Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
But can’t handle the pregnancy…mentally? My mental health suffered with my first but even worse this second time. I really want a third child but I feel SO defeated and have decided to grieve because I just can’t do it again 😔
Hey girlies, 38 weeks pregnant and labour is close. I’m super worried about having to have stitches down there if she rips me & terrified of the pain & thought of her ripping me… Any advice, or experiences to make me a feel a bit better prior to this inevitably happening?🥺🥺
Am I wrong for feeling like I want to distance myself from my long term friend of 10+ years because they have absolutely no respect for themselves at all. Constantly running towards those people who treated her wrong and have been vile to her… talking to this friend is pointless as it falls on deaf ears but as soon ...
I feel so sad my partner is working away for the week and it's just me and baby , she's been crying and fussy most of the day and I just feel so sad and overwhelmed just want to share my feelings, I don't have much family who can help.
My baby cries every time we go to her grandparents without fail..as in absolutely loses her mind screaming. She doesn’t usually cry, so it’s really strange for her. We lived with them for the first 6 weeks of her life, and then when we left she saw them twice a week. She’s now 17 weeks and for the past 4/5 weeks she...
Has anybody been doing anything to help with the hair loss? I’ve tried oil, I don’t brush it unless I really have to (I put it in really loose braids to keep it from knotting) and I don’t really pull it back too tight. I know it’s normal, I’m just starting to feel so self conscious about it. It’s so disheartening to...
Over the last month I’ve noticed that I’m losing more and more hair in the shower. It’s not like patches of hair or anything, just seems like there’s a lot more loose hair in there that’s coming out when I wash it. Today there was like 1.5x more than I’ve ever seen. My hair still looks and feels healthy otherwise an...
Did you get it? What helped you?
My little girl is 17 months old on Wednesday and is currently not well with a cold and cough but wow I feel we have hit the stage of all the big emotions, she is constantly throwing herself about upset and frustrated but doesn't know what she wants, the tantrums are sometimes off the scale! One tired and drained mum...
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. I’ve recently had a c section and during the surgery they removed a chocolate cyst. I haven’t had a follow up appointment or anything… does this mean I have endometriosis? Will it grow back?
I had posted on her awhile ago about my daughter saying her teacher pushed her. The teacher says it never happen but my daughter is adamant that it happened. Well today I get to look at camera footage to see what happened. I feel so lost. If I find out my daughter is lying I'm definitely going to put her in counseli...
What can I do to help myself, I don’t like taking meds I just want an holistic approach, can any one help please?
Getting close to my baby’s first birthday, I’m realizing the intimacy in our relationship has lacked tremendously. I’m just curious is it just me or is it normal?
I have been split with husband for a month now. Hubby has been living with a relative. And during this time we are having days out together and co parenting but not seeing other people. The overview is...we have been having issues for 4 years...been together for 13 years. We have a 7 month old and a teenager. He gam...
So I have almost 7 month old twins, I’m also a FTM so I have had 0 ‘training’ in this shit 😂 my MIL messaged me asking how I was managing, I told her ‘I’m not gonna lie, I struggle when my partner goes to work as it’s just me and two babies that constantly wasn’t attention and I can’t split myself in half so it’s…
I’m a month postpartum and had 2nd degree tear, so stitches after birth. I seem to have healed ok and more or less stopped bleeding now. Been invited for cervical smear test (this will be my 3rd or 4th so know what to expect), but should I wait or let them know when I book appointment? Just wanted to know if anyone ...
I feel so awful for saying this but i am struggling. Baby girl is 4.5 months old and i love her so much. But i’m finding being a mum so relentless. She’s constantly whinging/crying, nothing seems to make her happy and if it does, its very brief moments. She gets bored very quickly and it just stresses me out. She ma...
Please tell me I’m not alone. Started weaning my baby off the boob and my mood came crashing down and has remained there. Feel completely emotionless and it’s freaking me out. Also had my first period recently. I’ve suffered with anxiety in the past but this just feels so intense.
And I mean.. y’all were best friends before baby and loved each other and now everything’s changed? Did you fix it and if so how?
Is anyone else experiencing this? I don’t know if I should see a doctor or not. The thoughts that run through my head can be pretty dark. 1. Being scared to walk on paths with my baby as I feel like any vehicle could run us over. 2. Being up somewhere high and seeing my baby fall off the edge (even though she’...