Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Does CBT work?

I had my first session today and I feel horrendous. So tired and down and sad and wondering if it actually helps. I had therapy many years ago about my abusive childhood and have been given CBT through my work private healthcare due to stress and anxiety but she asked me about my upbringing too


4 month sadness

Hi all, I am currently 4 month postpartum, recently my son has gotton a lot fussier and isnā€™t sleeping well in the night. In the day, if his not napping he is more fussy and cries out- I canā€™t figure out what it is. Iā€™m really struggling, I had really bad post partum blues and thought they had gone away, I feel like...


Pain during sex where the stitches were. I had some stitches on my perineum and now the area seems a little firmer. And itā€™s sensitive/painful. Like we canā€™t even fully actually have intercourse because of the discomfort.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Does it just need to be stretched? Will it be like this forever?


To circumcise or not?

For mamas with boys, did you circumcise your son? For mamas planning to have boys, would you consider circumcising? What are your reasons for doing so, or not doing so?



So Iā€™m 18, and my mother was kicking me out(because Iā€™m 18 and wanted to work for a year before going go college) I ended up leaving before she could strand me where she refused to allow me to collect my things(any clothes, underwear, bras, my personal products, electronics I paid for, etc.). So naturally after I le...


Thoughts please.

So I recently had a conversation with my mum about having another baby and how Iā€™m not fussed as I feel itā€™s been pointless me having siblings, weve never been close and still arenā€™t close AT ALL and mainly due to them not bothering with me or my sons and living away etcā€¦ I donā€™t by any means hate them but I told he...


Did anyoneā€™s vagina feel different in early pregnancy with baby number 2?

I understand if this is too tmi for people to comment on but Iā€™ve tried googling it and nothing. Iā€™m in my first trimester with baby number 2 and down there feels like it did freshly postpartum.. kind of like itā€™s bigger or opened up a bit before it shrunk back down. Honestly I canā€™t describe it itā€™s a weird feeling...


Pregnancy after loss is HARD

Hi everyone, I'm so sorry that we are all part of a group that none of us ever wished in being. I lost my son over 2 years ago at 33 weeks - he had an incredibly rare genetic issue and was born sleeping. I went on to have my beautiful daughter and I struggled hugely throughout the pregnancy. I lived in my local ma...


Leaving 4 week baby with MIL to visit A&E - Feeling really anxious.

I am really suffering with what I believe to be trapped nerve, I have pins and needles running down my leg and numbness to my foot which has been on going since birth. Iā€™ve been to drs 7 times in the last 4 weeks to be given all sorts of pain medication which just knocks me out so cannot take unless hubby is home. T...


Pain in wound

So I would say my wound has healed very well, and I had no infection or anything but Ive been experiencing pain at the site now and then, anyone else ??



How long PP until you had s*x again? I mean i kind of feel bad for my husband honestly but I literally have zero desire, not much feeling in my vag!na and again just doesnā€™t cross my mind much if at allā€¦ Iā€™m 3m pp and then before that we didnā€™t have dex the last 3-4 monthsā€¦ so itā€™s been a solid 6 months without s*x ...


Loathing motherhood

I absolutely dread it when it's night time or when she's just awake. I'd never harm my own daughter but I have so many intrusive thoughts of just wanting her gone. I have more hate towards her than I love her. Don't have much of a bond to start with and the more she just screams and shouts at me the more I just want...


Mental Health

I feel so alone and low, ever since ive had my traumatic birth ive been diagnosed with severe PTSD and sever Anxiety and my mental health took a really bad toll on me and I feel like im not getting any better, i dont enjoy things anymore, im constantly drained, I get scared about health and death and it blows my anx...


What should I say to her regarding this?

So my bd has another daughter that is a year and a half older than my nb baby . He was denying knowing if she was his but now since his mom is around there is no denying. His mom brings up the other baby often and sometimes her mom so yesterday I asked her if the bm knows he had another baby. She said I donā€™t know a...


36 + 4 appt

FTM! Went to my 36 week appt, baby is head down still, 50% effaced, my cervix is nice and soft, not dilated though! Feeling hopeful!


feelings of guilt

do any other mamas have any feelings of guilt with baby #2 in the sense of your first born feeling excluded? my son will be 21-22 months when his little sister arrives and iā€™m feeling so sad that the days of just us are coming to and endšŸ˜”. i also feel bad because i am having a girl this time around and iā€™m havingā€¦


MIL cut my baby

So my baby (10 months) stays with my MIL mon - wed when Iā€™m at work. Today she came home with a cut and swelling under her eye. My mother in law tells us my baby was over excited about something a hit herself on MILā€™s thumb and her nail caught her under eye. I have no reason not to believe it was an accident. Howeve...



So am 29weeks and day 4days! I struggle mental health anyway but the past few days feels worse then ever say tonight am doing evening course and got my self so worked up that i havent gone letting people down which then makes me feel worse! I had pains yesterday as got my self worked up that ended up in hospital as ...


How do I get over these feelings?

I have been pregnant twice, both times my mil treated me badly. She caused so much stress during my pregnancies that I remember on the drive from work I used to pull up on the side and scream and cry in the car. after I had my babies again she treated me bad. I had promised myself the second time Iā€™m not gonna let h...


Postpartum hair loss

Help! Is this normal for postpartum hairloss? My baby is 7 months old and I also have a 3 year old. My hair is so thin and brittle and constantly falls out. This pic is after washing and brushing my hairšŸ˜­šŸ˜«


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