Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Is depression common during pregnancy period? Am 24 weeks currently and feel depressed with no hope most of the time. Little things irritates me. Sometimes I don’t want my hubby to leave me while at times don’t even want to see him😡. In general, life is normal with some ups and downs. I am really concerned about…
Is it normal to look at photos of your baby ad a newborn and feel like time is passing by too fast? Like you didn’t enjoy them enough because you were going through all the emotions. Me personally I always felt like I wasn’t spending enough time and she was growing too fast and always felt guilty from the start. I ...
I feel like my hormones are out of whack still, and I have so much rage built up in me. My husband works and helps me sometimes but I never get a break EVER and I love my baby so much but between my husband needing more out of me and me having to be a mother and everything else it’s so much. I don’t want to over rea...
I'm at 8 days pp and I haven't felt too much change in my emotions. I expected for it to hit me pretty hard, I'm also worried it's gonna hit me like a Mac truck... How long did it take for you?
My Fiance requested I go to the gym to get rid of my postpartum body when making this request I had just finished feeding baby and was about to get in the shower. Am I wrong to be mad at him. I felt so disheartened especially because after the birth of baby my heart rate dropped significantly and I became unconsciou...
So I have only left my baby with her dad or my mum less than 10 times since she was born 6 months ago. I remember every time that I have been apart from her because I have found it really difficult to be apart from her. My baby is breastfed and only 2 of these occasions have been long enough for her to require a fee...
I wish I had a man that could actually help me and be a good father. I'm basically a single stay at home mom caring for 2 kids (my husband and our son). Son is physically abusive (he hits, bites and throws things at me) and feel like hubby is mentally abusive. He ignores me, fights, and makes it seem like I'm alway...
My MIL is all of the above. She consistently causes drama for no reason, her texts are absolutely vile, she's hateful and so narcissist. I've put up with her behaviour for over 10 years for the sake of my husband, but now her attitude and actions are overspilling towards my baby and I am not having that. Has anyone ...
One of my friends had a baby full term over the weekend and she keeps saying about how thankful she is she didn't have to stay in hospital for more than one night but only stayed overnight due to having an evening birth/how thankful she is there were no complications etc. I'm so happy for her and her baby but she k...
I made a local friend on here and everything was great. We lived in the same town but never had a chance to meet up. Her boyfriend was a piece of shit and ended our friendship over a text message (admittedly I was agreeing with her about something he did that made him shitty. My fault there) and with everything goin...
So after vaginal birth and tearing, is it no lifting for 2 weeks or 6 weeks ? I have heard mixtures!
Does anyone else’s partner feel a bit down about the fact the baby seems To prefer mum? Our 12 week old settles for me but not always for her dad and even prefers me to give her a bottle which is obviously just because I’m on maternity leave and with her all the time but I can totally understand why he’s hurt by it ...
i’m struggling with postpartum anxiety and intrusive thoughts (not self harm). and i feel like i have no one to talk to. does anyone have any tips? or things that helped them?
Hi, does anyone have experience with antidepressants? I have 2 under 2 and have PPD, the biggest trigger for me is definitely my 3 month old screaming around the clock because of gas problems. I can do no sleep, I can do the tantrums, I can do the multitasking....but the screaming gets under my skin from the first ...
I am a SAHM and my husband just went back to work after 12 weeks (we were so lucky he got so much time!) but now that it’s just me during the day, I am wanting to start experimenting with taking the baby out of the house for my mental health- walks, or grocery trips or whatever would be great. But we go out for a ve...
My emotions have definitely peaked today. I’m exhausted running around after my 2 other children 3yo & 15mths. Made them tea they ate some then the youngest tipped it all on the floor and my 3yo copied and when I said she should know better she questioned why could her sister do it but not her and I just broke down....
My husband is very depressed. He is out on medical because he has epilepsy and cannot work right now. We have a 9 week old and his medicine is very well controlled so I don't worry about him taking care of the baby but his depression manifests into watching tv all day, sometimes can become very angry and sad, and it...
Anyone considering contraception after you give birth?
Lately I've been thinking, what will happen to my kids if I die.. my relatives are soo nasty, both my babydaddies have evil partners. What will happen to my kids
My daughter is 8 months old and I visit my In-Laws every single Sunday....And my MIL still complains that it is not good enough and that she wants to be around my daughter ALL THE TIME. She has asked numerous times to babysit her since she was 3 months old and I EXCLUSIVELY BREASTFEED. I find it abnormal that she th...