Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Hey! I need advice of where/how your toddlers are sleeping if you spend the night elsewhere. I was thinking of getting bed rails I could bring but was wondering if there are any other alternatives. I do not co sleep so simply sharing a bed isn't an option. Plus my daughter moves A LOT in her sleep. Also looking for ...
I am due soon with my second born, and unfortunately I have limited space in my house, meaning my 2 year old will have to still sleep in the same room as me. So my question is how is like sleeping with a newborn and toddler, I’m scared my toddlers sleep might get disturbed.
Any recommendations on bath supports for sitting up? We are still in the angelcare laying one and she’s getting so fed up
Has anyone toddler gone through or is going through a stage where they are scared to poo? My toddler seems to be scared and seems very distressed when he wants to go for a poo. He keeps saying poo poo but is frightened about going and as a result, he doesn’t go and I feel that this is making him constipated. We h...
My daughter of 11 months has 2 naps a day but didn’t want to nap and now she’s almost been up 9 hours by bedtime it’ll be 11 hours ish she’s awake wtf do i do
We've just had our first transfer which sadly failed and due to have our second in a couple of months. We've been trying for many years and suffered miscarriages in the past. My friends have all had babies over the years (some more than one) and each time I have made a blanket for the baby. Now one of my friends, t...
Who uses white noise for their little one?
Starting to transition to formula after EBF. How long does it normally take your LO to finish a bottle? It took mine about 20mins just to drink 2oz and she didn’t finish the rest.
Hi, I have a 3 month old girl. It's a bit early yet but I planned to do extended rear facing. She's a big girl, and although her car seat is typically for up to 15 months... she will probably outgrow it early. I have another 360 joie one that goes up to typically 4... so we're covered for a while. However, my worry...
When is it an issue that my baby doesn’t babble and what is classed as babbling? She’s 9 months and makes noise constantly but no ‘ma, da, ba’ sounds. She makes an ooo sound all the time 🤷🏻♀️
Or could it be postpartum hormones. Really struggling
As a first time mum I've been doing my research into different brands and types of breast pumps. And it's all very overwhelming! Does anyone have any personal experience or recommendations of pumps they've tried/like?
Little ones naps during the day have gone out the window the minute im putting her down shes waking up .. Shes slept 2.5 hours since 9 am this morning .. Is it a sleep regression
My 9 week old is an angel and sleeps all night, 9pm - 6am then 6:30am - 10:30am. Like clockwork. But she will not nap alone during the day and only wants contact naps. No good for either of us. Can anyone help me with this?
My 15mo still wakes so frequently in the night I genuinely feel like a zombie some days. Please tell me I’m not the only one and one day things will suddenly get better with sleep?? Im doing everything I can to get more sleep (co-sleeping helps for ease and his own bed is a straight up no and always has been) I do ...
Whenever my daughter was happy or excited about something she would do a little squat and move her butt side to side. I was like weird but okay. I started taking notice that she only does this when she’s excited and it reminded me of how a dog wags its tail when they are happy. Then it hit me she is mimicking Bluey ...
My health visitor says I shouldn’t give my 8oz bottle of cow’s milk (in a MAM bottle) before bed because the sugar can settle on her gums overnight. She suggested warm water instead, but that feels odd to me. What do you give your babies as a warm bedtime drink?
I am looking for a light weight toddler sling and would love any recommendations. I have a carrier with the big wedge thing but I want something a little easier to take on and off. The one I’m considering is in the comments.
So my doctor prescribed me something for my depression and we are going to see if that helps. I think I know the reasons I’m depressed but there is nothing I can do about it. If anybody has any advice or ways that may also help it would be appreciated.
Anybody's little ones just point blank refusing to nap? She sleeps fine theough the night (mostly - usually only 1 wake up between midnight and 7am) but she often refuses to nap at all. Her longest record is 14 hours with no sleep. Today she woke up at 4, fell asleep again at maybe 4.45, woke up at 7 and has had a 2...