Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.


Hello my LO is 5 months old and has a severe milk protein allergy. We introduced solids since 4 months because she is a lot interested in food. She has been on Neocate since 2 months old. Now she is refusing it she barely has 7/9oz a day. I tried Alfamino she doesnt take it. She wants only solids i dont know what to...


Advice needed: baby struggling with constipation (please be kind)

Hi all! Seeking some wisdom from you guys!! So I do a mix of blw and purées and not sure if what I’m serving is balanced or if I’m over thinking it? (He’s 8 months) I would love some of your ideas to tweak it as since serving these two meals he hasn’t pooed. :( 1. Veggie pasta sauce rigatoni, mashed strawberri...


Where to start?

My little one is nearly 6 months old so looking to start introducing purées to begin with then start introducing finger foods and BLW. Where do I start when I’m doing research I have seen to start on veg and to begin with one veg at a time but should I introduce a new veg each day or should I mix it up a different v...


Do your kids give you the tiny pieces of your snacks when you share with them? 😆

I have a jug of Cashews by my bedside, my son wanted some, I asked him to feed me some. He did, but after awhile I noticed he was searching for smaller pieces to give to me while he gave the whole pieces to himself! 🤣🤣🤣 it cracked me up I had to share. When it’s his snacks or food he’s generous! Maybe he was just…


Throwing things at the ground

Any thoughts on toddlers throwing things at the ground? Cups/plates/frankly anything - and clearly enjoying doing so. My main thought is just to keep reminding what to correctly do with the things - and somehow say “don’t throw” (but I’m not sure negatives are understood yet 😅). It’s not done in anger - it’s…


Iunch/dinner ideas for 7month old

Since we’ve started to wean our baby girl on to food she has been loving it! We started off with puree foods and pouches but she’s now having solids. I’m running out on ideas what to give her. I know they say milk comes first but she knows when I’m cooking and when her brother is eating and she actually cries for fo...



My little man’s (7 nearly 8 months lunches and dinners over the last two days.


Curious to know..

What does your babies eat at 7 months throughout the day including milk feeds? My baby girl is literally on smoothe puree still as she has no teeth but she's on 4x 210mill (7oz) bottles in 24 hours. She is also on 2x pureed meals a day. She doesn't seem to want to drop a bottle as of yet. Am I doing something wrong?...


My 12.5 month olds plate

Fried rice made with cabbage and carrot and sausage eggroll filling and sautéed mushrooms and crushed yogurt melts and extra peas cuz he's a hoe for them lol



Does anyone else’s baby do better when you feed them versus when you set the plate in front of them? My son is 15 months old and has always been terrible about just playing with his food. If I feed him, he does great and will eat almost all of it, but if I put it in front of him on a plate, he will just make a huge ...


Partner - overfeeding baby

As title says, my son is 4 weeks old. Born at 37+1. He loves his food which is good however he can be a little greedy. Instead of partner taking this into consideration & not giving into the cooing demands, he makes up another feed. This evening he’s had almost 9oz which I feel is far too much. I’ve told partner bef...


Routine x

What’s everyone’s babies food routines at 6months how much Do they eat and how much milk do they drink in 24hrs etc xx


Picky eater

anyone else struggling with their toddler eating? My lo is such a picky eater. I've tried various foods and he just hates everything but he will repeatedly eat spaghetti bolognese and fruit yogurts. I feel so bad and guilty he isn't eating any other food but I honestly have no idea what to do. He hates McDonald's an...


Small toddlers

Anyone else have a tiny toddler? My toddler will be 20 months old this month but she still fits into 6-9 month clothes and 9-12 months. She is very active, always on the move never sits down. Goes through phases of being somewhat of a good eater and also being a terrible eater. I’m not too fussed about the eating as...


Solids question

When introducing solids, how often should baby have them & when? Before/after milk, and at what time of the day is best? Just once? Multiple times? Do I build it up gradually or just give him a little each day? I’m not trying to wean as I am BF and he’s still WAY too young. I am simply introducing it. *Not looking...


A question for mums with another children.

When i had my 1st child. I was so calm. Surprisingly. I took it day by day and didn't do much worrying about anything. But this time round I'm worrying about everything. I had no issue giving my 1st born food. But my son this time round I'm watching him like a hawk and I don't know why. He's showing me that he's q...


Meals out

What do you weaning mommas do when you go out for dinner? I order my little one something but then I am constantly worried about ingredients. If it’s too much salt etc. will anything of the kids menu be fine for her usually? Sorry if it’s a silly question very anxious ftm. She’s 8 months for reference.


Anyone else feeling like they're making no progress with weaning?

My baby is seven and a half months old and we've been weaning for just over a month (waited for all the readiness cues to appear). However I don't feel we've got much beyond the "first tastes" stage. We give mashed veggies or veggie and beans combos and have tried some allergens like milk and eggs. Baby mostly looks...


Is tuna safe for a 9 month old

Hello all! So I was thinking of giving my 9 month old tuna pasta but then I read somewhere that they shouldn’t have tuna until they’re 2? But then I read somewhere else that they can have tinned tuna? Can anyone clarify TIA


Solids … feeling like a bad mom

My twins are 9 and 1/2 months old 8/12 months adjusted age . The both have 2-4 teeth the love their pouches and puree , however solids is hit or miss . I can make them a plate of food and they barely eat anything (it’s hard to make them both solids and then clean up them and the mess ) it takes about an hour for so...


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