Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Dear heavens I havent the slightest idea please help a girl out 😔

I really do not feel like this is talked about enough and I guess being a first time bonus moms I was nervous to say something/ask for opinions -help however, I have noticed the past maybe 2 months my son (he is 1) has been messing with,touching or trying to play with his manhood at diaper changes and I honestly ha...


My daughter is refusing potty training

We’ve tried different methods. She’s refuses


Still not potty trained

My son still isn’t potty trained and it’s not due to lack of us trying. 😅 He is a very very smart boy and fully understands the concept of using the potty. He can complete the whole process by himself. He knows when he has to go potty. BUT he would rather just wear diapers. Or wet underwear. He 100% just doesn’t…


Potty Training

I don’t see the light of day with this never ending challenge. It’s so hard ! We’re on day 4 & she hasn’t gone once on the toilet, every time is in her underwear.


Potty training

Anyone start potty training yet?


4 year old keeps wetting the bed

Idk what to do about my 4 year continuing to wet herself…. It’s been going on for 6 months. I have taken her to the doctor, the dr said she seems to be okay no sign of any abuse. Idk how to get her back on track. Any suggestions?


Can anyone recommend nhs dentists in glos? Where the maternity exemption card is accepted?

My private dentist (my dentist) won’t accept my maternity exemption card..


Teething? 🥺

Looking for opinions 😂 my little girl is 14 weeks today for a good few weeks she’s been unsettled, I don’t think it’s helping that she’s congested because of a cold but she’s showing a lot of the signs of teething or the start of it, Does anyone see any teeth or signs that they might be coming soon? She’s had red…


potty training advice

just wondering if anyone has any advice on potty training? we have only just started again after a failed attempt a couple of months ago. my little one just doesn't like to sit on the potty, does anyone have any tips or methods that seem to work? she's also in nursery 3 days a week so any advice how to work it aro...


Potty training

Does anyone have any potty training books to recommend that I could read with LO? She will sit on it, but won’t actually use it (if that makes sense!) and I’m wondering if a book may help her as she loves reading.. TIA 🩶


Poo on the potty

We’ve been potty training my little boy for a while now and he mastered the wees so quickly but poos have been a nightmare! Multiple poo accidents in his pants a day because he lets small bits out at a time as he knows he shouldn’t really be doing it in his pants but won’t do it in the potty! Any tips ?


Potty training

Has anyone started and want to give any tips? ☺️



Has anyone's baby had their first teeth come through that weren't the bottom two? She's putting her finger in her mouth then wincing like it hurts but it doesn't appear to be the bottom ones but cant really see the rest of her mouth cause she sticks her tongue out. Just wondering how common this is? Struggling to kn...


Potty training

Hi I'm trying to potty train my almost three year old and he's currently spending the day without any bottoms on. He doesn't tell me when he needs to use the potty but only one accident so far. I'm just not sure what to do about nursery, should I keep him off until he's trained but then what if he takes a long time?...


First 3 days really good, day 4 and so far 5 disastrous

My little boy did amazingly the first few days and seemd to be really getting the hang of it. Yesterday only managed one wee on the potty. And today was stamping up and down and saying no do weewee no do weewee and then weed his pants. If we tey to put him anywhere near it, he whinges and kicks off. Where have we go...


I want to quit pottytraining

I've been potty training my daughter since November she was doing so well for a couple months we got underwear we worked in the underwear for awhile then we backed off rewards now one day she will go on the potty one day every single and the next day week whatever she will pee herself 2-4 times a day by holding her ...


Going Diaper Free?

I know some months ago, there were others in this group who do EC and started their little one using the potty pretty early along with me! Where are yall?! My toddler was ready to go diaper free around 18 months and we waited because I was pregnant with my January 2024 girlie. He was fully out of diapers at 20 mon...


Potty training

I am a bit desperate but need some advice, my daughter is almost 3yo and still not potty trained. She just had a new baby added into the family so we were advised against it because of being too many changes so we waited. However, I don’t really know how to potty train her, I have no clue what to do! Ps: she contrad...


Potty shot please read.

Hello, I had doubts of my potty shot (was done at 21 weeks & 1 day) i spoke to someone and they told me that the image where the hand was pointing too, wasn’t in line with that bladder and LOOKS like the cord ***Pics are attached the first one is the original picture I was given and second is the one where the lady...



My lil girl is 2 in feb. I do everything with/for her (well try to) However, she never really wants me. Won’t let me brush teeth, change nappy without a fight. Prefers everyone else but me. Bites me, scratches me, hits out at me. Why?! What am I doing wrong. Why does she hate me so much. I feel very rejected by her ...


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