Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Toddler life is hard

My little girl is 18 months old, newborn and infant was a breeze but I’m struggling with this toddler phase😔 Feel like such a bad mum that I’m really struggling with her, she hits, she throws things, started now with tantrums, becomes really naughty when she’s tired, I feel like I’m just failing at being a parent…


Laparoscopy scars after c section

Hi there, Has anyone in this group with endometriosis (or who has had a previous laparoscopy for any other reason) noticed any changes to their laparoscopy scars post pregnancy? I had a c section two weeks ago and my lowest laparoscopy scar is now larger and puffier with purple marks around it. Not sure if that’s n...


Sleeping with baby daddy

Anyone have any success stories? Me and my ex co parent and are both great parents. We split because of his mental health and we both really needed to work on ourselves, and I’ve spent the whole year doing that. Anyone have any success stories on sleeping with their ex and it working out? Or is it just a bad idea an...



Idk if I’m going through it but I love my kids they aren’t an issue but the daddy I HATE HIM to look at him in my house not helping with the kids or the house just play the damn game he don’t work but complain all day and gets drink all night I have called the police multiple times he not scared he gets physical if...


Postpartum Rage/Depression?

Anyone else having struggles with postpartum rage and/or depression? My LO awoke while putting her down completely for the night and she wouldn't stop crying or fall back to sleep for the life of her. I had to put her in the bassinet and lock myself in the bathroom. I punched the door twice and screamed at the top ...



What do you all do when you get overstimulated? I have depression/anxiety and I feel like that happens to me pretty easily. Especially since my son is 2 and is in a hitting phase. I don’t want to lose it on him or shut down 😔


Braxton Hicks

Hey y'all my Braxton Hicks contractions have been painful ASF I told my ob but he didn't care and idk what to do any advice?


Older people and google

What is it with the older generations being so against googling when it comes to babies? My MIL always has a go at me when I tell her i've googled something because they didn't have google in her day (her youngest child is literally 17)! The other day she told me I should start putting rusks in our baby's bottles ...



Hi ladies, First time speaking up about this, I’m hoping someone will relate 🙏 Since having my little one, my sex drive has gone down the pan. I don’t find certain positions comfortable anymore (at least for now) such as from behind and in all honesty, I’d rather just skip past sex all together. I’m generally…


Any PAL mums out there?

How are you all coping? I feel much stronger than in the early days especially now I can feel baby but I still have awful intrusive thoughts ❤️



So im 38+1, im getting bad tightenings like ive got a rubber band in my belly and its being stretched then it stops, ive got pelvic pain down one side, is it braxton hicks ?


2 days in - help!

Hi girls! I’m 2 days in with my little girl and all I find is unless she’s on my boob (most of the time not even feeding just sleeping) that she just cries It’s absolutely breaking my heart - no one else can settle her but obviously I’m shattered- is this normal at this stage and does this change? Thank you


Vulnerable post

This probably sounds silly to many but my little boy turned 9 months yesterday and I think I’ve definitely been suffering with postpartum depression. I lost my first baby at 22 weeks due to a TFMR and now having a living child is amazing but I feel so so different to what I expected. Ever since he was born I’ve alwa...


Very emotional

Anyone feeling very emotional? Like for no particular reason… I just feel like I could break down in tears at anything whether it is about giving birth, or having everything ready, or just sitting on the sofa and chilling?! It seems to feel very overwhelming that the end is here….


Feeling so lost

I’m in a relationship and it’s been so chaotic these past few months. We’ve been arguing so much about the littlest things and I keep telling him I need him to show me more love and affection. He says he’s not able to if he’s stressed and we are just in this loop of fighting over the same issues. I found out I’m pre...


My Husband is serious about No Nut November

I’m so upset because I like having sex and I wanna do it while we can before I have the baby and we have to take a long break. I think the challenge is silly and I hate that he’s for real about it. 🙄🙄🙄


Anyone else feel like this

I have two little ones - almost 3, and 18 months. I find it really hard to put into words how I feel, but most days I feel so overstimulated, overwhelmed, stressed. I find myself snappy and shouty and the littlest things trigger me. I find myself bubbling with rage sometimes. For example - if I’m putting them to...



2 weeks today since my c section and I’m on day 3 now of a pounding non stop headache. I’ve been over heating and been experiencing vision blackness and flecs also experiencing nausea and abdominal cramping. Although my section area is healing perfect and I have no pain there it’s all in my stomach. My stomach is ha...


3 weeks PP Brain rot

I’m 3 weeks post pp and I just have no mental capacity for socialising or conversation. I’m in great spirits so it’s not post natal depression, I just have absolutely nothing to contribute in conversation. I think it’s just being so tired and so consumed with my baby but it’s so difficult when family and friends wha...



Hey ladies, I am 3 months pp and I was wondering if it’s okay now to use tampons. None of the pad I have used stay in place and it’s becoming a little bit of a problem.


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