Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

PP psychosis/ bipolar

Iā€™m 2 months postpartum and honestly keep spiraling. I keep randomly feeling impending doom and looking to the media then convincing myself the world is ending or the government is out to get me and Itā€™s gotten to the point where I think people are staring at me in public. Iā€™m glad my partner stopped validating my d...


In desperate need of reassurance

We had our second settle in session at nursery today and we left her for half an hour after staying for half an hour and wow it couldnā€™t have gone worse. We got back and she was crying uncontrollably to the point she couldnā€™t get her breath and I feel devastated. I just donā€™t know what to do I go back to work next w...


First time mum

Today is the day I realised my baby daddy hates me. He stopped all communication with me when I was 19 weeks im now 27+3 Iā€™ve been sick since Christmas Eve and was in hospital New Yearā€™s Eve and stayed overnight Today I got my blood work back and itā€™s saying thereā€™s something wrong wrong with the function of my li...



I get intrusive thoughts and I think I now have post natal depression how do I deal with this


Feeling Guilty

So, one of my close friends invited me to her birthday dinner, and I really wanted to go, but I had to cancel at the last minute. Iā€™ve just been so exhausted and dealing with a lot of nausea lately, and the thought of being out for hours made me feel even more drained. When I told her, she was really disappointed a...


parenting by intuition/baby led?

anyone else not following a whole lot of guidelines or schedules etc when it comes to their baby and just listening to their babyā€™s cues and how they act and their differing types of cries instead and having success? Sometimes I feel alone in this type of way that I donā€™t follow certain schedules for naps or feeding...


A Week without my daughteršŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Hey everyone. So starting yesterday evening, my daughter will be with her dad for a week and thatā€™s the longest weā€™ve been apart since sheā€™s been born. My daughter turned one on the 15th of Dec. and sheā€™s spent two nights with her dad and it went well but since sheā€™s been gone Iā€™ve been depressed, isolated in my roo...


Hair Loss

Has anyone tried nutrafol for hair loss?


How are your relationships at 4 mo PP?

My husband is ā€œtryingā€ to help out with our LO but im hard on him and feel like he doesnā€™t do enough or good enough for what he does do- Im not 100% trusting of how he takes care of her I left her with him 2 times and both times she wouldnā€™t feed at all and he didnā€™t call me when I was gone for 5-6 hours I was devas...



I know itā€™s only been two days since I gave birth, but how bad was pain for you afterwards? I have a second degree tear. Sometimes I get such bad waves of pain I canā€™t sit or walk, and it stings and feel like thereā€™s a fresh rip or something. My partner said thereā€™s nothing down there that looks concerning and it j...


Epidural injury

*trigger warning, dont read if you may be scared y answers to this. Has anyone had a short-term or long-standing injury after an epidural was used during child birth, such as long term back pain etc?


scar infection

my scar has randomly opened and started bleeding, iā€™ve been to the hospital and have an infection - iā€™m 4 months pp, anyone else had any experience with infections? did it just go away with antibiotics?


I feel alone

I have a 10 month old daughter and I am a stay-at-home mom...My boyfriend and I live with my parents and we have our own guest room. My boyfriend has frequently been putting me down and it is starting to send me into depression. My postpartum journey has not been easy so I am having a hard time finding my identity a...


Stitches 2 degree tear

Hello, how long did it take for your stitches to heal. Iā€™m 4 weeks pp and just checked down there for the first time and the top of my hole it looks like itā€™s open but im in no pain. Not sure if this is normal or not.


Bringing in another sexual partner to our marriageā€¦.

Iā€™ve never been very open minded to a 3 sum. Iā€™m a very jealous person when it comes to my husband and the thought of seeing him with another woman or him seeing me with another man has always made me feel really uncomfortable just the thought of it. Weā€™ve been together 13 years and have both agreeā€™d weā€™d like to ...


Postpartum depression

Is there anyone that has postpartum depression? If so how did you go about seeking any help? Iā€™ve struggled for a while but have masked and kind of ignored/just dealt with it the best I can, and health visitors have suggested I may have postpartum depression. Iā€™m starting to really struggle and feel like I may need ...


Feeling overwhelmed and keep crying

Since I found out I was pregnant at the start of October, Iā€™ve had really bad morning sickness and feeling unwell and havenā€™t been working since November because of this. The whole time I looked forward to Christmas because it meant my partner was also off work for a couple of weeks and it was something to look forw...


Baby blues or PND

My baby girl is 3 weeks old and every day I feel overwhelmed with fear and I am crying constantly. I have a constant feeling of dread, I feel guilty and as though sheā€™s better without me. I feel like I am a bad person all the time. I have turned really bitter and hateful towards my partner too. I donā€™t want to be th...


Finding the evenings really hard

My little girl is 1 week old today, for the last 3/4 days I have found the evenings so hard emotionally for me. My partner is so supportive and has been making dinners and helping with everything. I feel like as soon as it starts getting dark outside I feel sad and like I just want to cry. I donā€™t know if this i...


Visiting/visitors with newbornā€¦venting

My daughter was born just before Thanksgiving and so far weā€™ve been to all the holiday gatherings which were small and intimate besides New years. So far Iā€™ve been asked to babysit twice, my mom doesnā€™t consistently tell my little sister to respect the babyā€™s space as sheā€™s been wanting to be all over her every time...


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