Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
What is an antenatal phonecall appointment for? How can they check my blood pressure, baby's heartbeat, measure the baby etc. seems abit pointless to me 😩
Got these faint lines today at 9 dpo!! 🤩 Gonna test again in the morning to make sure they get darker. And I messaged my dr to get beta hcg done to confirm. This will be baby #3 for us 🥰 We have a 2.5 year old girl and a 10 month old girl 💕
I’m so confused. Could I have peaked with such a low LH score?
Got these today with SMU, 9 dpo. Do y’all see those lines too?? 🥹🤍
Hello! According to my OB- im measuring three weeks a head. (& definitely feeling it 😅) But she won't induce until 39 weeks according to my original due date. Does this seem right? My first son was 8 pounds at 37 weeks so i definitely make big babies & im worried lol
My digital test says in 2-3 weeks pregnant and in the notes it says based on a 28 day cycle I will be 4-5 weeks pregnant. Is this right? I thought I was 4 weeks tomorrow as per my LMP. Thanks xx
Is this a vvf line
9dpo, I know it’s early but I had a feeling… I was disappointed last month due to line eyes. Tell me it’s just not me this time 👀
At your booking appointment do they only speak to both you and your partner together, or do they speak to you individually / privately also? I had a very late miscarriage around 11 years ago that my partner does not know about (no real reason I’ve just never wanted to bring it up). Will they ask me about this in t...
Does this look like a line?
Hey! Does anyone have any recommendations for apps to safely exercise during pregnancy? Ideally in the gym and at home workouts ☺️ TIA
I’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 33+4… feel like I’ve let my baby down or that my body is failing her. Also the shame that comes with it having PCOS and higher bmi 😔😔😔
I was told by my Doctors surgery that I needed to self-refer to the midwives using ‘Badger Notes’. I filled in the information on the link they sent and have not heard anything since. Does anyone know roughly how long it takes for the midwives to contact you after submitting the forms?
I’m going in for my GD test Monday morning and freaking. I don’t have the healthiest diet and have to eat takeout for the past month due to construction at my house. I don’t have any symptoms but I just want to make sure my baby is safe and healthy. Would love any tips from people with GD and how they manage, incas...
I'm 6weeks+3days and the digital has just come back saying 2-3 weeks, surely it should be 3+weeks by now? This is also coupled with my symptoms reducing. I have a scan booked in a week but even that just feels so long to wait 😖
Went to my 36 week midwife appointment yesterday and explained that I was suffering from headache’s, seeing black spots she done my blood pressure and it was high to the point she would have to send me to hospital but waited and done it again and it came down. She said to me if my symptoms haven’t gone away to conta...
What brands and how useful are they actually to help pressure of pain? Thank you 😁
Can someone please give me some advice, I have done my self-referral to multiple nhs places last week (4 weeks), I’m 5 weeks now and I haven’t heard back from any of them, at most it says we will get back to you within 4-6 weeks, is this normal??
Hello! My hubby has type 1 diabetes, he was diagnosed a year ago. I was wondering if I could get some guidance? He is feeling disheartened at the moment, he keeps going into hypos. Or high (high 13, low 3ish) I think it’s because of the winter it acts differently but he’s not been good at injecting and waiting to ea...
Those with GD how often do you get a number higher than 120, 2 hours after a meal. I just got 126 and I’m feeling guilty bc I knew what I ate was a risk. I’m diet controlled.