Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

Calpol after vaccination

Has anyone given more than the 3 doses 4-6 hours apart, into the following day? We did the first dose at doctors straight away, 2nd dose and 3rd dose now (2am) Just wondering what to expect in the day time today or if I should give another dose?


Baby poo

My son is 4 weeks old and is struggling to poo without assistance I’ve been holding his legs to help him but now he has a new thing of clenching and having non of it also goes red in the face and holds his hands in a fist and cries , gone doctors 2 times now they say he is fine and to leave him to figure it out but ...


baby not pooping

my baby is ebf almost 7 months we’re starting solids but she’s just not pooping.. today is day 3.. she’s usually a poop everyday if not like 3 times a day gal.. is this normal


Health Visitor

I’m a bit confused about when health visitors are supposed to visit. I haven’t had a visit since my son was just a few weeks old, and he’s now 11 months old. Am I supposed to contact them, or should I wait for them to contact me?


The Spits

Is anyone else producing extra saliva during their pregnancy? I constantly have to spit - thought it would be over by now.


Trips out

When did everyone start going out with their newborn? Even little trips like popping to the supermarket? I’ve seen some people advise that baby shouldn’t be in public places for 6 weeks at least and others saying they were out and about after 1week or so.



hi, i’m nearly 5 days pp and i still haven’t had a bowel movement… just wondering if this is normal?


Health visitor

Has anyone else not had a letter or anything about the 9-12 month health visitor appointment? 11 months in a week


Any tricks to get your baby to drink water?

He's 9months old and absolutely refuses to drink water. My pediatrician says he needs a little bit to help him poop now that he's eating solids like he is


Baby Baths

If your baby hated baths towards the beginning of their life, did it get better as they got older? If so, what do you think helped them to enjoy baths?


Soft Play

I recently moved to the area, are there any good soft plays around for toddlers?x


Health visitor questionnaire

My little one is 26 months. I'm just wondering when the 2 year health visitor review is, do they send a questionnaire in the post for this?


Baby constipated

I had to change my baby’s formula due to the other one making her sick now she hasn’t pooped since last night I’ve tried everything does anyone have any advice or remedies


Hates bath time

Little one has always loved bath time. Never been a massive fan of having hair washed but otherwise fine. Time with Dad to laugh and play. Suddenly hated baths. Literally happened overnight with nothing traumatic the day before. No idea where it’s come from but won’t even sit down in the bath anymore, insists on sta...



Should expecting fathers get vaccines to be near their newborn? I know as mothers it’s helpful for us to get them since we can help the baby build their immune systems but my baby daddy is from another country so he doesn’t feel comfortable getting vaccinated especially with his allergies, but I just wasn’t sure if ...


How do you get baby to drink water?

My son acts like the most dramatic kid in the world and spits it out like it's the worst thing he's ever tasted. How do you get your baby to drink water?


Poop Concern

Sorry for the photo but I am concerned my baby had pooped twice like this and Idk I am concerned because of the texture and color. I hd gave for dinner something I think did not go well for her But the color of her bowel movement was like this andnI would take her to the clinic Saturday. Any suggestions ? She does ...


Hating bath time

Hi ladies! My LO has just started to hate bath time I can’t even get him in the bath because he’s screaming his head off so much, I’m not sure why he’s suddenly doing is. I’ve tried different temps different toys me standing/ in the bath with him nothings working. Have anyone else’s LO done this or know any tricks t...



My little one is 7 weeks old and hasn’t had a poo in three days (since Monday night and it is now Thursday night) We have all been ill with a cold/flu recently and her bowel movements have reduced from one a day to one every two-three days this week and last since we got ill She is passing A LOT of smelly wind and...


Blood draw at 18 months?

Has anyone had blood drawn from their 18 month old? Like just routine labs? If so how did that go? Did they do a finger stick or from the heel? Or the actual veins?


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