Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

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Potty training books

Hi ladies!I resort to your wisdom about potty training books that you would recommend to prepare a toddler to potty train. Were they useful in the first place?


Potty training

My LO (2.5 yrs old) has still not started with potty training I don’t know how and where to start and getting anxious about it is my baby too late for it


Has anyone managed to overcome poo withholding in their 3 year olds?

My daughter is 3 and has been potty trained since about July, a few months before her third birthday. However she has a real issue with holding her poo and I just cannot get her to do it in the toilet or potty no matter what I do. When she needs a poo and I can persuade her to sit on the potty she jumps up as soon a...


I Screwed up

Okay, I am panicking and I am just seeking some reassurance here, I don’t know why. My 9 and a half old baby was having really bad teething pain so she couldn’t sleep. I normally give her paracetamol, but this time I opted for ibuprofen, the only thing is I gave her 5ml instead of the 2.5 which you supposed to give ...


Leaning over to go to the toilet

I presume she’s going to the toilet but every now and then my LO bends over using something to lean on. She rarely does a poo and she isn’t visibly in pain but she is concentrating and can’t do anything else at that moment. Anyone else experienced this? Is it something I should get checked out?


When did you start potty training?

Where do you start?! Absolutely step 1? First step??? My baby is 18months in 4 days.


Potty training

I’ve been potty training my son for months and he refuses to tell us when he needs to go. He’ll use the potty EVERYTIME we put him on every 20 min. But he won’t tell us when he needs to go. He’ll just pee or poop himself and stay like that until we take him to the bathroom. Anyone have any tips?


Potty training

How many accidents did your little one have the first day in pants?


Calpol and teething

How often are we giving this? Would once a day at bedtime (she’s fine in the day) for 7 days be ok? We have tried bonjela, teething granules , anbesol nothing works for more than a hour or so…


Potty training should I give up for now?

Day 1 of potty training he’s had 5 accidents nothing on the potty. He will sit on the potty but not actually go. When he has an accident I am calm, but also remind him next time we need to use the potty. Just wondering if it’s normal to not get it on the first day. Ive seen so many mums say how they only had 1-2...



My 5month old has started teething this week and is really struggling today. We have given her calpol and she’s got plenty of toys to chew on. Avoiding any other medicine is there anything anyone recommends I help her. She’s literally chewing everything including her own hands.


Potty training

I know they say atart potty training when they start showing signs, im due my 2nd baby in may so thought i get a start by introducing the potty and letting her get used it sitting on it and starting there, i know when she goes poop cos she squats and does the poop face and i always ask 'you going poops' so she under...


Tips for teething please

I have been home for two weeks on winter break and my baby boy is teething. I have tried oragel, frozen toys, Motrin, Tylenol, etc. What else are you all doing that has been successful?


Pink/red spots around mouth

My LO keeps getting these little spots around her mouth - usually after eating. They go away after a day or two, but today she’s woken up with a few. Any idea what’s causing it? She’s a tad bit poorly today too!


Potty training

My daughter still isn’t potty trained (not for the want of trying). We have tried several times to do it and the first day is really positive but the second day, we find she is really lethargic, stressed out, clingy, sleeping more (she doesn’t nap). I just don’t know what to do - do we just try again another time or...


LO unwell?

Lg is 1 - has no temp (showing warmer than she usually is tho) but feels hot. Cools down for maybe 10 minutes then hot again. Not her usual self, drinking but not overly fussed with her food. No teeth coming through - any idea what it could be?


Potty training

How are you mums potty training your little boys? My little boy randomly started asking for the potty/ going to sit on it himself the last few days but yesterday he went and did a wee himself problem is he sat down and the wee didn't go through right way on all different occasions. Not sure if I should consider teac...


Calpol frequently for teething

Hi ladies, my 12mo is getting his premolars and is in pain. I give teething gel and try not to give calpol or neurofen but give one or two doses (usually one dose of calpol one of neurofen or one or two doses of calpol when I think he needs it) - I know long term use of neurofen isn’t recommended so we’re not going ...


Potty training

So my son is 2 1/2 and over Thanksgiving break we started to potty train him. It worked well and we then began to leave the house. He wouldn’t use the bathroom and would go in his pull-ups. After Thanksgiving break I returned to work and he would go to my mother-in-laws during the day. He would use the potty there a...


Potty training

Y'all I think I'm about to officially start potty training & I am NOT READY!!!! 😩😩😩 I can't even believe I have a whole 2 year old little boy to potty train & it just feels like such a daunting task.. I've been intimidated by even the idea of potty since I was pregnant 😭😭😭 With that being said please pray for…


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