Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.


I miscarried at 9 weeks 2 weeks ago. I've come back to work to try and get some normality back. I'm just feeling so so low. I find myself sitting at the floor at home just crying and nothing has sparked it or set me off. I just feel so low and I don't know what to do. Is there anything to do?


High thyroid:( need some loving

Was so excited to find out we were pregnant. Went and got my second set of bloods. My HCG was sitting at 1400 (Iā€™m almost 5 weeks) she said my thyroid was high at 3.9 and should be sitting around 2.5 so sheā€™s made me do another set of tests and starting me on medication in the next couple days. All I keep reading is...


Wanting baby #2

Hi everyone so this might be a stupid question but me and my fiancĆ© are trying for baby #2 our first will be 2 in January, we were trying this past June and I ended up getting pregnant but miscarried at 4 weeks. Weā€™re trying again but nothing is workingā€¦ my doctor has said nothing is wrong so itā€™s simply just not ha...



I'm so scared that my uterus is going to rupture šŸ˜«



Hi had a miscarriage on Friday was just under 6 weeks still bleeding now but not as bad was my first time falling in 6 years my 2nd pregnancy but my first miscarriage wanting to try again asap whilst Iā€™m fertile and fell dr said Iā€™m due to ovulate in next couple weeks as now will also be a period they did also wait ...


Trying again

How long did it take you to get pregnant again after having a miscarriage and particularly d&c surgery if you had it?


Hope after 2 miscarriagesā€¦

ā€¦ Iā€™ve had x2 early losses (between 6-7 weeks) this year (one very recently last cycle) and Iā€™m feeling totally deflated and starting to losing hope whilst everyone else around is falling pregnant and enjoying their babies šŸ˜” we have no living children and have been TTC for almost a year. Both 32 and healthy - Iā€™veā€¦



I just wondered if there is anyone here with experience of missed miscarriage. I went for a private scan yesterday at what should have been 9+4 but baby was measuring 6+2 with no heartbeat šŸ’” so I was referred to local early pregnancy unit who wonā€™t see me until Sunday, a week between, to confirm and go through nextā€¦


Threatened Miscarriages

Hello Iā€™m new here and I have to ask has anyone ever heard or experienced a threatened miscarriage. I went to the hospital and was informed that I had this. But not more information on the matter. I didnā€™t get to see a sack or hear a heartbeat. Only advice was to see my doctor in 48 hours. Has anyone had this happ...


How long did it take you to conceive again following miscarriage?

Just out of interest and to be honest, reassurance! Iā€™ve heard you have a good chance of conceiving within 6 months post miscarriage/less likely to miscarry again within this time too. Thanks in advance!


Period after miscarriage

How long did it take for your first period to come after miscarriage?


Bleeding at 8weeks

Ive had medium bleeding for 5days and had a bit of cramping but when seen by the GP my cervix wasnt open and i have a cervical ectropion seen with the exam. I havent passed any clots or seen a baby so can this still be a miscarriage or will it likely be something else? I have a scan tomorrow at 8am so ill have answe...


Apologies if itā€™s not the right group,

I had my 7 weeks scan on Friday and everything was fine, after 2 hours I lost some blood mixed with I think the lube used on the scan, the bleeding stopped straight away and today on Sunday I just passed some little clots. I have my check tomorrow but I just want to know, did I just had a miscarriage?


Pregnant after miscarriage

Had a miscarriage 5 weeks ago and just found out I'm pregnant again but haven't had a period in between, I have no symptoms at all and got such bad anxiety and scared, should I try get an appointment at epu or call my doctor?


3 losses and now pregnant

Iā€™ve had an ectopic and 2 mc this year. Just tested positive on Thursday (4weeks - 14dpo) however since 4dpo Iā€™ve been having the most vivid dreams. Hcg only 25 measured yesterday. They have given me progesterone to take also. Iā€™m just panicking itā€™s another mc because the hcg is so low. Can progesterone help boost...


Pregnant after 2 recurrent miscarriages

Be honest, who miscarried the third time or was it a success? Pregnant again after saying weā€™d wait with so much heart ache and now I donā€™t know what I want. Terrified and want to know what to prepare for.


Testing after 2nd miscarriage

Hi, I am just going through my 2nd miscarriage. I feel so sadand hopeless. The hospital says that they will not check anything until I have 3. I find this so cruel. I have booked an app with my GP for next month asI would like to ask for some help. Has anybody managed to fet some test done after 2nd miscarriage? Wha...


Investigations after 2 miacarriages

Hi, I had a miscarriage in April and I am going through my second one right now. I have been told in the hospital that they will not do anything else until I have 3 miscarriages, which it breakes my heart to think. I have already booked an app with my GP to see if he would do some investigations. Has anybody done th...


Miscarriage at 7 weeks

Just wanting some advice or reassurance, it was confirmed on Monday that I was having a miscarriage and today I have passed the foetus. I feel broken, confused & empty. I feel awful at the thought of flushing it down the toilet too but also donā€™t know what else to do. How often did you bleed for after and when did...


Successful pregnancy with endometriosis?

Hi, Has anyone here conceived naturally with endometriosis, without having surgery? My infertility doctor thinks I might have both endometriosis and adenomyosis. Iā€™ve had three miscarriages and am currently 5 weeks pregnant but have struggled to carry past 6 weeks. Iā€™m on baby aspirin, progesterone, prenatals, and V...


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