long can i keep it in the fridge for my baby? or should i just freeze it?
My almost 1 Yr old is so bad with feeding (solids). He has about 8 teeth, 4 on the bottom, 4 on the top, but he can't really chew as he doesn't have any back teeth yet. Anything I seem to give him he doesn't want, and it's been this way for several months. I've become to get very stressed and dread mealtimes. I know...
So we are weaning and have been for about a month now.. I know yoh should do the one good ever two days and then change! But I’m finding it hard to know when to progress. Baby is having like three “meals” three ice cubes each time of either fruit or veg. Also just tried mince. But I feel like when do you do more and...
Okay so we aren't going like the BLW whole chunks of food right now. I learned with my first child with a tongue tie that they can gag a lot easier and when this happened with my first he would throw up and then he'd resent that food. So we just do a slow start with only soft foods, pureed foods, or mashed foods. Si...