Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Nearly 2 months pp and really struggling with feeling like I’ve failed my son in multiple ways. First I couldn’t birth him naturally (resulting in assistance via forceps and then ending in a c section). Then I couldn’t breastfeed him. And I think he’s suffering from colic or residual trauma/tension from the birth as...
A week ago I accidently cut my baby’s thumb really bad with nail clippers ever since iv been really depressed not even just about her thumb just about everything I feel like this has really messed with my head
For context: I’m 27 have a 2 year old, She’s 22 no kids we met in work, been great friends for 4years.) The last two months, she’s been awful with plans (she can be hit miss occasionally) but has cancelled on them all, including going to see wicked in cinema cause she didn’t know how to tell me she’d booked a last ...
I’m just tired, overstimulated, depressed. I been going through so much and it’s like no matter what I do it hasn’t gotten better and I just want to let all this shit out cause Ik it’s not good for me.
Has anyone else’s babies got an umbilical hernia? We’ve been told it’s fairly common in babies and will go on its own but of course it looks a bit worrying! Has anyone else had experience of this and how long on average did it take to go down? Our babies is rather large! Thank you
Hi lovely ladies. I am due in March and things are starting to feel real for me. I’m so excited to become a mother and feel ready. I wanted to know thoughts and maybe experiences on after birth with parents/inlaws. My hubby and I are having my mom move in (was hubbys idea as he travels a bit for work) My in la...
How are people coping who have a newborn and a toddler? My first born is 2 next week and my baby has just turned 12 weeks. I get such bad mum guilt, I wish I could give them both the same amount of attention all day, but it’s just not possible. Baby often gets put down to give my toddler attention, I feel like some ...
How is everyone dealing with going back to work? I've just been referred to occupational health to get some counselling and just started on sertraline. Both to help with anxiety surrounding my little girl but I feel like I just want to cry every day. I don't want to leave her 😭 Anyone else feeling the same?
One week postpartum and my man decided it was too much for him and moved out and blocked me on everything. We were having some issues, but nothing I thought would equal him leaving me and our kids. Especially not freshly after having his daughter.
Ok so this whole pot partum hair loss is really starting to get to me. Waking up and hair on pillow. Never mind dreading a shower for the hair loss. It's been well over a month of this crap.. anyone else on the same boat?? Doubt there is anything we can do for it. I dont remember my hair loss being this bad with my ...
That he “still likes the name ****”. This was a name we were deciding between when we named our daughter. We ended up not going with it and picking another. and this is prolly the second time in the last couple months he’s mentioned it. So I looked at him and was like what does that mean?? And he just said I dunno ...
I’ve been struggling so much lately, and I don’t even know where to start. For the past 3-4 months, I’ve been spotting almost every day, and the cramping makes it unbearable at times. I’m almost 2 years postpartum, haven’t breastfed in over a year, so I don’t understand why this is still happening. On top of that, ...
so i’m having a baby boy, and i’m not sure on circumcision. my boyfriend says he wants him to have it done but i just don’t see why it’s necessary to hurt him like that, nor do i see the point in it. i’ve done some research but all in all i still cannot come to a conclusion, i hear lots of people saying to let him m...
22 weeks and 22lbs 😅 anyone else’s back hurting ? Also constantly hungry (breastfeeding) and can’t wait to wean!
So I’ve always had a mild fear of death before. But since giving birth 11 days ago, it has really dawned on me that life is short. She has to grow up. I will get old and become a grandma. I will have to die one day and now I’m terrified. :/ What is this?
Mamas of more than one baby: Do any of you regret having a second (or third, etc)? Or if you really wanted a girl but got a boy (or vice versa) has that affected the way you feel about the baby? My husband really wants a second and I’m really worried I will regret losing the one on one time with my little girl. I’m ...
I haven't gotten anything for my kids for Christmas yet, I feel so guilty. I don't wanna bring my 2 year old with me because she's starting to understand more than she did last year. It's been hard to find a baby sitter because my grandma has been in and out of the hospital with my mom since Feb
I am a single mom with bipolar disorder and unmediated (not by choice). Everything is catching up to me and I don’t feel safe. I would NEVER hurt my child but I want to hurt myself. I want to cause bodily harm to myself. I want to check myself into a mental hospital but, I have never been away from my little one for...
Sometimes I am so focused on being efficient that I find myself forgetting to sit and just hug and sing to my baby. He’s sick and I’m trying to clean the house and make dinner and finish work. He was crying for what seemed to be an hour (more like 15 minutes, which is a long time for him) and I began to panic feelin...
Does anyone else get anxiety from taking your little one out. Like going to the grocery store is stressful. I see other moms and they don’t seem stressed. Or taking them to play groups worrying that they may get sick. I’m becoming a helicopter mom and I don’t like it.