Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Is 4 words and two animal noises an ok amount for 20 month old I understand he should be saying more but would this be considered worrying ?
My son is 6weeks and unless being held, he just cries and cries and no matter what I try he won’t settle until back in someone’s arms and I can’t get anything done and being to get so overwhelmed! Anyone else found anything that works to settle their little ones, feel like I’ve tried everything
Honestly if one more person says to me: "oh you wait it gets harder when they walk", I'll go mad! 😅 Because no, what's hard is my 16 month old who has been cruising & diving for 4 months, I'm constantly behind him wherever he is, on my knees or bent over otherwise he would hit his head 50 times a day He can't…
I am and always have been very emotionless in general- I never cried as a child like EVER, I cry maybe once a year or less and I don’t get upset about much. I struggle to cry when people die that’s how bad with emotions I am. My son is extremely sensitive and it’s to a point where I have no idea how to react to him...
Sorry for the rant, I feel I need help here. Apologies for length. We go too a toddler class at a soft play centre, after the class children have access to play at the center which we normally do. This week we were playing as normal. There was an incident they my child was playing with the same toys as another c...
First time mom and not sure if this is just what all babies do but my son is 9 months old ,he is sooo hyper and energetic he throws himself out my arms when I'm holding him sometimes and he won't sit still even for food when he's hungry, he is always looking at what he can do it touch next . I'm not sure if this ...
My mil anytime she seems my son always shows him lots of love and affection. I have no issue with her showing him love but the affection sometimes goes way overboard. One or 2 kisses on the cheek is ok but 10 or more from grandma is a bit too much. Unfortunately my husband never notices and I am the one who has to...
Does anyone else’s baby do this awful grunting / scream when he wants something. Oh my it drives me nuts. Obviously he cannot communicate so that’s how he gets his point across but WOW it’s a lot. Lol. He’s 14.5 months now. Says random words like “uh oh, dada, mama, all done (not the full phrase but his version lol)...
My LO is 14 months and only taking 3-4 steps independently, he’s good and fast on his feet when using the walker or holding someone’s hand but refuses to take more than 5 steps when we let go. Also he still only babbles and speaks gibberish, we’re try to make him say “mama” or “dada” or literally anything and he’ll...
How many of your littles have words and gestures? Our pediatrician made a huge deal about of my son’s lack of mimicking waving/pointing. We have 2 words and 1 gesture!
Hey all! Are you little ones starting a new feisty type behavior all of a sudden?? The mornings she’s great and then afternoon/evenings, she’s been acting very frustrated and throwing little tantrums. Only thing that I can attribute it to is that she’s started walking with holding just one hand of mine and maybe she...
Is your one year old talking” or saying words or phrases or sentences??
Just curious if anyone was able to get a referral to see a speech specialist even though your child does know a few words? My son knows a handful of words but we still sometimes struggle with communication which leads to tantrums. I’m wondering if we should see a speech specialist to see if there will be improvemen...
10 weeks old and just screams from 8-12 every night 😩 anyone else? Nothing I do can console him, essentially just have to wait until he wears himself out. It’s sooo hard. The constant screaming literally makes me feel dead inside 💀 exhausted! Does this stage just pass at some point? I just don’t know what to…
Does anyone know what this noise is? I took her to the drs a while back for a blocked nose and the last couple of days she is randomly doing this it’s got me worried?
My little one is 8 months old and they can sit unassisted for as long as you leave them however they can’t get from laying to sat, how do I teach them this? They are also not crawling, they hate being on their knees and will not let me help them practice or do kneeling play but they love to “stand”. Really just ne...
Is anyone else’s toddler asking CONSTANT questions? “Mama, why” “Mama what are you doing?” “Mama what is that?” “Mama what is on your shirt?” Literally everything and she’ll ask over and over and over even if I give her an answer.. how are we dealing with this? Do we answer every time? And how do I not lose my patie...
Anyone else’s 8 month old doing this?
My 18 month old daughter can say the alphabet, and recognise any letter from sight. She has been saying and recognising numbers up to 20 forwards and backwards since about 15 months old. She started correctly identifying body parts before she was 1 years old. We have a bit of neurodiversity in our family, my brother...
Sorry for a bit of a rant but I’ve been so upset all afternoon about this and keep crying (which is so silly but also hormones because I’m expecting again). My little boy had glue ear and has hearing loss. His speech is delayed. He’s saying more words but it’s single words and their fairly basic, not sentences, and ...