Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
Hi Everyone I'm just wondering if anyone here is in the same position as me, as I think it would help having someone to talk to. I had an anembryonic pregnancy in March, followed by another missed miscarriage at the start of October - we'd actually seen the heartbeat, but sadly our baby stopped progressing not l...
Yes I know that I’m overthinking but I still can’t stop I’m panicking because I’m not bleeding. Dumb I know but when I was bleeding the bleed inside was getting bigger on scans and I havnt bled in almost a month but I’m scared incase it’s still getting bigger but faster coz it’s not like coming out and ik it can al...
I’m almost 6 weeks with my rainbow baby after experiencing a miscarriage over the summer at 10 weeks. I’m super nervous this time around and pray that we have a happy healthy baby this time! Any one else relate? I’ve been praying every single day - we go in for an early scan next week to see how things are looking.
Hello!! I found out I’m pregnant with my second baby!! 6w along and I thought I was having a miscarriage, but it’s a subchorionic hematoma. Anyone ever deal with this?🥴🥲 a lot of feelings. Primarily anxious. It can increase risk in miscarriage, but I know a lot of people are fine. I just want to know some people’s…
I had a Miscarriage exactly a month ago now. I miscarried 22nd Oct and it’s now Nov 22nd. I’ve only had light bleeding on the 19th and no more signs of a period. I’ve been testing negative for pregnancy so how long do I wait to see if I am? Has anybody got ideas on how long it might take to ovulate ect. X
So today I found out I’m pregnant again after suffering a miscarriage, middle last month. Obviously feeling overjoyed and blessed but also anxious as well! I’m 2 weeks post ovulation today and didn’t have a period between the miscarriage and getting pregnant so it may be a little tricky with dates but have it narro...
Anyone else get insomnia after a miscarriage? I think it could also be the hormones dropping!?
So I had a miscarriage on the 18th of October and found out I am pregnant again yesterday. I'm so worried about this pregnancy now and also the fact that my miscarriage was only a month ago... I don't know how far along I am ect because I never got a period before I fell pregnant again. I'm over the moon for being a...
I seemed to have some spicy food last night and now I went toilet (number 2) wiped myself and there was fresh red blood. It was only on one wipe. The second time I wiped the tissue was completely clean- can this be a sign of a miscarriage? I am 4-5 weeks pregnant
We found out yesterday that we had a missed miscarriage. LMP was 10th September so I should be 10 weeks but there was only a yolk sac and no embryo visible. I'm due to go back for a follow-up up scan next week but this morning I started bleeding quite heavily. I went into work because I didn't know what else to do...
Hey girls, I had a miscarriage in September and I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again… I’ve just done a digital test which says 1-2 weeks so very very early, I took a test as I was late for my period and it says 1-2 weeks pregnant. There’s no way that it could be showing as postive because of the miscarriage stil...
I’m feeling that urge to start trying again but still feel that I’m struggling to grieve our heaven side baby💔I have no one who can empathise with me and am finding it so hard as even though I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy, I need someone to tell me, I understand you and you’re valid! You naturally seek…
How long after your miscarriage did it take for your period to return? I had my miscarriage last week in September, I’m considering taking a pregnancy test but am a bit worried. I am trying again currently. Could this be a good sign ?
Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks pregnant - what can I do differently to help minimize it happening again? Any tips to help the anxiety for the next pregnancy? 🙏
Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks pregnant - what can I do differently to help minimize it happening again? Any tips to help the anxiety for the next pregnancy? 🙏
Trigger Warning - previous miscarriages I’m happy to be newly pregnant (due July 28th). I’m having a hard time taking it day by day. I have 3 living kids and in the last 4 months has 2 losses. I wish I could just relax and be happy. I’m counting down the days until I can have a heartbeat ultrasound.
Hi I’m wondering if anyone could help or a similar thing has happened. I got a faint positive test yesterday last night I started bleeding it’s mostly been brown but has had red blood. I took a progesterone pessary in hope the bleeding was nothing as I bleed alittle with my first pregnancy but I got up to bit of bl...
Hi I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago, started with minor bleeding day by day then bloodclots then my water broke. Baby came out straight away, im so upset but I wanted to find out can I start trying again according to google I can start trying again by waist at least 2 weeks (which is tomorrow) I still don’t know wha...
Im pregnant 3 months after my miscarriage - which would have been my second baby… I’m hopeful for this pregnancy but I’m too nervous to celebrate. Just wanted to connect and maybe get some words of encouragement! Thank you
How long did the bleeding last after miscarriage?