Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
So sometimes my stepson accidentally hurts his younger brother (my bio child) who is 10 months old. He just hit him on the head with something and no one told him off, I picked my son up cause he was crying and now he has went off in a mood and won't speak to anyone. This usually happens, why is he doing it?
Morning all 👋 So, my LB is now 15 months, and he isn't walking yet! He pulls himself up on everything, and can walk along furniture, but he isn't walking and I don't think will be anytime soon! I know all babies develop at different times etc, but people are constantly commenting on it and when we went for his…
Have/did you noticed your son met milestones slower than your daughter? Maybe it’s a boy thing or just being the second born?
I remember it with my son and can’t remember how long it lasts 😩😩
I’m really starting to get a bit stressed. My baby is 8 months on the 10th. She doesn’t really seem to be anything that she should at this age. She rolled one way for a week and has stopped, she can’t sit up unsupported, she can’t crawl or even get into the position, she’s not babbling… am i being overly worried or ...
Is anyone's babies starting to crawl at 4 months? Mine is trying his hardest to but keeps rolling over😂any tips to teach him to? Please let me know as he is nearly 5 months. Thankyou x
Is anyone else's 16 month old hitting? I try to say say gentle hands, show him gentle strokes but he just looks at me then hits. He gets loads of attention and his needs are met. He has had an on and off cold for the last month and a half 😩 I've tried firm's nos and walking away then coming back explaining its not…
Anybody else feel like there little one screams/ yells because they can't fully talk yet and get frustrated.My daughter always yells and screams at certain things. She does say words but always goes back to yelling.
Has anyone else’s little one starting moving around the next to me/ Moses basket. Obviously I put him feet at the bottom of the bed but he has now started either moving round, up or even to the side where he squishes his face in the mesh!
My frustration is reaching it's boiling point. My babygirl turned 1 this month and flipped a switch! She is frankly miserable! No one can do anything right. She's crying/screaming to be held, then she's wriggling out of your arms. But the ground is lava. She only wants Mama, but then doesn't want me to hold her. She...
And why do time outs, redirection and “talking it out” not work??
Hi all Is there anyone else's baby not yet canonically babbling? He makes lots of vowel sounds - ahh's, eh's, oh's and lots of sounds but isn't putting any consonants together like dadada bababa mamama - and he's 1 in 2 weeks So hard not to worry He's doing great with physical things He: Crawls Cruises the...
I get so frustrated and feel like I can’t do any activities with my son since he just puts everything in his mouth. I try to set up crayons and paper, he just puts the crayons in his mouth (and chews on them) then rips up the paper and tries to eat it. Playdoh - straight in the mouth, most small toys, legos, puzzle ...
Hello! Does anyone have any tips for managing the guilt of not being able to tend to both babies at the same time when they are screaming? Mine are so good and only really cry during nappy changes and if they're hungry but I feel so guilty every time I am feeding both and pausing to burp on then the other etc, they...
does anyone else’s baby cross their legs when trying to crawl!? do i need to be concerned
I’ve been watching a lot of videos lately saying if your 2 year old can say the alphabet and colors and read words given it’s unheard of and I’m just confused My son will be 2 February 9th and he knows his alphabet, colors, numbers and reading words given
My baby definitely isn’t deaf but he doesn’t respond to when I call him or try to get his attention. Sometimes I feel he can hear me but too busy looking around etc - anyone else?
Has anyone ever had a 2 1/2 year old who only says a few words and for the most part doesn’t talk?
Hi! Anyone else’s baby constantly have split big toenails? Like not from top to bottom more like diagonal across the corners? She gets them like at least once a fortnight just worrying she might be lacking something in her diet or if it’s just normal!
My upstairs neighbors are very loud. And it sounds like they put their toddler in her room and then she bangs on the door so loud until the dad comes in screaming at her and spanks her and then she’s screaming. This has happened a few times in the last few months. Also they have their toddler up until 11pm every nig...