Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My daughter had her one year check up She can say mama, dada, nod yes and no. I was told today that she might need speech therapy 😟 is anyone else’s little one also not speaking as much?
I’ve had the 2 year review questionnaires come through and can’t help feel my daughter is very behind on her speech😢 I know every child is different and goes at their own pace and I shouldn’t compare but my friends little boy is only a month older and he is non stop talking in sentences… Some of the questions ask…
Does anyone else’s baby isn’t being affectionate with them? My baby won’t cuddle and doesn’t even like their hands being touched ☹️ she also pushes away after like 2sec and this makes me feel horrible and like she hates me. She is like this with everyone but as her mum it really hurts my feelings as I keep on thinki...
My son just turned two and even very little he gets overstimulated. Loud noises. Lights. Ect. He is all over the place normally which I know is a typical toddler trait but it feels shorter than others when I worked with kids. He will only focus on puzzles. There’s a few other things that I have noticed but not sure ...
My little one still bubbles no dada only baba and sometimes ma very rarely says ma ma..loads of singing so very vocal but not the actual words..we do speak different language at home can this cause a delay? anyone else? i worry because of this..
My 1 year old has not said “dadada” etc for 2 days now. He was saying that, along with gaga, quack etc. He’s now just saying mmmmmmm. Im concerned. Any ideas why? Thanks
Hey mommas , first time mommy here ! Lately my almost 18 month old has been acting different. A little mean , mad , fussy , just different in her behavior . Is this a normal pase they go through ? She’s the happiest and most active baby every but lately she’s been real tired and just not having it with everyone lol.
My baby has spent all day screaming unless she is on the boob. I took her for a walk which lulled her to sleep then as soon as we got home she screamed again. Anyone else’s baby do this? At my wits end 😭
I’m looking to get my LO some shoes. I went into Clarks and they measured him for pre walkers a few weeks ago. He now walks pretty confidently around the house, never crawls anymore. However he hasn’t really walked outside yet. Would you go for pre walkers still, or now he’s more mobile inside, go for a first trai...
Does anyone else have a toddler who gets mad at you, screams and runs to his room and slams the door? My kid is 2 and a half lmao 🤣 He’s silly and reminds me of myself as a teenager lmao
Is your baby babbling yet? Boy or girl? My boy isn't babbling at all yet. He will squeal/scream and make "Ah" "Oh" sounds but no babbling. My friends girl is younger and she's babbling. I'm worried but someone told me not to worry as boys usually do it later than girls. True or "old wives tale"?🤔
My baby girl is 10 months and is still not crawling properly she shuffle everywhere and pulls herself up but no where near crawling. She rolls over all over place. She also does not bare weight on her feet so when we place her down on her feet she lifts them up so she doesn’t want to stand? Is this normal .. as I a...
Does anyone else’s baby just scream all day, not in pain and not crying but just screaming and shrieking. She’s nearly 4 months, I know she’s finding her voice but it’s non stop sod it’s really getting to me. My partner works so he doesn’t hear it or see it and I’ve got no other support. Just need to know that s...
It seems like they just keep progressing and getting bigger. When we are out we give her the option to hold our hands or ride in the cart, and she will throw herself on the ground if we don’t let her run off or go limp and scream if we pick her up. We don’t spank or hit Please advice?
My son HATES anyone touching his ears, I so desperately need to clean it woth a Qtip but he thrashes around, whines and runs away. I've tried when he is watching TV, eating, bathtime, sleeping but none works. Any tips?
My son was born in September 2021 and has always been what I have described as ‘analytical’. At baby group etc he always sits and watches rather than getting properly involved. He observes and then might decide to get involved later. He is very quietly spoken when around others, but around us is very loud. He doesn’...
Is anyone else’s little ones suddenly developing actual temper tantrums already? Anytime I have to tell my little girl no, take her away from something she wants but can’t have or if she’s decided she’s had enough of something she makes her body go really rigid, tenses herself up so she’s red in the face and makes a...
My LG is 9 months and started to stand by herself, has it may not be long until she is walking I was wondering when does your LO actually need shoes?
Idk if it’s when he has loads of energy but he panting runs up and down the room does funny noises and movements lol
really considering going completely screen free or at least a youtube ban he wants it on but every song or video i put on he watches for 2 seconds then whines cos he wants me to change it it drives me crazy, i use to use the tv just so i can get a few bits done but don’t feel like it’s serving that purpose anymore…