Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Feeling generally happier in a psych hospital?

I've been hospitalized multiple times for depression anxiety and other things. I got out a week ago and all I can think about is how happier I was there. I feel generally miserable outside of a hospital setting. Is that bad and what do you think is causing that? I have a 4 month old and a 17 month old also and we ar...


Braxton hix

So sorry if I've spelt that wrong lol. But Im 32 weeks in and still haven't felt any of these BH contractions? When I asked my GP she seemed to be just as clueless as me. Seeing my midwife on Wednesday so I'll ask then but, am I supposed to be having them by now? Thanks


Severe depression with suicide attempts

Hi. I am from Singapore. Currently, I am going through severe depression. Just days ago, I took a knife trying to myself. My husband and his ex-girlfriend were so close together now, and it caused me issues. I can not work past it. This has worsened my depression. I am under medication, but it seems like not helping...


Secondary Losses after MMC

Im not sure what to do any more. I had a friend/coworker announce her pregnancy last month. I told her I was having a hard time and she has been giving me space. Suddenly my space towards her has been "hurtful." She shared her news in the beginning of a staff meeting after I shared my concerns of trying to conceive ...


Tears when leaving baby with grandparents

I decided to leave my baby first time with grandparents so I can quickly go to the shops. And she was hysterical within seconds. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get her used to it when she feels this way. It triggers me and then I just cancel what I needed to do. How on earth can I get her used to being alone with ...


Am I reading into this too deeply?

Over the past five years my in-laws have been unbearable. MIL has a way of making me feel like crap and minimise peoples feelings to make them feel small. I’m 12 weeks pp and been conscience on how I feed my LO (we had latch issues so we use combination of ebm/formula). Over the years I’ve been trigger by what the...


Anybody who had vaginal stitches after birth, does the area where you had the stitches hurt after a bit of jiggy jiggy? Lol

I’m 10 weeks pp and the area I got my sitiches kinda hurts like a cut or something after sex


Postpartum period - am I pregnant?

I gave birth in September, I had my period 4-6 weeks later in October. Me and my husband had unprotected sex in November and I didn't start my period properly, it was like watery blood and that's it. It's December and I haven't started my period still. Questions: Could I be pregnant? How was postpartum menstruation...



I have terrible health anxiety since my cousin tragically died age 22 from cancer and have suffered mental health problems for the past 7 years due to this. I’m currently pregnant and my health anxiety and mental health are leading me to want an elective c section for my first due to extreme fear of birth and somet...


Husband likes to look at thirst traps

Last night I caught my husband in the dark looking at Instagram girls flaunting almost naked. It made me cry so much and I confronted him about it, he got defensive saying it’s not a big deal, I’m pregnant and he doesn’t seem to be attracted to me and he doesn’t see why I’m upset. I really wish he’d change this beha...


Can you all pls help out

😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 so my former best friend entered a pageant my daughter had been competing in after telling me she had no interest in doing them and down talking them. Words were exchanged and I told her I didn’t feel her heart was in the right place after hearing her bad mouth the other babies and refer to the prizes…


Man.. 😔

My partner just looked at my son and said “I really hate you right now” and used his name.. he spent 2hrs fixing the car, then spent the last 5hrs gaming, we ate dinner my sons a foodie so not feeding him fast enough led to him screaming. Partner got a headache sat in his chair with his sofa in reach of the baby. So...


Prenatal Depression

So I have had depression in the past which makes me more susceptible I guess to prenatal or postpartum depression. My pregnancy with my son I didn’t suffer from depression of any kind. But this pregnancy I am definitely struggling now and depressed. So wanted to see if anyone else was struggling and see if anyone ha...



How many of us have left or are thinking of leaving our SO? I'm trying to figure out if this is hormonal 😞 I have an appointment with my old therapist next week to talk it through but just feel so awful.


Stage 1 rectocele and PT

Hello, I have recently been diagnosed with stage 1 rectocele and I am currently 5 weeks PP. I am starting Physiotherapy next week. Has anyone been the same thing? Does the therapy just stop the symptoms worsening or can they actually make the bulge disappear. Really freaking out about all of this and so worried thin...


Posterior low lying placenta

My placenta measured 18mm away from the cervix at my 20 week scan. I will have another scan at 32 weeks. My question is, can I still have sex if it’s gentle? I know you’re not supposed to but I think the reason is if you have an orgasm or you’re being too rough then that can trigger bleeding. But surely being gentle...



Does anyone else hate having sex sometimes after having your baby ? 😂😂 I feel bad but! Leave me alone!! Lol


Emotions after having my baby early

Hi girls, I ended up having my baby a few weeks early and had a stay in hospital after. I don’t know if it’s normal but feeling so many emotions at the moment. I’m sad that I never got the last few weeks of my pregnancy, I had loads of plans with my partner to make the most of our time as a two. I’m sad I never got ...



Hello girlies, I’m almost 3 months postpartum and I’m losing a lot of hair which is really upsetting. Has this happened to anyone else?


Relationship with Own Mother

Does anyone else not have a strong bond with their own mother? My mother can be so malicious and manipulating and just downright hurtful. She is a very miserable person and jealous person too I really want to cut her off completely and I don’t know how to do it. As it stands I only ever reach out once a week t...


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