Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Really challenging behaviour from my little boy. Constant screaming meltdowns from the top of his lungs. Screaming because he doesn’t want to go out then screaming because he then doesn’t want to come home. It’s got to the point where I’m dependant on other people for getting out of the house with him because it’s s...
My 1 year old is FERAL 😵💫 anyone else’s little darling turned 1 and become an absolute terror? I don’t know why they call it the terrible 2s, because it’s definitely started at 1 in this household. The tantrums when he can’t master something straight away or if I dare tell him no are something else. And…
My little one is 13 months, he is constantly on the go I mean constantly, there is no chill 😅 he isn’t walking just yet but is so busy, into everything crawling everywhere so fast, into plugs, the dog bowls, anything he shouldn’t have, I say no but he doesn’t get it, move him away goes back again. Even bed times…
By talking I mean saying words with intent, not babbling
My 19 month old says only 6 words but understands around 30 and babbles all day long. Would you seek advice from a professional?
My little one seems to be covered in bruises on her knees/legs from crawling. Anyone else's baby have bruises from crawling? I feel so bad for her but she crawls soo fast sometimes
How long was it hard for before things improved? Really want to start this with my 2 year old, he’s lovely and smart and tantrums aren’t a massive issue but he’s had chicken pox and much more tv than usual and now seeing more tantrums when I tell him no to any screens. I don’t necessarily want to cut it out entire...
My son passed his hearing test. He has startled at things at home like if something fell and made a noise but today he didn’t startle to the vacuum. Do you think that means he might be deaf?
My baby is happy. He sleeps through the night but when he’s upset, he’ll grab his ears or pull on his ears and scream like he’s in pain. Most of the time he’s calm but he gets these moments where he’s flipping out and covers his ears. He doesn’t have a temp and again he’s happy most of the time. Does anyone else’s b...
Anyone else’s 3 month old gone from being really happy to really grumpy and just cries? He’s struggled with feeding anyway so that always results in screaming but he’s gone from smiley and happy to constantly being grouchy and moaning or crying. Not sure how much longer I can take the crying all the time.
So does anybody else get cat called, beeped, whistled, jeered at, heckled (you get the picture) when you’re just out walking your child in the pram? I thought all of that was in the past when immature men liked to get the attention of lone females, but it’s making me so uncomfortable and intimidated to go out walki...
Any tips? She just screams the whole way any time we go anywhere
Had our 15 month checkup with the HV today and she made me feel like absolute shit that our baby isn’t saying any words really. I just think he’ll get there in his own time! Seeking reassurance that we aren’t the only babies not talking yet 😩
My baby is 4 months and half and he’s been making yelling and screeching sound for the past two weeks …. Anyone experiencing this?
Heya So I kno they don't diagnose autism until a child is over 3 but what are the signs of it in toddlers? As I'm concerned my boy is showing signs of it. His HV is aware but hasn't done anything moving forward so maybe I'm over seeing things He has alot of sensory issues likes putting things in his mouth hates th...
Should I be concerned my 13 week old little girl doesn't really reach out to grab things in front of her yet? It's like she just doesn't think to grab it. If I put something in her hand she will hold it. She smiles and is getting physically stronger but other than that what else should she be doing at this age? Firs...
My LO walks flat footed but randomly he will walk on his tippy toes. Is this normal? In shoes he walks normally as well.
Is anyone else’s toddler being extremely whingey and emotional and difficult? It’s like she’s been possessed by a horrible demon!! Lasted two weeks so far, also crying when I put her down for a nap or bedtime (never done it before and was sleeping over 2 hours at nap) Please tell me it’s going to get better?!!!
My son is 3 years old .. he will be 4 in January. He has a speech delay and we are currently waiting for his therapy sessions. In the meantime do y’all have any tips or suggestions I can considerate while we wait?
Does anyone else have a baby who is absolutely determined to do everything, but all they're capable of doing is rolling around? My little girl keeps getting incredibly frustrated because she can't crawl yet, or sit herself up, or pull herself to a standing position. She ends up getting really frustrated and having...