Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

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Have ur little ones started laughing yet ? I can’t get her to laugh. All she does is give me big smiles , all gums but nothing 😭



I have a 17 month old daughter, that only says mama, dada, her sister name, sometimes NO, sometimes she says open it, and give me very fade… is there anything I should be worried about at this stage Ps: she understands anything you tell her. Example give me the keys, and some other things.


Baby fell off sofa

He hardly cried and seems absolutely fine, laughing etc so do I need him checked over?


Baby making these sounds when feeding

Hey girls, I was just wondering if anybody knows why my almost 5 month old has started making these noises when feeding? It’s awful as it’s like he’s in pain or frustrated the milk isn’t coming out but it definitely is when I regularly check. It isn’t with every feed but quite often and only seems to be at the start...


10 month old behavior

Is it normal for your 10 month old to hit and grab faces or is this the start of something i should be concerned about???


Is this normal?

My baby opens and closes his hands. Is this normal? He also loves Ms Rachel I am concerned because I look online and says signs of autism is opening and closing hands but I feel like a baby could also do that? He’s meeting all milestones and I never had a reason to question that Anyone else’s baby opens and clos...



Does anyone else’s baby make a wee head/body shake at times like they have the shivers


Worried about 14 month old development

I feel like my son is very behind. He’s 14 months old. He babbles (mostly mama and baba) but neither seem to be in context. He doesn’t respond to his name. He’s just starting to take steps but not walking yet. He has no gestures other than putting arms up to be picked up. No waving, clapping or pointing. He doesn’t ...


2 years 9 months not running or jumping

Should I be concerned? He’s always been a bit behind with gross milestones, didn’t walk until 18 months. Ive worried at each milestone but he’s always eventually done it but the closer he gets to three years the more worried I’m getting that he’s not yet running or jumping 🤦🏼‍♀️



When did your preemie start crawling and walking? My LO just turned 1 this month and she’s not quite crawling or pulling herself up yet. Starting to feel like I’m doing something wrong she was born 33+6


My 18 month old has started calling me and his dad baby because that’s what he hears us call each other 😂

Anyone else? What does your 18 month old call you?


Head bumps

My little one is now crawling and trying to pull herself up. She's pretty steady most of the time, but sometimes she falls and we have hard floors. She does have a padded play mat but she doesn't stay on it now 🙈 I do put her in a play pen sometimes but she really doesn't like it so I only put her in there if I'm…


Velcro baby advice?

Looking for any pointers on how to deal with a Velcro baby when the father doesn’t have the patience for it. My son is very attached to me and even more right now since he’s learning to crawl. My husband doesn’t have the patience for his crying and need for us to be in his view at all times. Any pointers? Being ...


My 18month Daughter has her speech therapy evaluation today I wonder how it will go

How many words can your LO say?


Scared to walk?

My baby is going to be 1 next week! AHHH. Anyway, I think she could walk if she wanted to, she will hold on to my pant leg or shirt with the lightest little touch and walk, like she really isn’t holding on to anything. But if I am holding her hands and let go, she immediately looks at me, scared, and grabs my hand. ...



Does anyone else’s child seem to literally just scream when they wake up and I don’t mean cry I mean literally scream the house down he does it even after a nap and just throws himself around this has been going on a little while now he just has moments of pure screaming


14month review

I’ve had a 14 month review come through similar to the 12 month one, but to be done as a phone call. But near on all of the things in the questionnaire, little one can’t do. My first was quite mobile at this age and working but lacked in the other skills, whereas with this baby, she’s not walking only recently lea...


Struggles with sharing and taking turns

Hi mamas Do any of your little ones struggle with this? My daughter gets really upset when she needs to wait for her turn. She's not big on sharing at all either. She snatches toys from other kids hands a lot. Big screaming when we tell her to share or wait for her turn to do something when she's with other kids. S...


10 month old

What can your 10 month old do? Mine only army crawls, hasn’t managed to pull himself up at all, he walks if I’m holding his hands but cannot balance on his own and only screams lol doesn’t really say anything and I always get worried that he’s behind?


Growing Pains…LO is growing, I’m in pain 😭

Anyone else have a little one who’s trying to skip the crawling phase? 😭🤧 My baby girl is 7 months now and while she’s been scooting for a bit she’s only actually crawled a couple of steps before pushing herself off her stomach and back on her bum. Lately though she’s been spending all her time standing and holding…


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