Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Toddler behaviour after second baby

I had a second baby two weeks ago, and since then my little boy's behaviour has been unrecognisable. He'll be 4 in March and has always been very well-behaved. We never had to deal with big tantrums, even during the terrible twos or the threenager phase. But now every day is a huge struggle, he says no to everything...


Does any one else’s baby (8m) carry around emotional support socks?

Sometimes he will put them in his mouth and crawl around like a dog😭 we don’t have any animals… I think he stashes them too because i will clean up the whole living room and boom he’s found a sock.


I could use some help

My son (2.5) is very smart and communicative and honestly pretty emotionally intelligent but I'm struggling DEEPLY with him. I tried bringing him to a preschool art class thing but he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was disruptive, in other kids faces, touchy, loud, and generally unruly. This tends to happen the mos...



I really need some advice. My 19th month old is having trouble walking, he will walk from furniture fine and I’ll hold his hand and he will walk off fine but then he will go on the floor and crawl. At his daycare he NEVER walks he will only crawl and I don’t know what to do. I feel a little defeated. I don’t know ho...


Suspected autism

If anyone else's 3 yesr old obsessed with taking your phone? My son will go on YouTube and find these edited videos of kids programmes with different effects and watch them over and over, if we take it from him he has a major meltdown.. so we do let him have it for a bit which I don't even want to do but if that's w...


15 month old not saying words

Worried my LO isn’t saying any words. Babbles a lot but no words. I am conciously trying to teach him words and speak and be repetitive but nothing. He is very physical though but i’m worried he is behind in speech.


Is this concerning

My daughter will be 10 months soon she use to say baba mama etc but stopped for 2-3 weeks now and she just whining pretty much all day instead should I be concerned will she start babbling again ? :(


2 years - barely talking

So my little boy turned 2 the beginning of the month he can say mama and dada but that’s about it he makes sooo much noise. I feel like he’s been on the edge of wanting to talk for forever! He looks at you right in the eyes and you can see the frustration cause he wants to talk. But just no words are coming. Doesn’t...


Toddler pretending to hurt himself

My little boy has started to really develop a sense of humour where he does things on purpose to be funny (it’s the best thing ever - that little smile!) but, when he hurts himself, let’s say he falls over and bumps his head, he will be truly hurt and upset and then when he’s over it he’ll act it out and do it again...



My 8 year old just threw a phone at my 7 month olds head 😭😭😭😭 he cried but seems fine now it kinda has a bump but that seems to be it. My 8 year old has autism and adhd for context and lately has been having more outbursts


Toddler plsying independently

So my son is 16 months and a half and except some days when he has tooth pain or is in a grumpy mood he is very happy playing on his own for ages. Obviously I don't mind that, but just wondering if that's ok? I feel guilty at times because I have to clean, cook, do some other chores and yesterday I realised he playe...


Two year old (2 month) toe walking

Out of no where my two year old started walking on his toes. If you say “walk on your feet” he will but then eventually goes back on his toes. Everyone says it’s normal - but not past 3.


Mobile baby

Anyone else have a mobile 5 month old? My girl scoots, rolls, and army crawls all over my living room! I didn’t think I’d have to get a playpen this early but it’s looking like it may be time already.


Looking away

Help! My 15 week old keeps looking away when we try and engage him. Could this be an early sign of autism?


Baby wanting to stand

Does anyone else’s baby just want to stand? My 7mo can sit and can army crawl but not fully crawling yet. However the only thing he wants to do is stand up! He can pull himself to stand in a very wobbly way holding my fingers or his activity cube. It’s doing my head in because once he’s up I have to support him and ...



Anyone else having a baby that is starting to throw tantrums. He is almost 1(in a few days) and have the tantrums started. Anytime I take away something that he should not be in like a phone cord, it is stiff legged and screaming. The car seat has also become a new problem. Anyone else in this fun stage?


Finally some talking!

He said doggy today and it was so cute. So lovely hearing your little ones voice after having delayed speech. 😭🥰



Is 4 words and two animal noises an ok amount for 20 month old I understand he should be saying more but would this be considered worrying ?


My LO won’t settle unless being held

My son is 6weeks and unless being held, he just cries and cries and no matter what I try he won’t settle until back in someone’s arms and I can’t get anything done and being to get so overwhelmed! Anyone else found anything that works to settle their little ones, feel like I’ve tried everything


Still not walking

Honestly if one more person says to me: "oh you wait it gets harder when they walk", I'll go mad! 😅 Because no, what's hard is my 16 month old who has been cruising & diving for 4 months, I'm constantly behind him wherever he is, on my knees or bent over otherwise he would hit his head 50 times a day He can't…


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