Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Tw- Mental health poll/discussion

Those of you who have a boy and a girl was your mental health worse while pregnant with a boy? I think I’m struggling with my mental health this pregnancy… Idk what I want from this tbh Thanks for voting and taking the time to read this xoxo


C section consultation

Had my consultation and date made for my section today. I know they try to put you off but consultant was very extreme, told me I’d be damaged from the inside, may need a hysterectomy, will bleed out and that I’m mentally unsound (I have health anxiety that is under control atm but is the reason for my choice), that...


Serious attachment issues and it’s getting too much.

My little girl hates anyone that isn’t me. Including her father and it’s getting too much. Nobody can go near her or hold her except me without her having a complete meltdown. I can’t even leave the room for 2 minutes to use the toilet. My husband is really upset about it and says he doesn’t understand why his daugh...


Mother-in-law "never got help from her husband"

Idk what to say or even how to feel about this. I am pretty sure I have ppd or something bc I send a msg to my husband's sister of my husband playing video games while the baby scream/cried during a diaper change captioned "this triggers me" bc I literally just want to be extra supported in PP. I am still recovering...



My baby father is abusive mentally and physically. He get upset when I tell him the truth about himself then he would hit me , grab my hair , throw me on the floor and my toddler would hit me with him . He doesn’t know what is going on just following after his dad . I am traumatized but still do for him I don’t unde...


My cat is gone too soon

Honestly I am just here to vent.. I am 36 weeks pregnant and woke up two days ago to find that my most favorite cat has passed away.. I am devastated.. he wasn’t event 2 years old… my heart feels so heavy and I feel like it is so unfair… I don’t understand how and why so soon… I miss him a lot. I wish I can have him...


Terrified for my little girl

Long story short my daughters dad was useless and verbally and physically abusive to us. Me more then her, he would scream in her face and squeeze her arms sometimes. Sucks when you don’t have enough proof to protect your baby in court. Anyways her dad hasn’t seen her since sept. he has been doing therapy since sept...


Mom guilt X1000

I feel like a failure!! My daughter has been sick since Halloween off and on, never fully getting better. She was in the ER needing Xrays and breathing treatments, but tested negative for all major sickness. Now today she has the stomach bug and throwing up all day . Is it normal to feel like she’s going to choke a...



Any other mamas sore from.tjere waist and lower back down???? I'm 16 weeks with my 4th baby and I can barely even sit up or even walk my hips pelvis back hurts soooo bad


C-Section scar

Looking for some advice.. I had a c section 3 weeks ago and I was healing well but at the start of this week I noticed a really awful smell coming from my scar area, I have had a bit of pain but I think that’s from my newborn kicking the scar when I feed her and I also have a bit of throbbing from inside. I tried to...


How is your scar healing months later?

Just curious to know how people's scar is healing months later. Mine still appears raised at either end and recently has felt a little sore. I try to do daily scar massage but I can't say it's making much difference. I am 6 pp. just wondering what other people's experience is.


Pregnancy rage

Hi, I’m 22 weeks pregnant and I have a 2 year old. She’s great for most of the time but she’s got a very strong personality lol. She has been giving me a hard time, especially when it comes to bed time and I find myself snapping at her and then feeling like the worse mum ever. I don’t know what to do!



Everytime I have a disagreement with another person in front of my baby (she is 10mo now) I feel so bad, I think I'm messing her up and that this is going to cause her pretty bad things growing up or when adult, like shitty relationships or addiction. I mean, we don't get crazy at all but the tone of our voices chan...


Wanting a third child

We currently have two children and I'm desperate for a third at some point in the future. My husband has said he definitely does not. Our first pregnancy was difficult and second labour was traumatic and could have gone very wrong. He thinks we'd be pushing our luck having another and something might happen to me o...


Postpartum hair loss

does anyone have any tips or products recommendations for hair loss? my daughter is 16 months old and i’m still losing hair! it has slowed down but i feel like im bald 😅


Pain after delivery

I've got my midwife 10 day check tomorrow so will be asking but how long does the pain downstairs last typically for vaginal delivery? I had a 2nd degree tear and I think my stitches have dissolved now because I can't feel them. I've been out into town today to register Jackson as an official human bean and we went ...


Separation anxiety

Hi just wondering if anyone else’s lo is going through separation anxiety? She’s 8 months, has anyone got any tips for me as i can’t even go into another room without her crying.


Greasy hair &dandruff

36 weeks and my hair seems to be getting so greasy and the dandruff is never ending! Never had this issue before. Anyone else?


Random strangers wanting to touch baby?!

(Vent) Hubby and I stayed in a hotel with baby. As we left in the morning, I carried baby facing outward towards others (maybe my mistake I should have wrapped her up). These cleaning ladies saw her and were so happy to see our baby in the hallway. One lady tried to touch her and said, “What a cute baby girl!” As s...


Family & postpartum

Hi ladies, My parents and grandma are good people, but they step over the line quite a lot. For instance, they said yesterday that my face was starting to look chubbier because of my pregnancy, and even after I asked many times to stop saying that, they kept going on, laughing. I ended up crying for the whole e...


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