Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Advice-Diaper Changes

Does anyone else’s baby scream during diaper changes no matter what? I’ve tried everything—music, shushing, dim and bright lighting, a wipe warmer, changing with my husband, using a rattle for distraction, and even making the changing area warmer—but nothing seems to help. Has anyone found anything that works?


Hand flapping

Isit normal for my baby to flap her hands when she gets excited specially bubbles?


Toddler hitting and biting

My son turned 2 three weeks ago, his hitting and biting is out of control. It’s all day everyday. He goes to nursery twice a week and is an Angel but at home he’s a menace! I’m struggling!


Is anyone else's little one not walking yet?

My little one still isn't walking unsupported. She walks on her knees and is really fast which is why I think she's not bothered too much about walking on her actual feet. She'll also walk about quite quickly with her walker and pram but not on her own unaided. Nursery have said its holding her back moving her up in...


Waxy ears

My 12 month old keeps scratching the inside of his ear. It looks like he has wax. Do you know how to remove the wax? Any suggestions welcome


Not crawling forwards

I am a bit anxious about my baby's development. She will be 8 months on 10th of Feb and cannot coordinate her hands to crawl forwards. She also has no teeth. She can roll, sit up on her own and pushes herself to sit up, babbles, she can pivot on her belly and rocks back and forth on her belly since 6 month old. I wa...


Terrible twos!!

How is everyone dealing with the tantrums? All I feel like I do is shout atm and feel such bad mum guilt 😔 such a difficult age, not listening, very demanding, the meltdowns 😢


Older Siblings

We have 2 daughters, our oldest just turned 2 this months and her baby sister is 8 weeks old. Ava adores Elsie but can be a little rough, as 2 years are. The problem we seem to be having is that when we say ‘don’t do that, gentle hands’ or on the odd occasion we’ve had to tell her off, she then seems to purposefully...


Family commenting baby is quiet

We had a family party this weekend and everyone kept commenting ‘oh when will he start talking, he’s very quiet?’ I must admit, my son is on the quieter side, he babbles when it’s just me and his dad but when he’s in big groups, he’s less chatty. He isn’t saying any words yet apart from mama and daddy. I haven’t he...


rolling and blowing raspberrys

my little one is 4 months in 3 days, and shes blowing raspberrys and rolling fully, is she supposed to be doing so at this age?


Crawling with one foot on the floor

My son has started this weird crawling where he places one foot on the floor and uses his other knee to kid of drag himself along. He’s very early stages he only started this crawling yesterday and his balance is still building. I’m not sure how to help correct him. I show him how to crawl and keep putting both knee...



My 5mo is doing good for the most part, but she still hasn’t gotten the hang of sitting up on her own, completely rolling on her own, or the start of crawling.. Is she behind ? & she absolutely hates awake tummy time w a passion but she does get at least an hour a day & she sleeps on her tummy..


Not standing or walking 16 months

Hi all Baby has been cruising since about 10 months old and last two weeks she’s took steps between me and her dad! Cruises well, stands most the day by pulling up to stand, walks holding one hand etc but she can’t stand on her own and cannot walk yet! Should I be worried 😭 I will say she is a very talkative…


Still not walking

Is anyone else's 16 month old still not walking? He's standing up against furniture and will walk a few steps with the furniture but hasn't taken any steps without holding on yet I no they all do it in there own time and some take longer than others but I'm just curious to no.


Is this normal?

So my little one is 13 months and I’m just wondering if it’s normal for her not to be talking yet? She occasionally says “dada” or “nanna” and makes so much incoherent noises. But nothing else yet. Is this normal or should she be able to say more words. I am trying to teach her by talking to her while playing, eatin...



My lil boy has started really hitting us when he’s upset and angry, never really done it before and always used to be able to sooth any big emotions/tantrums relatively easy. Is this happening with anyone else? It’s so upsetting I’m trying to handle it with love but it’s hard when he’s screaming and telling us he ha...


Child just changed

My LG is nearly 3 she used to be the most jolly girl always happy no problems at all but that last 6 weeks she has just changed she’s grumpy all the time crying almost constantly has a tantrum about absolutely nothing has anyone else had this ? I want my old child back 😢


How advanced are our lo?

My daughter is 5 months old and I feel she is extremely advanced. She can hold her bottle, she can give u a high five, she sits pretty much unassisted, she has been pushing up on her arms in tummy time since 2 months old, she has 2 teeth already, she giggles, she’s been rolling over since 3 months ish but she doesn’...


Weaning Blues

My 19 month old refuses to wean. she literally pitches an entire fit (throwing her head back, will even hit me sometimes when I say no) I've tried going away for a few days or finding something to substitute that will soothe her but I'm struggling. Any suggestions are welcome


Only likes Mummy & Daddy 🙈

Anyone else’s Aug baby going through a phase where they only like Mummy and Daddy? Any other relatives/friends/even strangers saying hello he will have this look of unsureness or concern and then cry asif he’s abit spooked 🥺


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