Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Doctors have recommended an induction after baby’s growth has slowed (going from 67th percentile to 22nd). I’m 39 weeks today and have my balloon induction at 12, does anyone have any experience of this? I’m freaking out a little I really didn’t want to be induced
How long were you in labor with your first and then your second. Bonus points if you were induced with both.
I had my c-section a little over three months ago. Most of the time I don’t have any issues with sensitivity or soreness. However, if I’m anxious or stressed I’ve noticed that it becomes very sore. Has anyone else experienced this?
Does anyone know what to expect when you get induced
Hi mums, Baby no.3 due in June and I’ll be induced. Has anyone else had an induction booked in, if so at what gestation were you? Did you have any say when baby was being induced? Thank you
I don’t know how to feel. So many emotions right now. My induction was scheduled for 38 weeks (in 10 days) and my mfm wanted it moved up but the office is closed so I don’t know the updated day anymore it could be as soon as 3 days from now. Bummed cuz we really liked the original birthday, stressed cuz he’ll be her...
I’ve kept myself anonymous for this as it’s taken me a long time to process this myself. 7 months ago I had my son delivered by c-section. Not at all what I wanted but due to the hormone drip dropping my son’s heart rate I had no choice. Anyway, I’m here to here to say it’s okay not to be okay. I’m a first time m...
So I’m coming up to 4 weeks post partum and I’m still bleeding and I feel like I’ve been on the longest period of my life, anyone else had this problem?
How far in advance were you given the date of your elective c section?
Hey, mamas have any of you experienced or is experiencing having baby fever again once your first hit 18 months. My baby girl turned 18 months on the 3rd and now I can’t help but, have feelings on missing the newborn stage it was really tough and crucial but, I miss having a little baby 🧸 what has helped you mamas?
So I’ve come in for induction today and been told I don’t need the gel as I’m already 3cm-4cm so they will break my waters in the morning instead. Can anyone who experienced this tell me how it was for them? Was it painful? How was the Labour afterwards? I was induced previously but my waters didn’t go till just bef...
Does anyone know if they do anything to help with parking charges at Warwick hospital while you’re having your baby? I am being induced could be here for days and I’m concerned I’m going to rack up a bill!
Had 2 natural births, this is my 3rd baby, due in 6 weeks. May have to go for elective C Section this time if baby hasn’t turned the right way round by my next scan in 2 weeks time… are c sections really that awful? I’m so nervous Want some truthful stories/opinions please
Hey mamas just wondering if anyone has opted for elective c section for first baby or has had it before and what’s the experience like. Also if anyone has had a water birth how was it. I really don’t want to push and everyone who’s been giving me advice have no babies and l really don’t want to take it as l would pr...
Anyone know how to request a copy of your maternity notes from a few years ago? My daughter is 6 and I never looked through my notes about her labour and birth after she was born as I was so traumatised, but now I’m curious and want to know all the details, I’ve heard you can just email the hospital and ask but I ca...
I had emergency c section after being induced at 39 weeks and being in labour for 1.5 days… Uterine artery got cut and I lost more than 1.5 ltrs of blood.. can it be Medical error to loose so much blood as I was marked high risk due to low platelets and consultants were trying their best for me to loose lesser blood...
Hi mamas- Hope everyone is being kind to themselves ! Wondering what everyone’s post c section return to exercising has been like. During pregnancy I exercised until the day before my elective section. I do strength training , yoga and HIIT( have done for years ). I stopped HIIT during pregnancy but carried on wit...
Recommendations for exercises and healing. So I’ve had 2 c sections now, one in mid 2023 and one late 2024 and I went to attempt to do some core workouts to help me to continue to lose weight and it felt like my insides were going to fall out and was hurting so much after doing so little. I also think my muscles ...
Had a sweep today and was told I’m not dilated at all at 39+3 which is fine but since the sweep I’ve had a lot of browning discharge, it’s not gunky like I’d imagine a mucus plug to be like, is this a good sign? Cervix was soft x
I’ve been seeing that people have been getting contractions while collecting colostrum and I literally don’t get any 🤣 is that normal? I’ve collected 4ml today after my bath and had 0 contractions while doing it and after? I’m 38 weeks