Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My baby seems to hate everything. I am being consistent, but It's getting to the point where the second she lands in the high chair she starts crying and closes her lips. Please, any suggestions? X
My baby is 10 weeks old- he’s frowning a lot, cries quite a bit and generally seems quite scared/fretful- I see all these videos on tic tok etc of calm happy babies and I feel like my baby just isn’t happy- is it normal?x
Hey mums, my 7-month-old sometimes rubs both of her feet on surfaces like play mats, her bed, and her ball pit. Is this normal? Has anyone else’s baby done this? She doesn’t do it in her highchair, just mostly when sitting on softer surfaces. Just curious if anyone has any insight into what this might mean! Thanks i...
LO is 19 months. He’s still non verbal and I’m really unsure to what extent he understands. He doesn’t follow instructions ect (HV is aware) but how do you stop biting in a toddler that does not seem to listen/understand. I’ve tried putting him in his crib for a few minutes and explaining to him that biting hurts an...
With this I mean reacting to everything they do or say and/or talking to them when you are busy cooking or showering, using the restroom etc.
Does your toddler have any little favorites or obsessions yet? My girl goes through phases but right now she MUST wear her Ms Rachel shirt everyday and she wants to listen to frosty the snowman on repeat! Lol
And by not talking I mean he's only babbling. I read some discussions about this where moms say their kids are not talking but then it turns out they can say 2-3 words. My son understands some commands but not a lot because we didn't work on teaching him, but started lately and he did start adopting some. He is o...
She’s on track with everything. She knows all the animal names, sings songs, talks in 4-5 word sentences. We have been practicing colors a little bit but she calls everything blue still 😂
I can’t handle hearing my baby cry if I’m not holding him, his dad tries to take over to give me a break but it makes me feel worse not being the one holding him, it’s exhausting but I just can’t deal with handing him over😭😭
We went through First Steps program in our state and they evaluated him and said he’s fine. He’s just a classic late talker. I believe them but I am so frustrated. Him not being able to communicate is making every day very hard. They said we can get evaluated in 3 to 6 months to see if he needs speech therapy, but I...
Baby going through a phrase of humming and just saying “Ahh” and screaming should I be concerned ?
Hi all. Is anyone else’s baby not babbling yet? Concerned.
My 14 month old is starting to let go and stand on his own and when I place him on the floor he sometimes stands I tried standing him against the wall to help him walk with two items placed in his hands he seems to be timid of trying (scared) is there anything I can to do maybe ease that to help him walk I can tell ...
My little girl is 14 months on the 2nd of Feb. I’m just wondering if she’s at the right place with speech and where everyone else’s little ones are at? Also recommendations for flashcards or other things to help with speech would be great!
If I ask my son something or even say something to him he repeats what I am saying back to me literally word for word. It’s not all the time but majority of the time does anyone else’s child do this at all?
How are you dressing your crawling babies in the winter . Ours is just sliding each time he gets on all fours and is just belly crawling instead. Could his clothes be causing him to slide ? We keep our house at 72 degrees and dress him in long shirts and long pants , with or without socks. And we have hardwood fl...
Has anyone showed their baby their reflection too many times and made them go off it? My 16 week old used to get so excited by his reflection, babbling and squawking at it. I LOVED IT! Except now when u show him his face in the mirror he squeaks and turns his head away, if I show him again he pushes his head into my...
Is there anyone’s little ones not walking yet? My little girl is 18 months and she can walk fine with her pram walker thing and she walks holding onto our hands but as soon as we let go she panics and just sits down. I know all babies go at their own pace but I see so many of her little friends walking 😫
-feet rubbing against each other -twirling wrist against floor -stopped babbling at 9 months and only whining -takes 2-3 times when we say her name for her to be aware Asking because we have people with autism on my side of the family and wondering if could be the case with my daughter
Hey! My little one is about 3.5mo and seems to be hitting most milestones. Sometimes he appears a little shy. When he wakes from a nap he smiles but then will shyly turn his head then if you make some silly noises he will look at you again and get shy. He makes lots of eye contact on his terms when he’s playing. ...