Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

First word!

Baby girl is saying her first proper word apart from mama and dada and of course it’s ’no’😭🤣 anyone else had any words and what are they?


10 month old throwing tantrums

Has anyone experienced their 10 month old throwing tantrums? I took a box away from my son because he was eating the cardboard and he threw himself onto his belly and started kicking his feet and hitting the floor with his hands. 🙃


How are we coping with comedian toddlers that are not funny? 🫠🥴

I feel like a terrible mom because my 3.5 year old has been super onto telling jokes recently so just... Every 5 seconds he says "mommy I have another joke for you!" And then says something random like "you forgot the onions!! Ahahahaha!!" And then he will do that exact same "joke" 20 times within 4 minutes... I alw...


Do your kids wipe your kisses away?

Like excuse me, don’t wipe my kiss away? 😂


Let’s play a game of… why did your toddler tantrum today 🙃

First was because she couldn’t pull the radiator off the wall Second was because I told her mummy was too sore for piggybacks today (6 months pregnant and struggling with braxton hicks for the past 3 days) Third was because I’m trying to clean her room and was going through her books because she’s ripped quite a ...


Hair pulling

My one year old son has started pulling his hair. I have noticed he does this out of frustration, if he is told not to do something and sometimes he will just do it in general. Is anyone else in a similar situation and if it’s something that needs to be addressed or is it normal?



Looking for some advice on how you helped your littles learn to crawl. My girl is 6 months old and she definitely wants to but right now her crawling just consists of kicking her arms and legs around but I can tell she’s trying her best to army crawl at times. I was told she may have trouble since she is a big girl ...


19 month old started toe tipping yesterday and has done a few times today

Can this be normal


18 month old never happy

Hi I know this is probably just a phase so I don’t know if I’m asking for advice or just ranting 😂 but I feel like my 18 month old is just constantly unhappy at the moment, he wakes up crying, everything is “no”, he doesn’t want to eat anything. He took him to baby football this morning and he was the only child…


Took my 19 month old off the swing and he lay on the floor screaming

I’m really not used to this is it normal


Speech therapy

Is speech therapy helpful for 18-19 months old. Did anybody notice improvement?


My 18 month old is suddenly screaming when I put socks on....

Also is pulling things off his legs like his pj bottoms or trousers and suddenly screaming and doesn't want to put shoes on. Any ideas?


How many words is your Lo saying ?

Worrying about speech , he says,,, that I’ve counted about 34 words but it doesn’t seem a lot compared to other little ones I’ve heard ?



Neighbours blast music constantly which vibrates through our house I’ve tried speaking to them and she said we don’t complain when your daughter is banging on the walls at 10pm which she isn’t she’s asleep by 9 and not even on their side of the building what can I do?


Is anyone’s LO babbling loud and non stop?

This is my 2nd and I’m sure my first didn’t babble this much. He’s really going for it, so loud as well. I love hearing it but just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing the same


Screaming baby

Does anyone else’s baby just scream for no reason?, my baby just screams for no reason not even crying just screams out load even when he’s been fed, had nappy change, had a nap and still does it, feel like it’s just an attention seeking thing but it’s just so draining hearing it every day


Responding to name?

Is anyone else's little one not responding to their name yet? If I call my little boys name (almost 13 months) most of the time he'll completely ignore you. I don't know if I should be concerned or if it is normal for this age? He's usually distracted by something but not always but if you call his name 20 times h...



Who else’s 9 month old baby not crawling yet?


Anyone else’s baby walking yet!

He turned 10 months on the 18th this video was taken on the 19th and all he does is try to walk now! I feel like he is doing things so much earlier than my other son.


Help !!! Discipline for toddlers!

My 2&3 year old are constantly fighting !! It’s hard I don’t know how to discipline them… my 3 year old may be autistic (waiting for assessment) he doesn’t fully understand and I’m struggling with being patient etc … I grew up in a home full of shouting and reactive parents and I don’t want that to be me 😭😭 don’t…


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