Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Screaming baby

Does anyone else’s baby just scream for no reason?, my baby just screams for no reason not even crying just screams out load even when he’s been fed, had nappy change, had a nap and still does it, feel like it’s just an attention seeking thing but it’s just so draining hearing it every day


Responding to name?

Is anyone else's little one not responding to their name yet? If I call my little boys name (almost 13 months) most of the time he'll completely ignore you. I don't know if I should be concerned or if it is normal for this age? He's usually distracted by something but not always but if you call his name 20 times h...



Who else’s 9 month old baby not crawling yet?


Anyone else’s baby walking yet!

He turned 10 months on the 18th this video was taken on the 19th and all he does is try to walk now! I feel like he is doing things so much earlier than my other son.


Help !!! Discipline for toddlers!

My 2&3 year old are constantly fighting !! It’s hard I don’t know how to discipline them… my 3 year old may be autistic (waiting for assessment) he doesn’t fully understand and I’m struggling with being patient etc … I grew up in a home full of shouting and reactive parents and I don’t want that to be me 😭😭 don’t…


Baby grunting for hours

My baby (6 weeks old) makes these sounds while sleeping - very loud grunting, straining his body, sounds uncomfortable, sometimes like a goat sound. He still sleeps but makes these sounds once every 15 seconds and it’s tough to sleep through because very very loud and I’m concerned if he’s ok and whether anything I ...



My 2 yea told just cry’s and cry’s and cry’s and I have no idea what to do some days. I do food, drinks, bath, outside, his favorite toys, sensory toys, hug him, rock him, pace back and fourth with him.


Hey mamas 👋🏿

How is everyone and their little one? My daughter is walking non-stop, no talking yet just a bunch of babble, a lot of teeth and eating the whole house. She definitely keeps me on my toes.



Everyone else’s 3 year old just constantly losing their shit and crying all the time? My girls always been so lovely mannered and chilled out but recently she just cries and snaps at people. It’s so unlike her ☹️


6 month old sucking his lips

How can I stop my 6 month old from sucking his lip, he does it constantly I don’t know if I should give him a dummy instead or something?


Non verbal toddler

Can a 18 month old non verbal, fleeting eye contact, babbling but no words and flapping hands live an independent life. Do early symptoms show higher level of support needed ? Or can this get better?


18 months old

My little one is 18 months old now, and for the last couple of months ive just felt like im really struggling and just not doing as well or as good as i was in the earlier days/months. I was just wondering if anyone else feels this way, or am i just not cut out for this?


Clingy baby!

My 14 month old has been getting noticeably more clingy towards me. Crying when I put him down or leave him. I’ve also noticed in social situations, he won’t go off with the other babies, he’ll want to stay with me. Is this normal? Happening to anyone else?


Baby crying. Constantly.

My baby is NEVER happy. And I’m not even joking when she is awake she is screaming. We have to hold her and walk around the house for her to be happy. She never will lay and kick around or sit in her chair. I am feeling so alone. My friends babies don’t do this!


Chatterbox baby

My baby is 9 weeks today and has found his voice, he thinks it’s hilarious and its so lovely to hear him babbling away and laughing but he’s too busy talking to finish his feeds and his naps have been none existent because he wakes up laughing (and then gets overtired and cries)😩 Is anyone else finding the same or…


Difficulty weaning

My baby seems to hate everything. I am being consistent, but It's getting to the point where the second she lands in the high chair she starts crying and closes her lips. Please, any suggestions? X


Anxious, fretful

My baby is 10 weeks old- he’s frowning a lot, cries quite a bit and generally seems quite scared/fretful- I see all these videos on tic tok etc of calm happy babies and I feel like my baby just isn’t happy- is it normal?x


Feet rubbing/flapping hands?

Hey mums, my 7-month-old sometimes rubs both of her feet on surfaces like play mats, her bed, and her ball pit. Is this normal? Has anyone else’s baby done this? She doesn’t do it in her highchair, just mostly when sitting on softer surfaces. Just curious if anyone has any insight into what this might mean! Thanks i...



LO is 19 months. He’s still non verbal and I’m really unsure to what extent he understands. He doesn’t follow instructions ect (HV is aware) but how do you stop biting in a toddler that does not seem to listen/understand. I’ve tried putting him in his crib for a few minutes and explaining to him that biting hurts an...


Do you give your child your full undivided attention

With this I mean reacting to everything they do or say and/or talking to them when you are busy cooking or showering, using the restroom etc.


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