Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Can anyone give me any tips on how to help a constipated toddler? My son is 17 months and has been transitioning over to oat milk from formula the past few weeks… At first he seemed to be taking to it fine until we got up to 6oz oat milk to 3oz formula… now he’s unable to poop! He’s on his 5th day now (normally he...
Any recommendations to clear up baby acne fast?
So LO randomly got on the scales tonight and I realised he's exceeded the weight limit for his carseats. He's currently rear facing and I'd love to continue but we really can't afford an extended rear facing seat right now 😫 But I'm going round in circles looking at stage 2/3 seats. Most seem to only use the 5…
My son just turned two for the whole two years. He has been waking up every single night. He wakes up after one and a half hours sometimes 3 . not even for full feed at night time it’s just to have a little bit of a nibble.. He will legit make a little sound and go straight to my boob. And his still using white nois...
My baby is heading into the 4 month sleep regression and I'm considering co-sleeping because I mentally can't take the waking up every hour again. The thing stopping me is 1) judgement from other people and 2) how easy it is to get her to sleep in her cot as she gets older, has anyone been through this and managed ...
My little one is a little bit small for her age (she weighs around 13lb at 4.5 months old) but I have been thinking about putting her in the seat part of her pram. I know the recommendation is 6 months but I don’t know what else I can do as she just cries constantly now in the carry cot, whereas she used to be fin...
Does anyone know when health visitors stop calling? My baby is 2 months now and i haven't heard from them for a month
It scares the life out of me as I read the risk of SIDS is increased and I just get worried about him being able to breath as sometimes he does lay face down to the bed without hands in front of him. We always lay him flat on his back and keep repositioning him but he wriggles back to this almost immediately. I'm c...
My daughter is 11 months she’s biting me probably 100 times a day ( not joking and hurts so bad she bites and applies pressure etc) when is it concerning or is this completely normal and i just have to live in fear ?😂😂
He drinks about 2 oz every 2-4 hours! He seems to be hungry after he eats but when I’ve tried to give him more he spits it all up? How old is your babe and how much are they eating?
Does anyone have any ideas, inspiration or clever book storage hacks? My little one has more than 300 books and that’s with me having got rid of her “baby” books 🫠 She just loves them, and we read to her every day and every night so we genuinely do use them all. I’ve seen lots of nice wall shelves that help not to…
Can anyone recommend a reliable cot. I’m thinking of getting a next to me cot instead of a big wooden cot as baby will be in the same room as us until 6 months old if not longer and my bedroom isn’t that big so I’d need a small cot the space I have available is 90 x 60 and I’m struggling to find a decent cot.
Moms’s I need your naps advices! 🥺 My son started daycare quite suddenly, and now that we try to put him down for naps during the day it's huge tantrums for up to 20 minutes and then I can't hear him crying anymore so I go and get him but it's a problem for nap time at daycare. He's 8 months old and since he was…
My little boy is 21 months. He was put to bed at 6:45pm and is still awake now. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s wrong. Clean nappy, he’s had 2 bottles, ate all his dinner, room how it usually is, white noise on as usual, tummy is soft so no trapped gas. Any ideas ladies before I just cry?
Me again! I don’t think I’m quite at the stage where putting my (almost) 7 month old in his own room makes sense, but I’d like to ask those of you who’ve transitioned… How does it work logistically? I feed to sleep, then transfer to the next to me. Surely feeding in a chair next to the bed then having to pick up an...
My little boy went to bed at 6pm tonight. He'd only had 1 nap today 9am-12pm which was a really unusual time & a super long nap for him. He didn't have an afternoon nap.. He's already woken twice crying since I put him to bed. Seems to be every 40-50 minutes. He doesn't want anything, just wants to be held and comfo...
How many bottles is your lo having? Are they still on formula or cows milk? How many oz? Me and my partner are in a debate, he’s trying to tell me to give our lo 1 7/8oz bottle for the night - I agree But he’s trying to say not to give him his morning bottle 7oz at all - I don’t agree.. The days he goes to nurse...
Do your 20 months old still sleep with white noise on and a light?
Anyone else’s LO started having false starts at bedtime? We put LO down at 8pm after her bedtime routine and then she wakes up at least once, mostly two or three times during the evening before going down for the night. She is teething so could be a bit of discomfort or maybe separation anxiety? Any tips or is it ...
FTM here and I wonder how long does baby/toddler/child need a playmat for? Considering getting totter and tumble but not sure if it's worth it. If anyone's got a totter and tumble, I would be interested to hear your thoughts.