Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My wee girl just turned 7 months and she's my 3rd and I just feel like she's way behind on her milestones for example she's not rolling yet, very seldom babbles, when we do tummy time she will just lay there she can lift her head of the floor but won't try to move her body to roll. She's always been a happy content ...
Moms have any of y’all entered the tantrum phase ? 😭
Has anyone else's baby suddenly started having a screaming fit the moment something doesn't go their way? Could be putting him down, not giving him something he's pointing at (ie. A knife), literally anything and he escalates so quickly. He can just as quickly snap out of it sometimes, but other times he doesn't a...
Hey! My baby is now 7 months old and DESPERATE to crawl, she’s perfected the leg movements but just cannot get the hang of it with her arms, she can shuffle backwards too but crawling and going forwards just isn’t happening🙈any tips of how I can help her?
Ok, so I had a doctors visit yesterday and she freaked me out… they said one of the milestones they check is that baby responds to name, but my baby does not… should I be worried? We turned 6m last Sunday. Please, give me some advice. What should I do?
My LO can't climb up stairs. Should theybe doing this by now?
I feel like my son isn’t hitting a lot of milestones. After he hit a year old, it’s like everything slowed down. What are some milestones your child has hit since a year old? And what are some ones you’re working on? (eating, speaking, motor skills, etc)
Little one has always been an early mover and constantly pulls themselves up to stand and walks around furniture all the time but has no interest in walking independently. They are a fast crawler though 😆
My son keeps scratching the crud out of his face. His tired signal is to pull his ears and rub his eyes he got the socks off his hands and scratched the crud out of his head the other night. He’s really likes to do this while I’m putting him down as well, but the movement keeps him awake, so I’ve been holding his ...
My LG is 6.5 months and is officially on her hands/knees rocking. I’m not ready for crawling!!! Anyone else? I am surprised because her adjusted age is 5.5 months but she’s hitting all her milestones as if she wasn’t preemie
Anybody’s babe still not walking ? We used a carrier like walker and he let go and started walking on his own for like 4 steps but he thought we were holding him. Once he realized we weren’t holding him he stopped. I know he can do it but he’s scared. Any tips on how to bring his confidence up?
So my daughter is quite advanced in her speech she can talk in sentences and catches on to new words and phrases quite quickly. She’s been spending a lot of time with her older cousins that now she’s caught on to the bad words they use. She doesn’t know what they mean but she knows she shouldn’t be using them and fi...
Hi my baby boy will be 11 months next Thursday and I am just wondering how many of your little ones are walking or saying their first words? He can pull himself up into standing whilst holding onto furniture but seems to have no interest in trying to walk and when I hold on to him he is either on his tip toes or ju...
Hi all! When did your boys start putting 2 words together when speaking? I know developmentally boys tend to take a little longer than girls but was just wondering on average how old everyone's little ones were. For reference, my son has just turned 21m. He uses probably around 100 words consistently but he's not p...
Just wondering if anyone’s baby started shaking head “no” this early. She recognises the word but I’m not sure if she knows what it means. When we say the word “No” she shakes her head. She can also clap and wave bye, she understands the words “Take”, “Kiss” and “See”. Wondering if this is normal at this age :)
My baby seems to be protesting EVERYTHING at the moment by fussing/fake crying and arching her back. When I pick her up, put her down, change her nappy, getting her in the pram, getting her in the car seat, rocking her to sleep. Love the girl to bits but it’s starting to grate my cheese now 😅😂
Anyone else’s baby just love biting? I understand she doesn’t know what she’s doing but she will just bite anything! My nose, cheek fingers are all being eaten!
Is anyone else’s 8 month old still not crawling? My baby is showing signs of wanting to crawl but still isn’t there
My daughter is almost 9 months old and whenever I leave her sight she’ll cry continuously no matter what the person does to try and get her to stop. I want to go back to work soon but it’s difficult with her always crying when I leave. Any tips on getting her to stop and be fine with me gone for a few hours?
My little on is 9 months old and he has started going through a stage of what id say is severe tantrums, smacking his head off the floor, continuously hitting himself in the head, I know changing a baby’s nappy can be difficult but he just screams the place down as if he’s in some sort of pain, he doesn’t have any m...