Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
When are we supposed to stop teaching sign language and encourage verbal words only?
Is anyone else dealing with their babies biting? My twins turn 1 on the 22nd of next month & the biting is getting out of control. My son will crawl to me & then bit me, he’s also biting his sister. I took them off of pacifiers around 6 months, but I’m starting to think that might be the best option now. Is there an...
My son holds his breath and kicks his legs for a few seconds . He then breathes again and does the same thing Iver and over again. I feel he's playing, but what a weird game. Anyone had that ?
I’m constantly seeing parents say their babies saying mama & dada but my baby is only saying “ahh” and screaming the house down or making grunting sounds should this be a worry
my little girl is almost 3yr old and I thought it gets better as they get older but it’s worse now ! the crying is worse (always crying) the car rides are much more frustrating , the “NO” is a lot more than the yes, she doesn’t listen anymore, she is always running around, jumping or crying when we are outside and ...
My little girl is just over 4 months old and I've noticed she's been staring at one place like she's zoning out. She doesn't do it for too long but more frequently past week. Is this normal? Or should I get it checked with gp?
My baby girl is 9months old but she is so stubborn and loud sometimes she scares me. She literally yells at me shouts at me and when she is standing I try to hold her hands she pulls her hands out from mine and tries to stand on her own and than obviously she fall and cries. And another thing she is so clingy I sit ...
What's the most annoying thing your baby father does?! Mine harasses me with calls and texts from all different text now numbers just to ask me how's his son doing?! The minute i answer like he good. He starts a negative conversation with me. Block button much?
Constantly having nursery talk to me about my boys behaviour. He doesn’t listen, doesn’t sit still, doesn’t have kind hands etc… they seem to find it hard with him and juggling the other children. His little brother was born in October, he’s changed rooms so now with different children and recently potty trained. ...
When do babies stop touching your face when feeding or going to sleep? Our little girl has always found comfort in touching our face, however its now getting too much as she tries to grab our lips or nose😂🤦🏼♀️. She gets frustrated if we don’t let her.. any tips on how we get her to stop?
Horrible picture because my son won't hold still but his second toe on each foot is raised above the others when he's in a resting position and not standing or anything. Is anyone else's babies feet like this?
Is anyone else’s 15 month starting to slap and pinch and scratch??? How do I stop this?! I’ve been trying to tell her no, that hurts, and she’ll sometimes feel sorry and give me kisses but does it again.
I know I shouldn’t get annoyed but would u get annoyed if u got a Velcro baby that cry’s every damn time that u try to check a message or answer a phone call or anything else such as emails , it’s not even him I’m annoyed at it’s my partner because he’s always on his phone when I can’t even check a message on mine w...
What is going on with these tantrums 🙃🙃 I actually think I cry most days with how bad the tantrums get!! My son throws at awful tantrum and will hit/pull at his dads face but with me he will just scream and make himself a deadweight on the floor, I do everything I can to validate his feelings and acknowledge the…
I swear I’m always posting these days😅🙃 Anyway, is it possible my babies doing things for attention? I understand that sounds so horrible to say but hear me out. He’s doing a weird things where he’s sounding like he’s struggling to breathe/gasping which is honestly terrifying. But as soon as I put the phone on…
My LB isn't yet! And while I know he's still not technically 'behind' on it, he is showing no intentions to start doing it, I am a little concerned that he doesn't seem to have any interest in it yet!
Hi ladies 👋🏼 My 14 month old has always seemed to have this obsession with stacking or putting objects into things. Could be finding an item that fits inside another item perfectly and then repetitively taking out and putting back in, or simply putting things into a box, sorting food into different sections of a…
Recently my son has been screaming when he’s sad/angry - he’s only 13 months so how do I deal with this? I try and redirect his attention but when he’s stuck on something he just screams and cries bloody murder
Hey ladies, does this head bobbing seem normal? Or should I bring it up to his dr? It didn’t seem normal to us and it just started… does it seem like he’s just trying to crawl and his head is just going crazy?😅 he’ll be 7 months on Feb 13
Does this happen to anyone else? It's been happening for a while at dinner but seems to be getting more frequent, to the point where I can't really speak to my partner without my little boy getting frustrated or crying. It's only when I'm speaking too, he doesn't mind his dad talking! I can sense it's probably beca...