Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
My twins have been toilet trained for around 5 months. I always make them go for a pee before going anywhere but sometimes they will need one an hour later depending on how much they have drank. It's put me off taking them to nice parks without toilets. Was just wondering if you let your wee ones pee behind bushes/t...
Does this look like the two bottom front teeth are coming in? More pics in comments.
Hi everyone. My little one seems to be ready for training and since summer we've done preparations like reading books, singing potty songs etc. now she started using it on and off by herself for wees. How do I progress from here? Do I ask her about using potty regularly or go nappy free for a while and see what happ...
Anybody else have a 4 month old teething possibly? He’s drooling on everything and constantly chewing on something. Poor little guy!
I just felt my 5.5 month baby's gums and I can feel something sharp just under the gums where her lower incisors will be. How long did it take for your baby's teeth to errupt once they could be felt? She won't let me look at her gums, so I'm not sure if there's anything visible yet. It definitely feels different tho...
I’m looking for advice regarding potty training. I’m expecting my second baby in late may and my son is 2 next week. He’s very aware of his nappy and lets me know when he wants it changed. He can say wee wee and poo and is interested when I go to the toilet. He has a potty and has sat on it a few times voluntarily. ...
Sorry for another potty training post but I was wondering if anyone’s little one has told them they want to use the toilet and has actually been ready? My little boy tells me when he needs a wee or poo but when we tried introducing a potty/toilet seat he couldn’t let it go and would get to the point of being so de...
Im wondering if anyone can see any signs of teething i highly doubt it because hes only 12weeks but hes been dribbling a lot recently like soaking a vest in 30 mins and has been having mucous poos and i cant think of anything else that would cause that x
Super controversial I know but has anyone started potty training yet? My LB has just turned 1 and the past few days having to do a lot of nappy free time because of bad nappy rash so kind of thinking while I’m at it shall I give it a go. Just wondered if anyone had done it before this early, potty recommendations et...
My daughter is 9 months tomorrow she’s teething a lot and has a tooth coming through and another one we can see coming soon she use to drink 5-6 oz every 4 hours now she can be sleeping 9 hours straight at night and won’t even finish 5 oz and have to fight her to drink 3-4 oz I don’t know what to do is this normal ...
I feel so guilty because I’ve sent my girl to preschool this morning kicking and screaming because she wanted me so bad, she hasn’t has a poo since Saturday which I think is why she wanted me to badly. I feel so bad but the more I keep her off the more she doesn’t want to go I feel terrible. The reason she hasn’t p...
My son is showing signs of being ready for the potty. Gotta read up on which method to use but I wanted to see what yall are doing if anyone could share. Also anyone giving stickers or prizes for successful potty? Thanks:)
My babies front teeth are coming through and he is waking now every 1/2 hours in the night. Please tell me it’s a phase 😵😵😵
My almost 3.5 year old girl is still not potty trained. I always have to remind (or force) her to go to the potty. What helped you the most to potty train your toddler?
I started potty training my almost 3-year-old a few days ago and it's been a s*** show! We'll sit around the potty and then one minute later she'll go in her underwear and then go and hide and go poop in her underwear. She's perfectly capable of peeing on the potty she used to do it all the time I think she just doe...
My baby will be 3 months old in 10 days. Last night he was very fussy and up multiple times (not normal he’s slept through the night since day 1). And today he has been having big crying fits that last about an hour lots of drooling and lots of chewing on hands and clothes. Not even latching him will calm him, he’s ...
If your LO is teething throw some celery sticks in the freezer! Wrap the bottom in a small washcloth and give to them when they need soothing!
Hey mommas! I need advice! I'm a first time mom, my little man just turned 2 (Dec 8th) and well, he's pretty much terrified of the potty? At 19/20 months old, he was absolutely extatic so proud of himself for peeing on the potty for the first time. I think it happened 1 or 2 more times after that. Then very ubruptly...
My son is autistic and is recently became verbal, he will be 5 this year in July and will go to school on august, I am currently trying to get him toilet trained and he will sit on the toilet fine but doesn’t understand what he’s to do? I have spoken to nursery who said they would help. I am struggling where to star...
My LO has came back from nursery x3 now with a sore bottom, I’m getting angrier and angrier, I’ve spoken to them every time but it still keeps happening and I’m really not sure what to do about it and does anyone have any advice? It is a thing where people ask for more spot changes…am I even allowed to do that? I...