Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Can someone explain to me what a cap nap is please?

I see this word floating about all the time and google is not being exactly clear on the definition.


Travel pram

Going on our first little holiday abroad in may to Spain and I’m struggling to find a good travel pram, I want a one that isn’t too expensive but has a sunshade that comes far enough down so he can nap in the pram without getting burnt 🥰


Transitioning to 1 nap

Has anyone done this yet? I feel as though my baby might be ready for this as she’s wanting a later morning nap and then refuses her afternoon nap



Hello, can you please recommend your favourite hands free breast pumps especially for bigger boobs. Has anyone tried the mumcozy M5? Thank you!


MIL comment about me breastfeeding………..

Hey guys. My MIL recently came over on a day where my little girl was seriously cluster feeding (aaaalllllll day). i let her come over but my girl was attached to me the whole time. MIL later commented to my husband that she things I am spoiling her by letting her be on my boob that long and that i’m going to make h...


16-Month Speech

Hi everyone, we recently had a visit with a health visitor and my son scored quite low in the speech portion. I’m not necessarily worried yet because he babbles and talks a lot but just doesn’t say many real words. He says “moo”, “quack quack” “woof woof” and “hi or hiya” along with “dada”. He has only put two words...


Sleeping issues

Hello mommas I am in desperate need of advice. So my 9 month old has been on and off cosleeping since birth. Well he’s been super sick this past week and just to ease my mind he’s been sleeping with us. The issue is he can’t relax when it’s bedtime he’s sitting up crawling screaming and his newest thing is he flips ...


Starting breastfeeding again but I am pregnant advice

I stopped breastfeeding when my daughter was a month old (9 months ago), I am 7 months pregnant and want to pump again and get my supply back (I know I can do this and these are reason why it would be beneficial to my 1st born). Is this possible? Or dangerous? I know ppl say pumping before 37 weeks can bring on p...


Help sleeping?¿

My son just will not sleep on his back at all no matter what we try. Is it normal? I know the health visitor and midwife says it’s not baby safe but what can I do if he just won’t. He just prefers front sleeping. Anyone else experiencing this?


2 year old talking

My son is 2 years (almost 4 months) at home he speaks in 3 word sentences. He will talk to people he knows but if we go out and a kid says hi to him he will just either hide behind me or stare at them. He doesn’t want to talk to other people or kids unless he really knows them



I eventually want to get rid of the dummy but I’m worried about when to do it .. she doesn’t have it during the day anymore apart from in the pushchair car seat if necessary but she has it for all of her sleep and I’m worried it’s going to cause speech delays! Has anyone successfully removed it around this age or ...


Cradle Cap Fix

For anyone who might need to know: the FridaBaby DermaFrida cradle cap kit is INCREDIBLE. We used it with regular Baby Dove shampoo and it worked SO WELL. I wish I took some before and after pictures 😫


Since weaning

Anyone else feel like their days are just revolved around their babies food, bottles, and sleep? 😅


Baby sleep on demand

Anyone else who lets their baby sleep on demand? If I see any sleep clues I’ll put him to bed, so he can have anywhere from 2-4 naps a day and he’s over 8 months.


Same room - 6 month old & 2 year old

We’re going to be building our house but in the meantime in a two bed flat with two kids. To make it work we’re thinking about making very secure bunk beds for them. Any suggestions/recommendations/thoughts about two little people sharing a room at this age? Transition may be tricky to start but think it could work ...


Feeling Guilty

I don’t know if it’s just me and I’ve become mega sensitive since having my little boy but I seem to come on to this app and end up feeling really deflated or guilty about how I’m parenting my son 🙈 He’s nearly 9 months we still contact nap, feed to sleep for most naps now and during the night, he isn’t the…


Staying in her cot!

Any tips for my 18 month old staying in her own cot and not getting in my bed after the first wake every single night please and thank you from a mum pulling her hair out 🙃🙃



Anyone else still swaddle there 6 month old? Mine doesn’t roll so he’s safe but only just starting to break out of the swaddle now. I’m so sad to let this go lol! Anyway is it easy to transition to normal sleep bag? I keep thinking he’s going to wake himself up with his hand and arms. He isn’t swaddled in the day ...



How many oz do your 16 week olds have each time? Just introduced a bottle to my ebf baby but trying to figure out how much to express for each bottle 🙈


Newborn travel pram

What is the best travel pram suitable for a newborn? All I can find is babyzen yoyo which seems a ridiculous amount of money to spend for one holiday. But also don’t fancy taking our bulky ocarro with us 🫠🫠


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