Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
My son is autistic and is recently became verbal, he will be 5 this year in July and will go to school on august, I am currently trying to get him toilet trained and he will sit on the toilet fine but doesn’t understand what he’s to do? I have spoken to nursery who said they would help. I am struggling where to star...
My LO has came back from nursery x3 now with a sore bottom, I’m getting angrier and angrier, I’ve spoken to them every time but it still keeps happening and I’m really not sure what to do about it and does anyone have any advice? It is a thing where people ask for more spot changes…am I even allowed to do that? I...
For those who didn’t do the 3 day training (bare bum or straight to hnderwear) how long did potty training take (comment age of child too!)
What is everyone doing as far as teeth/tooth 😂 brushing or mouth cleaning for LOs eating solids?
Hi we’ve decided to start trying to introduce the potty to our 1 1/2 year old because as soon as she pees she’s trying to pull her diaper off. Just not sure how to really go about it. She’s our first she sits on it really well but we’ve been keeping clothes and diaper on I want to try taking it off but not sure how ...
We tried to potty train my daughter when she was 2.5y. We went cold turkey and she was doing fantastic for like 4 days. Poops, pees, we weren’t even staying home she did well even at a church bathroom! Then she fell into our friends’ toilet 😅 the next day she tilted her pelvis to look at her pee and accidentally…
Have any of you potty trained your 3 year old yet? .. if so how long did it take and how did you go about it? We tried a few months back by letting him just go round with no nappy to which he hated being naked from the waist down so would moan for a nappy back on . We left it a few months as we felt he wasn't read...
My son be 3 in April and need to have him potty trained for preschool by September would this work or would I be wasting my money
So I’m trying really hard with my little girl to potty train. When she is bare bum she’s fine and will wee on potty or toilet when she needs it. If she’s wearing training pants or knickers she will do wee/poo in them and not tell me she needs it. She point blank refuses to poo on toilet or potty (even though she has...
My daughter has discovered her hands and is constantly putting them in her mouth even after a bottle, does anyone know what this means 😂
Last few months my son poops every 5 days ! I have a doc appointment tmrw , but I’m looking for tips how to get him to go more often. He’s not potty trained yet , trying to increase fiber , when he does go I have to give him so much juice to go and his belly hurts when it’s passing.
Hi, looking for some support. My twins were born at 32+1. They turn 5 months old tomorrow. Recently, they have both had their hands in their mouth constantly, crying more than usual and feeding is slower than normal. I will speak to my H.V when they come out but just wondering if they possibly could be teething ? ...
Tips on starting potty training … I was first thinking I’d just get around to it when he started walking …. But I think it’s time to start now because he’s starting to take steps .. So tips on ways to start potty training . Go 🗣️
I’m going through potty training, that’s my New Year’s resolution but it’s fcking exhausting and I don’t know what to do. And I’ve been only doing for 2 days 🤣💀 my daughter has been fighting me today like every time I try she acts like I’m going in there with her to shove her head in the toilet 😩 I feel like I need…
I have major calpol guilt, my 9 month old baby has has back to back teeth break through for the past 2 months and I feel like i am giving him lots of calpol at night to help with the pain else he’s chewing on has finger crying. At the minute he’s probably having three times a week at night, and I just feel really ...
My 11 week little girl has recently become really fussy when drinking kicking and throwing her arms around, it gets to 4pm and then she will refuse the bottle and cry as soon as it goes in her mouth, she hasn’t drank since 2.30pm today. Shes dribbling, sucking on things, always wants a dummy, chewing on the teet of ...
My daughter is 2 and hates her diaper being wet or dirty. I would like to start potty training her. Does anyone have ideas on where to start?
My little one is 2y 4m and has always struggled with constipation (have posted about it a few times). She's on movicol but still goes upto 9 days with no bowel movement and really stuggles with pooping anxiety where she gets panicked thinking it will hurt and holds it in etc. The past two baths she's panicked and po...
Hey all. We started potty training on Sunday. We hadnt actually intended on starting as we have tried multiple times before and my son just wasn't interested. We got up on Sunday morning and when i went to change his nappy he said "no mummy! nappies are for babies!" So we took that and ran with it 😁 he has been…
My little one is almost 4 and completely potty trained during the day and has been since 2.5. Is night time training something I can introduce or is it something I need to wait for? She’s still waking up with a very full pull up every mornings. How do I go about teaching it?