Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My little girl is 2.5 y/o and I was diagnosed with PPD when she was 4 month old. I was on citalopram until she was 1.5 and then was taken off of it. I was doing ok for a little while but the last 6 months have been rough and I have felt lower than ever. Has anyone experienced PPD that comes back and is it even possi...
We’ve just had a tongue tie referral- frustratingly it took me asking them to check it for them to actually listen to me- but we’ve been told at least a 2 week wait for the appointment. I’ve heard some people not even getting a reply in 4 weeks!!! Has anyone else gone for tongue tie through NHS, what was the wait ti...
37 weeks today means colostrum harvesting begins 🎉 #getthisbabyoutofme
We still use the baby training toothpaste by Colgate. But idk I kind of want to get him something ‘better’ like something that will really clean his teeth and make his breath smell better but I know he can’t do mint. What do you use?
Is your 13.5 month old still having naps. Mine is still on 2 sometimes 3. And most recently she will sleep 2-3 hours at a time. Sometimes it’s only 1.5 hour but not very often. Just wondering what others LO are sleeping
Hi, looking for some advice on day time naps for my 12 week old little girl. The first nap of the day is in her pram (this is her longest nap of the day approx. 2/3 hours) then throughout the day they are usually contact naps and average around 30/45 mins. At what stage do you encourage day time naps in nursery cot?
I’m so over being a single mum… honestly it’s so fucking hard having to carry the load alone.. Anxiety riddled about letting my child down. I don’t even know myself anymore. I can’t connect with people because I’m so stuck in my own head. I’m over not being able to be this confident person in front of my child. S...
Hey mamas, So this isn’t about my MIL it’s about my own mother and my “mother wound”. Posting here and anon as I really just want to hear from others, see others point of view and what not. So long story short, my own mother wasn’t the nurturing type. I don’t remember ever being close to her, in my younger years I ...
Any tips on helping baby like their pram? Mine hates going in it ! So I just end up carrying her all the time ! My poor back is suffering 😂
My little one gets bored eating in her high chair. Shes fine for about 5 minutes and then she wants to get out and have her food either on your lap or sat on the floor 🙈 Anyone else's little one like this? I'm not sure what to do to stop it. I try and make it fun for her and sing, be silly but she's not…
My two year old can talk but he says words like car or abcs when he sees them. And thats about it. Sometimes he will repeat a word i say but barely. Should he be having conversations by now or should i talk to his doctor? When i ask him question he doesn’t answer.
We’re still going every 1.5 - 2.5 hours, even at nights as it’s the only thing that gets him back to sleep. Anyone else in the same boat?
What time is everyone scheduling their meal times for? And their general day to day routine including naps. Trying to implement some structure into our day x
Anybody have a partner who snores, keeping them from getting a good night’s sleep? How did you resolve this issue? We got into a fight this morning bc he got mad that I kept waking him up about his snoring. I use these ear plugs (see below), but I still get woken up by his snoring and it pisses me off bc I wfh full...
My babies 6 weeks old and I was curious does anyone have a routine they stick to, we have a lose one but to be honest I find it quite hard to stick to it day to day depending on my babies moods and what she needs. Was curious how everyone else is finding things with trying to get their baby into a routine!
Does your breastfed baby still wake multiple times? It’s apparent that breastfed babies are likely to wake up more/less likely to ‘sleep through’. But just curious to see.
any other mums going through sleeping issues with their 9 month old? not quite sure what’s happening she’s just crying in the night, refusing to sleep, woke up yesterday night for like half an hour which she never does once she’s asleep, she’s not teething as far as i’m aware 😫
Hi recently I’ve been getting shoulder pain on and off like my shoulder blade I couldn’t work out why but I’ve realised it’s the side i mainly feed on my wee one is 18 month now so heavier to hold than when she was a baby. Any tips how to help? It’s aching today 🫠
I don’t feel like my milk supply is enough. So I’ve been giving formula. I’ve noticed my baby seems calmer and happier. But he doesn’t finish a bottle. I hope I’m not doing anything wrong
Over 1 month old little boy every time he has his bottle he cries and struggles even whilst drinking it, hates being burped, looks like he’s straining and going red faced! Looks so uncomfortable bless his heart. And then is sick for ages after, either sick the whole bottle or just small watery bits of sick throughou...