Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Has anyone paid to get their child to have MMR as separate injections? Instead of having the MMR jab. if so where in London ?
My baby had his immunisation at 8w, 12w and 16w (I believe). I wasn’t educated at that time and I regret it so much now I would love him to be fully unvaccinated. He’s now 13 months and I haven’t noticed anything different on him I don’t think it caused any delay or issue. Those were the only vaccines he received ...
Hey , I went to the doctors on the 17th of December and my baby had blood in her poop and her doctor said that is a diary allergy. Had this happen to anyone else?
Hello loves, My baby hasn’t passed since Monday, she does normally struggle to go since she had her 1st lot of jabs. Shes 4 months old. We’ve given her laxatives yesterday and still nothing. Any tips to help her go? How long should I leave her until going back to the doctors.
Can’t seem to put baby down for 5 mins. Partner and I take in turns to eat evening meal.
Has anyone’s October baby been exposed to chicken pox, my friend thinks her 6 year old is getting them but he has been around my baby recently and now I’m worried cause my LO is only 10 weeks 🥺
Hello. My baby is almost 6months old and he does the stinkiest farts ever! 😅 Tbh he has always been like this, a bit more recently but I am starting to wonder if I should get him checked?! Has anyone else noticed the same?
Can someone explain why my 2 months old baby is now going longer without eating ? It has been now 6 hours since her last feed. I know as they grow it will be longer in between feeds but she is still on 4 ounces so I’m wondering?
Hi! My 3 month old hasn't pooed in over 8 days. I'm mostly breastfeeding with some formula top ups. When she passes wind it has been pretty smelly. Is this a) sign she is constipated? She used to every 2 to 3 days when I was mostly formula feeding but the last 2 weeks my supply seems to have increased and I've bee...
My LO is 5 months old and loves bath time however constantly tries to chew on the sponge…. Anyone else’s LO do this?
Online says they should transition to a regular bath at 6-12 months but surely toys are just going to float away and it's a waste of water
When did you have a bubble bath after having an episiotomy? My stitches have now dissolved and my bleeding has tapered off to only needing a panty liner, I'm 2 weeks pp. Im absolutely desperate for a nice bubble bath and wondered if it's now safe to do so?
Hiya, my baby (6 weeks old) has Been constipated for 3 days she finally passed a stool today but it was tiny and solid and almost like a nugget. Is this normal?
So, I gave my nearly 5 month old a bath last night, like we do every night. The only difference is that I got in the bath with her, I picked her up a couple of times. She kept getting water and bubble bath bubbles in her ears and then she put her soapy hand in her mouth only for a second because I got it away quite ...
My baby’s just gone 8 month and from birth he had reflux but I stopped gaviscon when I started weaning, ( advised by gp) as they said he will grow out of it when introducing food, although I’ve noticed he’s started vomiting hell of a lot more! He used to have 8oz bottles and I’m not on 6oz becuase he just can’t kee...
My baby has his first jabs this morning☹️He's 8 weeks old, does anybody have any advice for how to keep him as comfortable and temp free as possible? Thank you x
Sick of fhis 😔 My 2nd baby has reflux and was prescribed gaviscon Unfortunately this has resulted in her becoming constipated. So I had a wobble and took her off it. She is currently 4 weeks old and now when sleeping she grunts,b tenses and is congested when lying flat. I was thinking ot just giving when she is…
Anyone else having more diarrhea than solid poops? I can’t figure it out. Now we are having the most blow outs I’ve ever experienced too!! I’ve tried switching diaper brands and nothing. He’s in size 5 he’s 25-26 pounds and I don’t think size 6 is the answer. Help! Signed - a very POOPED out mommy 🤣
My lg was 5 weeks when she suddenly went from 5-6 poos a day to suddenly not pooing. GP prescribed lactulose and after 5 days (2 days of the lactulose) she did a sludgy poo. Then nothing again for another 4.5 days before another sludgy poo (that was today, she is 6 weeks old now) She was mostly on breastmilk until 2...
I’m so worried about my LO first jab’s tomorrow morning do I give calpol before or after ?? What reactions should I look out for?