Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
When introducing solids, how often should baby have them & when? Before/after milk, and at what time of the day is best? Just once? Multiple times? Do I build it up gradually or just give him a little each day? I’m not trying to wean as I am BF and he’s still WAY too young. I am simply introducing it. *Not looking...
When i had my 1st child. I was so calm. Surprisingly. I took it day by day and didn't do much worrying about anything. But this time round I'm worrying about everything. I had no issue giving my 1st born food. But my son this time round I'm watching him like a hawk and I don't know why. He's showing me that he's q...
What do you weaning mommas do when you go out for dinner? I order my little one something but then I am constantly worried about ingredients. If it’s too much salt etc. will anything of the kids menu be fine for her usually? Sorry if it’s a silly question very anxious ftm. She’s 8 months for reference.
My baby is seven and a half months old and we've been weaning for just over a month (waited for all the readiness cues to appear). However I don't feel we've got much beyond the "first tastes" stage. We give mashed veggies or veggie and beans combos and have tried some allergens like milk and eggs. Baby mostly looks...
Hello all! So I was thinking of giving my 9 month old tuna pasta but then I read somewhere that they shouldn’t have tuna until they’re 2? But then I read somewhere else that they can have tinned tuna? Can anyone clarify TIA
My twins are 9 and 1/2 months old 8/12 months adjusted age . The both have 2-4 teeth the love their pouches and puree , however solids is hit or miss . I can make them a plate of food and they barely eat anything (it’s hard to make them both solids and then clean up them and the mess ) it takes about an hour for so...
Is anyone else having a hard time trying to get their baby to drink their milk ? My boy has gone from being a good drinker to hardly anything and I’m worried he will lose weight. He is hit and miss with his food as well but loves a Jaffa cake 😂
My little boy has fallen unwell. Bit of a cough and vomiting. He had date porridge for breakfast, just over half of what he usually eats. Refused to have lunch but ate greek yoghurt with fruit. I tried offering him a meal again but he didn't want it and had half an orange instead. Is it okay for him to not have ...
I feel like my son eats a lot but he's my first and I have no experience other than him so nothing to compare him to! Just out of curiosity, I have no concerns about him. He has 3 meals, 2 snacks and 2 6oz bottles of milk a day. He has demolished this and half a nectarine for dinner. Does that seem like a lot?
My daughter will not try new food. If she hasn't had it before she will refuse. Take alot of persuasion and time for her to actually eat it. Then once she does it's a breeze. Do you have any tips or tricks on introducing new foods?
My 15 month old likes to eat don’t get me wrong but is always asking for milk and starts crying if I refuse to Give him milk he at least drinks 6 bottles a day and barley eats food or gets his calories from food what should i do ?
Just spent ages making a lovely healthy meal for my son to just refuse it and scream at the sight of it 🥲🥲🥲 he’s now eating fruit for his dinner. Does anyone have any tips? I’m really struggling with this
my LO is 16 months, he eats breakfast, lunch fine sometimes he will eat loads and other days not much. but dinner time is a struggle!! he just doesnt want to eat what we make him but he is hungry.. he can be like this with his foods he likes to.. i never want him hungry so ill leave it try again 30 minutes and if no...
My complain I mean calling the number / emailing the Email on the food packet
Hi moms..my little one is 6 months old and I'm starting with weaning (EBF so far), the problem is that she refuses any type of food I offer her. Anyone in my same situation?? advice? TIA
Can anyone please give me recipes or meal ideas for my daughter. I struggle everyday and she's so fussy, I feel like I need ti bring it back to basics. What do your babies like?
So we have been doing a mixture of puree meals (me feeding him) & finger foods. This lunch time we just did a full meal of BLW and he seems very settled (why did I pick pasta and tomato sauce for the first meal?😂) I put the pasta and sauce one section of plate Watermelon in another And yogurt in another section…
I’m not talking about your child’s ability to stay at the table and eat…because we know some kids just can’t do this. But more so: how often do you typically find that YOUR family is eating a meal together at the same spot & same time (because I do want to acknowledge that not everyone has a dinner table)
Does anyone else's toddler just eat when tf they want? I provide breakfast, lunch and dinner obvs but half the time he won't even look at it, even if it's something he's asked for! It feels like we are just throwing money away. Meals bleed into one another too, so he will ask for his breakfast back at like 10, then ...
He has breakfast (normally porridge) and then dinner time he has some sort of puree. I still don’t think he is massively interested in eating, he also hates anything with texture in and just spits it out. I keep seeing that 8 month olds should be moving more towards lumpy and finger foods but I feel like my little o...