Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Weaning Blues

My 19 month old refuses to wean. she literally pitches an entire fit (throwing her head back, will even hit me sometimes when I say no) I've tried going away for a few days or finding something to substitute that will soothe her but I'm struggling. Any suggestions are welcome


Only likes Mummy & Daddy 🙈

Anyone else’s Aug baby going through a phase where they only like Mummy and Daddy? Any other relatives/friends/even strangers saying hello he will have this look of unsureness or concern and then cry asif he’s abit spooked 🥺


Alphabet interest

Anyone else's kid obsessed with the alphabet? Today my son was bringing me little pieces of yarn and wanting me to make specific letters out of them. But when we got to C he got upset and kept saying "no U! No U!" Because it looks like a U sideways. 😂


My boy is biting other kids

My boy 2.5years is biting other kids ands it’s awfully bad any advice how to stop. I have no idea what causes it but I think it’s generally when he doesn’t get what he wants or doesn’t want to share something.


Is this Normal?

My social feeds have been flooded with mummas self diagnosing their babies with Autism when they’re only infants, and they’ve said hand twirling is a sign. I thought this was completely normal, but now i’m not so sure (the anxious mum in me). Anyone elses bubbas do this? He does this alot!


Webbed toes

Anonymous for my baby’s privacy. She is 11 weeks and I’m just noticing she Has webbed toes. I noticed they looked funny before and took a closer look today. Obviously the dr is closed. Dr Google says it can be inherited. No one in our immediate families has them. Unknown causes or a whole list of genetic disor...


Babbling regression while learning to crawl

My son who just turned 8 months on the 24th is so close to crawling, he is scooting, sun dialing and picking him self up on all 4s but hasn’t figured out how to put all of it together yet. Anyways he was complex babbling, but the past 2 ish weeks it’s been more so coing, raspberries, screams, and simple vowel sounds...



Hi ladiess, my little boy is 4 months old, can everyone share their routines for their little ones around the same age? Looking at starting to get him into a routine now x



Has anyone used this with there 12month old


My 3 month old is showing signs of stranger danger

hi, first time mom here. My son is 3 months old and tends to be a very happy baby. He does have some issues such as reflux and colic which at the beginning as a new born caused him to be in my arms 24/7. Even with that yes he hates to be put down he always wants to be held and seems to be fine being held by anyone ...


Toddler keeps hurting himself

Please tell me I am not a terrible mother I just have a really active toddler that likes to jump and run of everything. Today he managed to hit himself on a Lego piece (fell and Lego was on the floor so just landed straight on it) and then as he borrowed my Stanley cup he dropped it on his toe.


Angry child

Anyone else’s baby just grunting and growling all the time in anger? She’s got some serious anger at the minute! I don’t know what’s changed? but she is pretty full on with it!


Robot sounds

My 8.5 month makes robots sounds to the point people are looking back at me lool! She doesn’t babble she just makes robot sounds or screams 😭 anyone else’s child does this


Constant Tantrums

At the moment my 19 month old seems to be having constant tantrums. Nothing seems to settle him or make him happy and we are struggling! Today he has done nothing but whinge all day. We've done everything and he still seems to be miserable, even though there is nothing obvious wrong (no illness or teething etc.). ...


Only using M and B sounds

Hi! Very anxious FTM here.Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat! My little boy is almost 14 months old. He chats CONSTANTLY but only saying mamama or bababa (occasionally babbles with wawawa). I'm just worried that he can really only use those 2/3 syllables? He uses mama in reference to me too by pointin...


Anyone’s almost 2 year old

Speaking clear words???? He says all the things but nothing is clear. Outside of mama dada - everything else has its little twist. Like car is “cah” and outside is “owsiii” our dog Dude is “doooo” and so on and so on


16 month old temper tantrum

Hey girlies. So my little one turned 16 months old this month. And he recently just started to throwing tantrums and screaming on top of his lungs where he is coughing on his own. I have enter the demonic stage of toddlerhood. He was fine last month and being a calm boy. But man he is really being fussy lately. I ha...


Baby stopped cooing.. now groans all the time! Any one else?

My little one has just turned 5 months. She was full of little coos and enjoyed "conversations" when she was smaller, but over the last month she's swapped this out for a constant groaning/humming noise. She occasionally shrieks, less often we get a giggle but it always goes back to the dreaded groan... Am I being ...


Mums of tall babies

My girl has always been very tall - currently 74cm at 7.5 months and she is also slim. Could mums of tall babies share their experience with sitting and crawling? My daughter is not sitting unsupported yet (she can manage a few seconds here and there) and is not interested in crawling either. Could she be a little ...


Advice please

So sometimes my stepson accidentally hurts his younger brother (my bio child) who is 10 months old. He just hit him on the head with something and no one told him off, I picked my son up cause he was crying and now he has went off in a mood and won't speak to anyone. This usually happens, why is he doing it?


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