Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

11 week teething/fussiness?

My 11 week little girl has recently become really fussy when drinking kicking and throwing her arms around, it gets to 4pm and then she will refuse the bottle and cry as soon as it goes in her mouth, she hasn’t drank since 2.30pm today. Shes dribbling, sucking on things, always wants a dummy, chewing on the teet of ...


Potty training

My daughter is 2 and hates her diaper being wet or dirty. I would like to start potty training her. Does anyone have ideas on where to start?


Pooping in the bath..

My little one is 2y 4m and has always struggled with constipation (have posted about it a few times). She's on movicol but still goes upto 9 days with no bowel movement and really stuggles with pooping anxiety where she gets panicked thinking it will hurt and holds it in etc. The past two baths she's panicked and po...


Potty training day 3

Hey all. We started potty training on Sunday. We hadnt actually intended on starting as we have tried multiple times before and my son just wasn't interested. We got up on Sunday morning and when i went to change his nappy he said "no mummy! nappies are for babies!" So we took that and ran with it 😁 he has been…


Night time potty training??

My little one is almost 4 and completely potty trained during the day and has been since 2.5. Is night time training something I can introduce or is it something I need to wait for? She’s still waking up with a very full pull up every mornings. How do I go about teaching it?


Potty training help !!!!!!

So I’m at a point where I have no idea what on earth I’m doing I’ve tried googling it but nothing proper comes up im really struggling with everything at the moment and some advice would be amazing because at the moment all I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and just cry


Potty training

Had anyone potty trained their child already it has started?? I bought my daughter a next to me toilet that we place next to ours when she was around a year and a half old. I tried to get her to get use to it then and she does great sitting on it but as soon as I tell her let's take her pants and diaper off so she c...


Potty training

So my daughter has started walking a bit and when she finally gets it I want to start potty training. Do yall think it would be too soon and she wouldn’t understand what I’m trying to teach her? Like she is only 8 months. I’m a first time mom so I’m not sure when you’re supposed to start.


Potty training question

Did anyone potty train without the naked phase? How did that go? It's too cold to be half naked & there's no way I'd can stay house bound with my bouncy toddler, she needs to blow off steam outside. How did you manage going out while training?


Potty training - not started

I am seeing so many posts about potty training but I’ve not even started with my little boy who was 2 on the 18th. He tells me when he has done a poo but not when he needs it. He has sat on the potty and we have had one wee and one poo thought this was a sign but then he wasn’t interested anymore. Should I be tryi...


Potty training

I’m trying to potty train my 18 month old But he seems to be holding his urine So hasn’t had a pee on the toilet. I’ve let him go naked and he peed on the floor after two hours! Anyways he will only sit on the potty for Etheir 3 seconds or 1 minute. But doesn’t matter how long he sits he still won’t pee. And I’ve b...


Free dentist

Ladies, does anyone know what I need to do or who I ask if I need proof that I've had a baby in the last year so I can get free dental ? I'm not sure if this is all UK or just Wales, but I know we get the first year free, and I'm due a check-up, so I want to be prepared should I need it


Potty training - nights

So I'm going to add to the abundance of posts about potty training..BUT my only question is what to do at nights. We recently started potty training and it's going OK, still some accidents but that's just how it is. I don't understand how to potty train at nights. For now we just use the nappy at nights but then.....



How’s everyone doing with potty training 😄


Chipped tooth

I feel like the worst mom ever.. my little girl was jumping yesterday and she lost her balance resulting in hitting the baby gate with her mouth. She cried for a little but was fine after. I noticed that the only thing she hurt herself was her tooth and she chipped it. Should I be concerned?? I feel so bad like I kn...


General anesthesia dental

Any other Mama's have their baby undergo anesthesia for dental work that can ease my mind. My baby girl has an appt tomorrow and I'm losing my marbles, super stressed and uneasy..😭


Potty Training

My 2.5 year old girl is not interested in potty training. We got her a potty at 1.5 and she was VERY interested UNTIL she pooped in the potty and we flushed it away!!! SHE WANTED TO HOLD IT AND WE TOLD HER NO. After that she wanted nothing to do with the potty. It's now a year later and she screams and cries when we...


Dear heavens I havent the slightest idea please help a girl out 😔

I really do not feel like this is talked about enough and I guess being a first time bonus moms I was nervous to say something/ask for opinions -help however, I have noticed the past maybe 2 months my son (he is 1) has been messing with,touching or trying to play with his manhood at diaper changes and I honestly ha...


My daughter is refusing potty training

We’ve tried different methods. She’s refuses


Still not potty trained

My son still isn’t potty trained and it’s not due to lack of us trying. 😅 He is a very very smart boy and fully understands the concept of using the potty. He can complete the whole process by himself. He knows when he has to go potty. BUT he would rather just wear diapers. Or wet underwear. He 100% just doesn’t…


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