Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I feel like our whole family life is centered around my stepdaughter. Its annoying. When she comes around, my daughter I have with my husband has to take a back seat to accommodate her and her attention needs. She cant handle attention being on her sister. People walk on egg shells around her to keep her happy. She ...
Every time my mother and I video call, she always says i need to lose weight."" I hate it, it's making me feel gross about myself.I know who I was when I 24 I was skinny and I was also very focused on my looks and validation now I'm 29 with my first baby her second grandbaby in 24 years and and all I want to do is l...
We had our son in 2020 , my husband last touched me in 2021 what would you mama do. When I touch him he says he is not in the mood. Honestly I feel alone thought he provides and takes care of us. How would you mamas handle this because am stating to resent him
Currently talking with my partner about what sort of boundaries were gonna have in place for when baby is here What's everyone talking about with their partner? So far we've discussed smoking, kissing and nappy changing. What else is worth having in place?
I’m going to be alone and 25 weeks pregnant this holiday. I love this time of the year, but it’s hard for me to not get emotional spending this time alone while pregnant and hormonal. Any recommendations to help lighten the holiday would be greatly appreciated.
Mummas, when did we have sexual contact, sex postpartum? 🫡
Hi ladies, For the past few months i have been feeling really down and upset and also angry. My 10 month old i feel is really stressing me out and irritating me. Before i was pregnant I suffered from depression and for years i have been taking medication for personality disorder but i just feel really crap. Som...
My son had thick full hair but developed patches all of sudden? Any ideas? He does tend to twiddle his hair Where small matts develop but only at end? He is nearly 3 for reference.
He is depressed due to his health problems so has went to live away at his family house to see I’ll things get better. We have two young children. I’m not sure how to cope and feel so bad and stressed. How do you cope with someone who has depression, and how do you stop it from getting it while seeing a loved one ...
Hi all! I have 2 little ones that are making me feel very badly with myself, one is 4 years old and the other ones is 2.5 years old. It took me ages to get pregnant and I was so happy when we got the good news. Since then I feel mad more times than happy. They push me so much to the limit that are making me regret ...
Recently been diagnosed with severe post partum depression and have been put on anti-depressants. Feeling really down and low at the minute and feel like everything I do is not good enough. I feel like baby is constantly crying when she’s with me and settling for my mother with no problem. Baby is 3 weeks on Friday....
I found this online. (Pic in comments)Was wondering if anyone has tried it or if we know if it is safe during pregnancy. I was on antidepressants, but I stopped them since being pregnant and I’m struggling. I am really trying to find more natural ways to help myself these days. Open to suggestions .
Hey ladies. I’m 13 weeks PP. My daughter was born vaginally and I had an episiotomy. I’ve always felt weird towards the scar when it was healing. I never checked my stitches as I physically couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d ask my midwife to check on our routine appointments. My husband is being so loving to me...
I’ve been in contact with 111 when I had a mental breakdown as I have borderline personality disorder , had a video call with someone today and the guy just dismissed me he said he doesn’t think I need help bc I seem to be doing fine. The point of my bpd is I’ll be fine sometimes and other days I’m extremely not how...
Did any other mums suffer with this I had it with my son and now I'm due another very soon and can already feel the rage coming back.
If yes, how did you manage?
It was a very hard time to start this process , after few months I got pregnant my husband changed alot and didnt see me , didnt sleep with me and I was like a ghost in the house . And his mom , him all problems start after that , I was alone all the time while they were home , I had to do what I have to in the hous...
I have really been struggling recently. I spend every night with my baby whilst my partner sleeps in another room as he works. If the baby starts crying e.g when I go and make a bottle. He will go in the room and this usually makes me feel bad. There has also been a few occasions where she will cry as she is unsettl...
I’m almost 31 weeks. Feel huge. Don’t feel sexy. Don’t feel desirable. Sex life has sort of tanked as a result, of late. I know my husband understands, but I hate this lack of sexual connection. Makes me feel insecure and less connected to each other. Anyone else struggling with this?
I wouldn’t change a single thing about having my son but the anxiety and overall feeling of constant exhaustion has made me feel like I’m not myself anymore . I feel horrible saying this because I love my son more than anything but I miss my sanity , I feel like a completely different person . No emotion , no though...