Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Intimacy after vaginal birth

Is it just me or is my partner scarred from watching me have a vaginal birth. He used to do all these fun things with me, but I noticed a change after giving birth. I’m curious to know…. Did your husband want to give you oral sex after watching you give birth vaginally? How long did it take (tell me in the comments)


Not enjoying this stage of motherhood

I’m really not enjoying this stage of the toddler tantrums and constantly telling my daughter not to touch something. It’s so so draining I feel like I’m telling her off all day not to do this or that or touch something she shouldn’t. She’s also started hitting, pinching and pulling hair which she thinks is funny. S...


MIL Drama

During my delivery I was allowed 3 people with me. I chose my husband, my mom and my sister. Since my son was born my MIL has only visited 5 times ( baby is now 3.5 months old) and she lives one block away and it’s her first grandkid. When husband confronted her she told me she was mad I did not choose her to be in ...



This is going to be a long one. I am 19. I have been wanting to get back into therapy I feel like I really need it bad now. I am 7 months pp and I feel like I’m drowning sometimes. I can’t control myself anymore, especially with my boyfriend I feel so bad but sometimes it’s like a switch we could be doing fine and...


They mean well

FTM here. My daughter is 7 months old. I wfh and we’ve tried several childcare options but non have stuck and now she is home with me. She goes to other people but if I’m in the room she wants me. We cosleep and she just prefers Mama. Overwhelmingly I am getting so much commentary about her being spoiled and a titty...


Question about my almost 3 year old

My daughter turns 3 very end of April. She’s been doing this thing lately where if she gets upset about something she retreats to another room or even a corner and hides then whimpers, cries, and sobs, to herself. If anyone at all tries to intervene and help her, talk to her, give her a hug anything she screams in a...


MIL using baby to fill another woman’s void.

Just left dinner with my MIL, baby, husband and my MIL’s mom. My husband was walking around the buffet with the baby while I ate and a server comes over and starts reaching for her. My husband ignored her but she didn’t stop my MIL goes “she wants to hold her” My husband looked at me and back at the server than ign...


Question for those who have already had babies…

I know there were will be a whole new world of healing to do post birth but wondered when the pregnancy niggles eg back pain, PGP, heartburn etc etc stop? I’m really struggling to move around now and finding the back pain exhausting, just worried I’ll have this to contend with on top of healing from birth and look...


Bad hair loss

My little boy is 16 weeks old tomorrow & my hair is literally falling out in clumps😢😢😢 is there anything I can do to promote hair regrowth? Im using k-18 & rosemary oil. I’m a maid of honour for a wedding this year, bridesmaid for another… I’m heartbroken


Super embarrassing…

I’m super self conscious about this but I don’t know if im “loose” now after giving birth. I’ve only had 1 child and if I sneeze I piss or taking a bath water comes out of my vag after😭 I know this is pelvic and vaginal wall but how can I be this loose after just 1 child. Im super embarrassed and afraid it won’t…


I can feel left over tissue (from giving birth) still inside me

The midwife did tell me there is still tissue inside me which should come out by itself, I can feel it like it’s on its way out but not budging. I also felt down there and could actually tug on it but i was too scared as it would need a big pull. Sorry if this is tmi but im scared of getting infection so I really wa...


Feel like the worst mom ever!!!!

So I’m a sahm and I’m starting to want nothing to do with my child. Like I wanna be here and everything just I can’t keep doing it all.. I don’t wanna feel like this I wanna be there and make my daughter the happiest. She’s 1. Any tips to not feel like this?


Any ideas

So I’m almost 10 months postpartum and only have a small pouch it’s mainly just skin, I was wondering if anybody had any ideas or options for trying to get rid of it, I know exercising but is there anything else that helped you guys


Mental health meds

Do you take medication for a mental health condition?


Feel like my baby hates me

I don’t really know the point of this post but maybe someone can relate. I’m at my breaking point - my baby is 10 weeks old and since 7 weeks all he does is cry and whinge and just constant noise except for when he’s sleeping or eating. He’ll be fed, changed and winded and still it carries on and nothing I try sooth...


Feeling a bit sad

I’m due my first baby in Feb, and as I live in the US and my mum in the UK she was going to come over for 5 weeks to help with the baby/to see him. She was here for Xmas and now says she doesn’t have enough to do and won’t stay for five weeks in Feb. I get that it’s hard for her to spend time away from her routine, ...



My 7 week old for the past week has been crying non stop for no reason, last night she cried for 5 hours straight and nothing would console her, not even feeding. We’ve tried infacol to see if it would help and it hasn’t, she’s been pale this morning and is just so irritable she’s not sleeping properly. She’ll fall ...


Feeling down & anxious?

Hi, I’m 18 weeks now but last couple of weeks by mental health has changed drastically constantly feeling down & anxious.. is anyone else feeling the same is this normal within pregnancy?


Leaving baby at nursery

I just left my baby at nursery for her first 2 hour settling in session. She was so happy the first 40 mins roaming around everywhere whilst I was there and then saw me get up to go so crawled over and she hugged me so so tightly like she knew I was gonna leave her - then obviously cried her eyes out when I had to h...


How to stay positive

Those of you that still have littles who don’t sleep through, how are you staying positive and surviving? 20months on and I sometimes feel like it’s a reflection of my parenting or something I’m doing wrong. I know the broken sleep is taking its toll and just making me question things but how do you mammas stay ...


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