Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Did I do it too much?

Has anyone showed their baby their reflection too many times and made them go off it? My 16 week old used to get so excited by his reflection, babbling and squawking at it. I LOVED IT! Except now when u show him his face in the mirror he squeaks and turns his head away, if I show him again he pushes his head into my...



Is there anyone’s little ones not walking yet? My little girl is 18 months and she can walk fine with her pram walker thing and she walks holding onto our hands but as soon as we let go she panics and just sits down. I know all babies go at their own pace but I see so many of her little friends walking 😫


Are these signs early autism in babies ?

-feet rubbing against each other -twirling wrist against floor -stopped babbling at 9 months and only whining -takes 2-3 times when we say her name for her to be aware Asking because we have people with autism on my side of the family and wondering if could be the case with my daughter


Any ideas?

Hey! My little one is about 3.5mo and seems to be hitting most milestones. Sometimes he appears a little shy. When he wakes from a nap he smiles but then will shyly turn his head then if you make some silly noises he will look at you again and get shy. He makes lots of eye contact on his terms when he’s playing. ...


Is anyone else’s baby all of a sudden scared of things/places/people?

My little boy has started to cry if people go near him it’s mostly people he doesn’t know. Also this morning we went to soft play which we have been doing for months now and he normally really enjoys it and all of a sudden he is scared and clinging onto me and crying 😢 I know separation anxiety is common this age…


What percentile is your 3 month old on?

I got my son Weighed the other day and he's about 14pounds hitting the 91st percentile. Does this sound normal.....


MIL keeps suggesting our baby is autistic because she soothes herself by stroking soft things i.e her blanket or her teddy

I've tried telling her that's how she comforts herself but she's insistent it's autistic behaviour when I was just happy she was starting to self soothe


8month babbling

Should I be worried 8month baby not much babbling she screams, says “Ah” a lot and blows raspberries but not saying baba, dada or mama yet 😢


My baby is 14 months and not saying any words. Should I be worried?

She will make some different sounds and is 'chatty' but no words. I'm not too worried yet but it's starting to play on my mind.


anyone else’s LO so hard at the minute?

Proper toddler behaviour.


Grizzly baby

Our little guy is nearly 6 months old and prior to about two weeks ago was a super happy, chilled out baby. Don’t get me wrong he needed constant entertainment but was equally happy to lie on play mat and roll over etc for ten mins to let me get stuff done. He now whines all day unless he’s asleep or being fed (or j...


Playing with ears

My 7 month old (just turned) has started playing with her ears either when drinking her bottle or tired/going to sleep. Is this a form of self soothing? Does anyone else’s baby do it?


5 month old has reached the shrieking stage..

It drives me mad. I know he's just finding his voice but the sound is so triggering. 😭 Anyone else?!


Would you be annoyed??

My husband's grandma frequently refers to my son (who is 2.5yrs) as "the baby" (i.e. I got the baby some clothes, how's the baby today, what does the baby want for dinner)


Health visitor review - not crawling or rolling

If you have had your health visitor review already and your little one isn’t rolling or crawling, what did they say? My lb is able to do everything else but is falling a bit behind on his motor skills. He can sit up unaided and lean forwards / sideways to grab things but isn’t moving around yet - he hates tummy ti...



I need help I don’t think I’m bonding with my baby. I love him so much words can’t describe but he doesn’t find comfort with me, he is happy in his dad’s arms but when I comfort him he cries. I try to sing, whisper, rock but he doesn’t bond with my like other moms say their baby does and they say their baby is cling...


Tips on calpol

Any tips or tricks how to get your 13 month old to take calpol or nurofen if they refuse to take it the normal way?


1year old boy talking

I feel like I’ve been trying everything to get my son to talk😭he only says mama daddy and nana . Everything thing I see says he should be saying more I read to him he watches nothing but learning shows . I try verbal play . I don’t know what to do. He knows to bring me his cup when he wants more to drink. He claps…


Speech therapy (UK based)

Hey, so we had an initial speech therapy appointment yesterday for my little girl who is 3.5 and just been diagnosed with Autism having been on the wait list nearly 2 years. We were told that speech therapy isn't right for her at the moment and just carry on with what we are doing..even though she is clearly delayed...



My two year old cries every time baby cries. We just had an hour long tantrum, I’m on the floor with him trying to prevent him from banging his head, dad trying to calm newborn and we’re all a wreck. Plus I just had a c section a week ago so wrestling a 35 lb baby is taking a toll on my wound. My son may be on the...


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