Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Hi, how much formula do you give for the night? I give 210ml but not sure if giving a bit more will help baby sleep longer
So about 3 weeks ago my 3.5 year old had a major switch up in her personality, which has involved ramping up the tantrums considerably, and having a very vocal and physical preference for her Dad. I know this is very standard behaviour as they try to take control and test the boundaries at this age, and at first wh...
Little girl has just developed a really dry scalp, has anyone got any recommendations on what to use to help it? I haven’t a clue 😂 Xxx
I’m in need of a travel stroller will be using it mainly for holidays or trips on public transport. I’d prefer to get one under £200ish and have looked at a few but there are sooo many conflicting reviews… I want one that is really lightweight, has shoulder straps but don’t feel like it’ll snap Help a mum out and...
What shampoo are you using for 4 year old?
What’s everyone’s feeding schedule for their 9 month old? I’m thinking of dropping one bottle to bring it to 3 bottles of 240ml a day so that more food can be introduced but I don’t know if my lo will be hungry or not as she never indicates she wants her milk I just give it her and she drowns it.
Looking for some mum maths help! So my LO has transitioned to one nap and our timings are: Wake up 6am Nap 11-1 Bedtime 630pm My question is when do i give her lunch?? Feels too early to do it at 1030 but am struggling to fit two meals in in her second WW. At the moment I give her a mini lunch at 10 and another m...
Hey guys so I'm 4weeks pp and I'm breastfeeding and bottle feeding, my breast milk I pump has slowed down a lot, I've tried different pumps I have another one coming in the mail soon, and it hurts when my baby latches on to the point I want to stop completely and just formula feed him. This is my first time breastf...
Help I’m worrying! My little one is nearly 10 months and isn’t interested in crawling she will just sit content playing. She will stand on her feet well holding onto furniture or my hand but isn’t pulling herself up. Should I be concerned with the no crawling?
My MIL often kisses our little boy, we’ve not really policed this until now (he’s 5 weeks) but after speaking to other new parents recently we’ve decided altho it’s awkward it probably isn’t worth the risk. My partner mentioned it to her today after spotting her doing it again, explaining why and that it wasn’t a r...
Just admit you hit your kids, stop trying to justify it with cutesy words and maybe you’ll finally admit to yourself that it’s a bad thing to do.
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this. I suffer from anxiety and I just gave birth to my little boy yesterday. I did it natural with not pain meds nothing so I felt everything. Well when it came time to push him out I started freaking out because of how much pain I was in and I made a few comments about not wa...
Hello ❤️ I’m after a recommendation for a white noise machine that plays continuously. ATM using my phone but that’s no good for if I want to put little one to nap elsewhere
Hi all! So please no judgement here but I chose not to breast feed and have been formula feeding for now 3 months. I don’t know why but I suddenly feel the urge to want to breast feed (as well as formula ) . I think at the start I was so overwhelmed I didn’t want my baby to be fully reliant on me for milk as I was...
I’ve seen a few posts from people saying they had a health visitor go to their house recently, and I was wondering if this is an English thing or whether I should be expecting the same? I haven’t had any letters about a health visitor coming and my midwife has only mentioned visits after birth
What kind of routine do you suggest having with a 3 year old toddler boy?
My LG was 5lb 12.5oz born and is well passed her birthweight (6lb 11oz) (she is getting weighed tomorrow) so I question health visitor if she can sleep through and let us know when she’s hungry health visitor said no as she’s so little born do they say this with everyone’s baby who was so little? She’s 4weeks a mont...
My LO is 20 months old and says no words… occasionally babbles and will say bababa and mama but not in context. Will respond to his name and starting to point when given choice of items. Is this similar to your LOs at that age for autism signs.
Does anyone else’s baby do this too or is it just my baby? I’m just trying to make dinner and she’s like this all day everyday for the last 5 days. I’ve just been diagnosed with PND and it’s so jarring to hear this sound all day. Makes me feel like to don’t understand my baby. My friend said I’ve made her this way b...
I literally dk what to do. My baby is 5 weeks old and im still with her father. I was burnt out the other night and just asked for some help/ him to be more supportive and he hasnt talked to me since. He just told me to find a supportive baby daddy and left it at that. I have no one to talk to about this bc as shitt...