Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I am 14 weeks pregnant with twins, this is my second pregnancy, my first was born via emergency section 2.5 years ago. I have noticed that I’m getting a lot of discomfort and pain in the area of my scar, is this anything to worry about or is it just because it is stretching? It seems to worsen when I have done a lo...
My partners sister bought us a pram and I just don’t like it. Anytime I bring this up with my partner he just calls me ungrateful rather than listening to the reasons why. Like I’ve said i really appreciate the fact she went out and bought us a pram I just wish she spoke to me first! It’s our first child so I just w...
This will sound bad but I’m really struggling. I have a 2 year old and a 6 month old. My 6 month old girl never seems to be happy around me. Always crying or whingeing but will settle with my partner and it just really really upsets me. What am I doing wrong? It’s the point where I feel super anxious trying to settl...
My emotions are unreal right now, I'm nearly 38 weeks but I'm feeling so irritated and annoyed by every little thing! Just burst into tears as I couldn't find the ironing board, and then got so angry at the fact my partner had moved it without telling me! I hope this doesn't last long, I'm not nice to be around ...
Please normalize not having multiple babies back to back when you didn’t have help with the first one
This happened yesterday: It was horrible. So my severely disabled sister (non verbal ASD) was due attrain station for 11:15 and it was 10:30 and thought oh I got enough time to quickly give him his bottle so he’s all set fo MIL to look after him. When I was feeding him MIL got really upset and I asked her what wa...
Anyone else’s 5 month old developed this yet? She cries at everyone that isn’t me. When I leave the room she cries and she never did this before
I’m 33 weeks+2, I’m physically exhausted. I’m struggling to sleep on a night, I’m getting 3 hours if that, I’m aching and I’m just in pain constantly 😬 not to mention I’m an emotional mess lately. My son was born at 34 weeks+5, 10 years ago and it’s just getting to me that what if my daughter is the same, I feel…
I have two little ones. I've always wanted three. I want another but the idea of going through birth and hitting the reset button is terrifying. I plan on going back to a full time job when my youngest starts school. I'm worried the longer I go without a job the harder it will be to get one again. With my first...
Breastfeeding mamas. What med are you taking for depression? I really need to get on something and am wondering what is working for other moms.
Hello mamas ,I am desperate with dealing with my MIL, she constantly suggests that there is something wrong with my little baby boy as soon he cries even though he might be only hungry she will create this drama and stress that he needs medication for his stomach pain etc. she now keeps insisting that I should be pu...
So my friend is blaming me currently for damage to her vehicle. I am so beyond frustrated because I had nothing to do with it and they're expecting me to pay everything for it. I don't currently have car insurance due to not owning a vehicle myself. So they're expecting me to pay out of pocket, which I have no issue...
I feel like maybe I shouldn’t be a mom anymore. I feel like whatever I do is wrong. This pregnancy has been a rollercoaster and is just making me feel like maybe this is not for me. Then I have to deal with other ppl like my kid’s other dad constantly fighting me over custody issues. It’s just a lot sometimes. Every...
Let’s say he’s gone made ur pregnancy miserable and u always had to beg for him to help. Now babies here and he dissapeared for a month so far would you just leave it alone and raise your child on your own. What if he comes back would you give him access to your child regardless? I’m concerned with him eventually s...
I'm due this week and would love to get some insight from mamas who have recently had their babies on more of the positive aspects. I'm feeling really overwhelmed from people in my life 'doomcasting.' I keep being told my "life is over", "you won't be able to do the things you enjoy anymore", "good luck with sleep...
My son is 7 weeks old, I’m 7 weeks postpartum and I just lost my grandfather. I am a mess. I can barely focus on anything. I’m so anxious and I’m constantly crying. My significant other is 100% holding it down in regards to taking care of our son and we are also staying at his mothers house. We needed the help. I’ve...
My little girl was born at 34+4 and spent just over two weeks in NICU back in November I was referred to the perinatal team and was due to have my first appointment with them on Thursday just gone which they cancelled as it was “necessary” and said they’d write to me with a new date in due course this has really ang...
I’m four months pp now and I’m REALLY starting to lose a lot of hair, any help or tips?!🧐🥴
I wanted this baby SO BAD and now that she’s here and the initial euphoria has worn off I am really struggling. I am crying everyday. Feel like my life is over. Almost mad at her that she is r”ruining “ everything. My husband voiced the same thing today which was surprising to me. Is this normal? We are only 1.5 wee...
*long one* i found out i was pregnant last january, and moved in with my partner & his mum at the time. at the beginning this were great, we all got along, it wasn’t until i hit around 15 weeks everything went downhill. i was physically and mentally neglected by my partner the whole pregnancy. he spent so much t...