Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Accident !!

So my son and I was in the kitchen and I was making a cup of tea, I’ve gone to get the milk out the fridge and my son has pulled the cup of hot water from the kitchen side onto himself- it was horrible and very distressing I did all the obvious first aid needed and called 999.. when I attended the hospital the param...


Newborn coming soon, MIL struggles and mental health - advice please!

I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with a 2 year old as well. I’m panicking a little as the plan I had for third/fourth trimester has fallen through. My MIL agreed to help me during this time as my husband was struggling a lot with his mental health due to a few things (mainly due to big life changes with moving abroad...



I haven’t given birth yet and am already overwhelmed by the idea of people messaging me for updates on the baby or asking to come see her especially my MIL who talks about the baby like it’s hers 😭😭 I swear she announced and talked about my pregnancy more than I did. I already know I’m not gonna wanna talk to…



I had to say goodbye to my dog recently. And now I’m experiencing grief for the first time, and I don’t know how to handle it. I feel like I’m spiraling back into depression.


I did something bad I can’t get over it.

My grandma passed away a few days ago. I was talking to some friends about her and I said “ she was 95 I was sure she would make 100”. My mum heard me and I realised just afterwards of what I have just said. I really feel so shit about it. I sometimes do say things that I completely regret. I do really feel bad that...


Hair loss and new hair…

I’m approaching 4months PP and my hair is starting to fall out quite a bit in the shower and I’m also growing a crazy amount of baby hairs around my hairline. Is anyone else the same? I feel like I look a constant mess!


Talk me out of it 🤣

I’m 3 months postpartum I also have a 15 month old. So 2 before 2. Why do I want another baby?!?!


Husband just left me

My husband just left me and our 5 weeks old baby. I'm very emotional and don't know what to do. I don't have any family support and I'm left on my own. I don't know what to do. I love my baby so much but now I don't know how I can look after him on my own and what to do, at least for the next few weeks.



I’ve got a first degree tear after having giving birth 5 days ago and have 4/5 internal stitches how are people dealing with the itchiness? I’ve tried to ice it but it’s very difficult to get the relief as they’re internal!


Maternity pads driving me crazy!

Is anyone else struggling wearing pads? Im not really having heavy bleeding at all but the extra padding is nice from the maternity pads.... I did try some normal pads but they weren't comfy either! I had a few external labia stitches and wearing a pad is super irritating them- being sat down they keep pushing on...


Impatient and bad mum?

I’m a FTM and i just feel so lost. So babe is 5 weeks. She’s combi fed and has been on same formula for 2 weeks now. I EBF for 2 weeks and she was always fussy and screaming all the time. I thought it’s all normal part and parcel of the newborn experience. All her awake windows were crying. Switch to combi and that...


One and done

Interested to hear from anyone who is one and done, for whatever reason? I have a 9 month old. I really haven't enjoyed the baby stage, as much as I love my daughter. The anxiety around everything from sleep, weaning, development, milestones, not to mention coping at work, I don't think has been good to me mentally...


Lower back pain that doesn’t go away! Any tips?

I’m 38 + 6 days and had lower back pain for about 2 weeks but it’s gradually got worse and nothing seems to help other than cold freeze gel and a bath but this works for only a short period of time. I know this can be a sign of labour but I’ve had it for about 2 weeks so don’t think it is, did anyone else experience...


Upcoming child free wedding

I have a wedding I’m going to in November. I am all for child free weddings as I know people drink at weddings and I am excited but I’ve never been away from my son before. I’m a sahm of a 7 month old baby. I’m worried about how he’ll react and that I’ll be anxious and worried the whole time and ruin the night for m...


Separation anxiety with moving kids into their own room

My kids are 5 and 3, for now we sleep together in one bed. I feel like such a puss bc I'd worry about them even though they're a room away. I feel really crazy.


Getting out and about

Anyone else struggling to find the motivation to sort of get out and try baby classes etc. I'm great going out for a walk (trying to do half an hour a day at least) but then it comes to thinking about joining a baby class and I feel sick, get stressed, look at the fact you have to commit and then back out. (I didn't...



Ladies I have NEVER in my life felt this physically bad. Everyday I hope I don’t wake up because how awful I feel. I’ve contemplated termination, I day dream of my own death. I’m only 13 weeks and I CANNOT fathom doing this for 9 whole months. It hurts just to be alive


My mom died... She never met my son.

I'm mexican living in the UK, my son was born on May this year and we supposed to visit on December. My mom died due complications related to her diabetes. I came to Mexico as soon as I knew. I arrived one day and a half later after her death. She never met my son. My husband, baby and me are staying at her house,...


Second Baby Anxiety

Hi! Looking for advice or thoughts. My husband and I just got married and we have a 19 month old daughter. We know we want more kids, but I thought we both still weren’t ready to even talk about it. He brought it up yesterday and told me he was ready for another one. I expressed that I wasn’t, that I’ve even thought...



My daughter mentioned how she has two moms and two dads and she said her grandma (dad side) told her that. Her grandma has always give me that vibe where she wants my kid to her self and it’s weird to me. Idk if I’m overreacting cause of pregnancy hormones but how dare my 4 year old tell me she has two moms??? I tol...


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