Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
She takes 3 meals a day and 4 x 120mls bottles a day. But she's on the smaller side however following her centile. I would like to help increase her weight. Any tips please?
Mine grabs the spoon but still can’t feed herself
Just a few of the lunches and dinner I’ve made for my little one recently! (7 nearly 8 months) if anyone has any recommendations on other meals I could make would be appreciated!
please help me with some meal ideas as my baby keep refusing my food and puddings.
Got the okay from her doctor to start doing solids today and this girl going ham on the nasty ass peas. It smelt so bad omg 😭
My 8 month old only wants to eat off my plate at meal times otherwise he’s not interested in eating!
Okay ya, my 11 month old will take small bites of my food, but is not interested in eating at all. He’s about to be 1 on the 29th. I’m starting to transition from baby formula to milk. But I’m completely lost on what to do. I tried putting the food in front of him, he doesn’t seem too interested In that either. Some...
My MIL came over to bring us food for dinner which she does pretty often so she can watch the baby. She pushed my fiancé and I to sit down relax and eat so we did. I got my baby’s dinner plate ready and told my MIL you don’t need to feed her she feeds herself she’s just a little slow because she’s still learning (sh...
What drinks are we giving 6m+ babies? My boy still drinks his milk as usual but I’m worried he gets thirsty after having his puree or baby porridge. He doesn’t seem interested in water or baby tea. Is there any juice he can have?
My 21 month old has got incredibly sore chapped lips, he is constantly licking them and around his lips which is causing the issues. Just wondering if any one has any tips on how to stop him from licking his lips or hanging his tounge out his mouth or best lip balm/cream to clear it up. Tried blistex tonight as it’s...
Anyone given there babies solids to try yet? I posted on another page and got heaps of backlash about it without them even knowing what size my baby is lol. I haven’t tried yet. I’m still gathering information. Baby is 4 months & over 17lbs. He’s a big boy. Just wondering if you have tried solids, what were the s...
We are going to Antalya, Turkey this week and a bit worried on what to feed LO. We are staying at an all inclusive for 3 nights and the last night near the airport. He has 3 meals a day but not sure how I can get groceries or if restaurants will have food with so salt or sugar for him? Thinking of getting loads of E...
What are some good snacks to stock up on for breastfeeding?
My little one is 9 months and for the past month or so every mealtime has been a horror! Baby absolutely screams, cries, gags and vomits. Thrashes around to get away from food. I’ve tried feeding in high chair, floor seat, no seat and on my lap by no difference. I started out with blw and little one took no interest...
Advice on bowls that ACTUALLY stick down! I’m fed up of not being able to do BLW for my boy because he’s managed to pull the bowl up! Bought easytots and the plates are great but bowl is awful.
3/4 bowl porridge with ground almonds and blackberries Half a slice of my toast Half a whole meal pitta with hummus, 2 cherry tomatoes, 6 olives, half a pack of toddler crisps, a yoghurt, big handful blueberries, and a biscuit Pack of crispy tiddlers (toddler fruit snack) 8 grapes and 2 crackers Half a salmon fil...
My son is at nursery full time and has just transitioned to “tots” room where they are encouraged/learn to drink from an open cup at mealtimes. He always has a clothes change because he just hasn’t grasped it yet and while they always say he’s had sips of water, I’m not convinced he’s getting what he wants throughou...
My son won’t eat anything but vegetables crackers, bananas and yogurt. He’s 18 months old idk how to get him to eat anything else he just throws it
Do you think it’s better to give a toddler chicken wieners or have him never eat chicken? Mine eats everything except fish, chicken and meat. He loves fruits, beans, rice, eggs, toast, pizza etc. Husband feels like junk meat is better than no meat.
Hi can people please share their weaning schedules and meal ideas please? My LO is on purées and the odd finger food, but it doesn’t help I’m not the healthiest eater 🤦🏼♀️ so I can’t just give her what I have. She tends to have porridge or yogurt & fruit in the morning then some veg puree late afternoon at the…