Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Anyone else’s babies scratching their face up? After the first scratch, I cut her nails. She scratched herself again, so I took the file to them again. I made sure to get ALLLLL the nail corners, rounded all the nails out, felt them to make sure she didn’t have any sharp points, thought we were all good, and now she...


About to be 3 year old not talking that much

So my son is about to be 3 in February and he isn’t talking a lot of of course talks just not as much as his sister did at 3 and when I try to sit down with him he pays attention for a minute or two then just walks away I don’t know what to do or if that’s normal my husband keeps telling me he’s fine but I am just w...


Still not walking

So my LB is approaching 21 months and he's still not walking - we have had physio and taken him to the GP - who said he'll be walking soon don't worry 🙄 all our friends and family have the same attitude but I can't help not to worry I don't think this is normal/right? Anyone else going through this or similar or…


My 15 month old doesn’t learn anything

Hi mamas! My 15 month old son doesn’t learn anything I teach him. All he does is run around the house all day and play with his toys but when I try to teach him things like “clap your hands. Where’s your nose? Hi! Bye!” Or teach him to throw a ball, he doesn’t show any interest in learning and runs away. I’m just so...


Not walking?!

Is anyone else’s LO refusing to walk? Or stand independently?! No matter what I try, he is determined to crawl everywhere, unless I am holding his hands. Even then, it’s only when he can be bothered and doesn’t get bored or distracted. He will lean on items stood up, cruise like a champ, and squat for things he’s d...


ASQ questionnaire - communication

My LG had her 10-month review today and they said she was borderline delayed with her communication milestones. Has anyone else had this? Feeling worried 😩


PDA profile

Does anyone have a child who has this? I think my little boy who is 3 has it and I’m really struggling with his need to control everything, his behaviour and the constant refusal to do anything i ask him to do. Could really do with some words of support or any advice people could give me.


How tall are your little ones?

My boy is around 87cms and I think he's short when I compare him to other toddlers! x


Just turned 4 months and nonstop crying

My son just turned 4 months old a couple days ago and he just keeps on crying. I don't think it's from teething cause I don't see his teeth poking out or swollen gums but he is salivating a lot. I change him, burp him, feed him, hold him, and he just gets super upset and yells. I don't know what to do it's so sad t...


Am I not doing enough to encourage daughter?

I was watching a TikTok of Haley Amos whose daughter is 10 months. In the video she asked her “Charlotte where is the bumblebee?” And the baby pointed at it repeatedly obviously having understood. Then she showed how she recognises colours when asked, so she asked her on a toy to press the red button and she could. ...



Is anyone’s 9.5 month old not crawling yet? 🥲 starting to feel like mine is the only that isn’t and it’s just worrying me slightly! He was a late roller at 7 months but still now doesn’t really roll, he absolutely hates tummy time and cries instantly on his tummy or just rolls on his back. Should I be worried or…


Am I a ‘bubble wrap’ mum..

So.. my little boy is 10 month old and he started nursery this week which I’m finding very emotional. Today we had our 2nd intro session meaning that we sat in a room watching him on a camera for an hour. Halfway through the session, my son fell backwards on the wooden floor and cried for a few minutes. He was fin...


Baby not cuddly

Is anyone else’s 8/9month old just not cuddly? I always want a cuddle with my bubba but she just seems to wanna push off (not in a negative way) just doesn’t want to hug sort of thing.. or does this come with age?🙃


Only army crawling

Our baby CONSTANTLY wants to army crawl and has little to no interest in doing anything else mobility wise. I initially thought it was really cute but now I’m worried he’ll never progress to normal crawling (silly me doing a Google search!) as he never really gets on all 4s. He’s been army crawling for about 2.5 mon...


Baby throwing tantrums

Had anyone experienced baby not wanting to sleep and throwing tantrums including being aggressive 😒


20 month old speech

My lb is 20 months and can only say mama dada dad nana can do a pig noise and a monkey noise but he won’t do it when asked only on his own accord is this normal ? I’m worried he is behind he loves to climb and loves to point at things and waves and claps waves goodbye and can do simple things I ask like can you get ...


Worried about baby boy

Baby boy just turned one and i’m worried about signs of Autism. So far we have hand flapping / tip-toe standing (doesn’t walk yet but always on tip-toe)/ disturbed sleep/ refuses any textured food or hard food/ won’t wean/ easily frustrated and loses temper easily. Anyone else seeing similar symptoms? Hoping he gr...


Speech delay

My daughter had her one year check up She can say mama, dada, nod yes and no. I was told today that she might need speech therapy 😟 is anyone else’s little one also not speaking as much?


24 month review

I’ve had the 2 year review questionnaires come through and can’t help feel my daughter is very behind on her speech😢 I know every child is different and goes at their own pace and I shouldn’t compare but my friends little boy is only a month older and he is non stop talking in sentences… Some of the questions ask…


Baby not being affectionate

Does anyone else’s baby isn’t being affectionate with them? My baby won’t cuddle and doesn’t even like their hands being touched ☹️ she also pushes away after like 2sec and this makes me feel horrible and like she hates me. She is like this with everyone but as her mum it really hurts my feelings as I keep on thinki...


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