Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My 4 week old has suddenly started to be quite sick after feeds and seems in a little discomfort. He does seem to drink from the breast quite fast and I struggle to unlatch him to try to slow him down. Anyone else had this or can suggest anything?
My 6 week old will only take daytime naps if she’s being held/worn. She goes down in her crib overnight, but daytime naps are strictly contact, otherwise she wakes up. I have no problem with this as everyone says I should enjoy it while it lasts and she’s still so small, but I was wondering if there were any mums ou...
What types of formula is everyone using and what are your thoughts on them?
What did your twins sleep in for the first few months? We have a single next to me from first baby so can't decide on the best option.
My son used to love the bath and asked to do it most days. He pooped in the tub once and is now terrified. It’s been two months of trying to get him to enjoy it again. Ball pit baths, watching bath time shows in the bath, his favorite show in the bath, bucket of warm water to stick feet in and adjust, bathing suit, ...
Anyone else never experience guilt or anxiety? Are you confident in your decisions and choices? Never fear the unknown? Always willing to try?
My 12 week old is still only sleeping on me at night. We have attempted to put him down in the next to me crib using white noise, warming up the crib, putting down drowsy and also in a deep sleep but nothing works. He will sleep there for a maximum of 45 minutes and then I’m out of luck for the rest of the night as ...
Little one is currently 13 weeks old, bottle fed. She has always been difficult to feed, even when she was breastfed for a month. She is all over the place, she will have 2 ounces when she first wakes up, then after an hour another ounce, and then she will want food when she is asleep and will awake from her nap. S...
Hello friends. Im looking for recommendations on a toddler carrier? My nearly 2 y.o loves to be held but he is getting too heavy for me. Any siggestions?
I'm having so much trouble identifying if mine still needs 2 or is transitioning to 1. How long is the one nap only?
Hi all. My son is 6 weeks old and is breastfed, besides 200ml of formula a day (so I can have a lay in and go to bed early). I also pump once or twice a day depending on his naps. I offer both sides per feed and 90% of the time he spends roughly the same amount of time on each boob. I’ve noticed however when pumping...
Does anyone’s LO’s not nap in their pram? I find it so hard if we’re out for the day as he thinks he’s missing out and won’t sleep in the pram only at home or reluctantly in the car. Anyone have tips on how to make it work?
I pumped by hand for over 20mins last night... just for my husband to leave it out all night...😭 wouldn't be so annoying but I only pump once a day, so i have like no milk and my baby gets constipated with no breast milk.
16 month old completely refused her nap today at nursery despite them trying. She's currently happy no signs of tiredness somehow. When shall we put her to bed? This has never happened so completely unlike her not to nap 🙈
Do you change your babies nappy before or after feeding? Finding it difficult to navigate when to do it because if I do it before she gets so stressed with being hungry and ends up screaming or if I do it after she's so sleepy and I end up waking her back up🤣 advice please😅
Hi everyone I am looking for an extended rear facing car seat for my nearly 3 year old for my sisters car (Nissan Duke) without having to move the front car seats as she and her husband are both tall Any recommendations please?
Is anyone else’s little one not saying many words? Our girl understands so much, but her words are few and far between. Words like mama, dada, nana (banana!), night night, more, yes, no, hi, bye. And some baby sign for various things. I am trying to be relaxed but seeing so many people here saying their kids have lo...
Does your formula/cows milk fed baby wake multiple times a night, the majority of the time?
If your toddler and newborn wake during the night at the same time.. what would you do? For context if my toddler wakes it takes us stroke his back until he falls asleep again.. sometimes that can take forever 😅 just preparing myself for if my partner isn’t here overnight
I’m stuck between these 3. They’re all at a similar price £150-£200. If you vote could you explain why you’ve voted for that one. Thanks x